LFG & Queue Issues

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by LeonidusApollo, Jun 1, 2023.

  1. LeonidusApollo New Player

    I’m not exactly sure what can be done, but it can be extremely difficult and frustrating to find a group to get together. Right now, unless you are ONLY on the latest episode, or if you are not yet at 400+ CP, finding a group or queueing up is nearly impossible. I’ve waited almost an hour before I’ve given up and tried another time. Perhaps if no luck, AI could help? I don’t know what could be done, but it hurts those of us who are trying to get our CP higher but can’t
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  2. inferno Loyal Player

    Omnibus was the devs' solution to this that barely helped. DLC-specific bonus weeks with doubled rewards seem to increase traffic for those DLCs. The double marks on these bonus weeks are great because you get double that currency and regular source marks; so when the currency converts you wound up, in the end, with 3x source marks.
    I think if they were to triple the source marks on DLCs below the last 3, it would also see an increase in traffic for those DLCs during those bonus weeks.
    However, do not expect to get feat runs in these runs because players will probably want to run it as quickly as possible, disregarding any plea for feat runs.
    I really hope that the DEVS restructuring of feats UI means they have something planned to helped those who are feat hunting.

    One of the suggestions I had for helping out feat hunters: even if you already have the feat, if you were part of a group that helped or achieve it, you should be rewarded with some source marks. The more difficult the feat, the higher source mark reward. I don't know if this idea should be on a time lock-out but I bet people would be more willing to help if they get a reward for it.
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  3. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Faction server?
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  4. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    LFG doesnt work because all content is so mind-numbingly easy and watered down it no longer takes skill to complete. Back in the day you shouted. You didnt Q up anything blind. You couod be full original T5 and go i to FOS2 (original T2) an get smoked if the group didnt communicate, cooperate, and have some competancy. To that poi t mic was almost a requirement. Groups would get made and immediately everyone started checking communication, skill, competancy, mechanics etc ALL before even Q’n up.
    Now, day 1 of a new DLC, u can Q up for the raid and beat it easily and almost Q up for elite blind an beat it pretty easy.
    So yea, using LFG doesnt work because now days all content is too easy an so its not needed an ppl will Q what they need and if that doesnt align with what you need your Q aint gonna pop.
    Omnibus didnt solve this issue because of 3 reasons:
    1) the kill aint worth the hunt. Meaning the rewards i get to suffer through a raid i dont even wanna run with ppl i dont wanna run with and/or who arent competent enough to run means i simply dont even Q omnibus to begin with. So the content u need isint getting Q’d that way either
    2) if you Q omni an a instance pops u dont want, u just decline an re-Q so again the content u need wont pop because those who do Q omni, decline those instances. Omni is simply poorly designed, poorly implemented and the rewards are just not worth the headache lol.
    3) by design, omni will try an get you to run what the game wants not what u need so its the worst possible way to try an complete feats. It also Q’s u in (if ppl even accept) with random ppl who arent working together and almost never are going to listen and help you.

    What u need is what most ppl who have issues in this game need. A good and helpful competent league of veteran players who are NOT elitist and will help run content an get feats. Find that and your gaming experience drastically improves.
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  5. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Very quickly and drastically becoming an oxymoron on Xbox server, sadly. But we are still trying!
  6. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Sry to hear. Theres plenty on ps/pc so it was a default legit response sorry