Bonus Artifact XP & Gift!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jun 1, 2023.

  1. Forum Junkie Well-Known Player

    Just wait til strat and trans cards get nerfed, oh boy.
  2. FreeSquishy Level 30

    And it was made to be useless now lol. A .5% super regen from it's 2% so now it's a waste of an artifact which means yeah you do gotta level a new artifact or sit with a useless one in your inventory because the devs chose to destroy it instead of balancing it or buffing the older artifacts up to actually be useful. If it said .5% when i was gonna level an artifact to begin with i never would have touched it.
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  3. BumblingB I got better.

    Thanks for the gifts and double artifact xp fortification.
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  4. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Honestly at that point it's called balance. If all artifacts are nerfed, then everyone is on equal ground. There shouldn't be a meta really, all artifacts should be viable.
  5. Tolly Committed Player

    I am on the "4ss" of this incredible announcement, this kind of announcement is finally still possible here, bravo!!!!

  6. zNot Loyal Player

    Fully agreed but it doesnt change the fact that 160 users get 15-20x the value of gifts then 200s (who spend more)
  7. FreeSquishy Level 30

    Oh yeah it's gonna be interesting. When they go for art swapping as well. Or dead king, flute, Pstone, and Mercy. All of those wasted arts chilling in ppls inventories
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  8. Charlieboy Well-Known Player

    The issue is not even related to the nerfing of eog, I actually agree with it. I had the artifact for two of my healers but never used it in an elite group spam environment, only as it was intended. My issue is simply the balancing of reparations that are significantly beneficial to players who havent levelled up the artifact to 200.

    The removal of stacking and other 'benefits' that were exploited wont effect me as I never had the artifact for that reason in the first place. Just because people have the artifact at 200 doesn't mean they have been using it to get through elite content in spam groups.

    I simply dont understand why the gift is so unbalanced in favour of people who have invested less.
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  9. spikeat Well-Known Player

    The real winners here are those who benefits from the EOG boost. It would've been fine if they didn't offer the EOG boost and refinement grant since they opened bonus art xp week.
  10. FreeSquishy Level 30

    How about instead they buff up the old arts to make them useful full time and not just swap art worthy
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  11. Emoney Dedicated Player

    If you are trying to run a SC build its still useful. If the previous state never existed, and this artifact came out today, new, in its current form, people would level it. You just can't get past the comparison of now vs then.
  12. FreeSquishy Level 30

    I wouldn't have leveled it though lol i would have remained a full healer since it's not even enough to run 2 25% supers and keep enough to spam it for people to have supercharge and once clarion dropped ppl would have dropped it for that instead
  13. zNot Loyal Player

    Mepps can we have a response about this „problem“ about rank 200 gifts? thank you
  14. spikeat Well-Known Player

    I could've prepared multiple 160 eog on my alts and then dump it into another art had I known about the EOG boost. It would've been a great value.
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  15. Forum Junkie Well-Known Player

    I would gladly go back to the days before artifacts, allies, and time capsules were introduced. For the investment in allies and artifacts alone, I would rather have content worth visiting, a reason for feat hunting, pvp worth playing, and new exciting open world events that are engaging for the whole community. For now I log in and log out after claiming daily rewards and fiddling with my costume a bit. It has been so long I have been doing this routine, I have saved over 120 stabilizers during said time.

    There is no balance, only turbulence.
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  16. Miserable Dedicated Player

    Hey everyone, I just wanted to share a more detailed breakdown of what each rank of EOG is receiving. I'm actually happy that this art is getting nerfed (let's hope the exact numbers are similar to what was originally presented) and while the decisions regarding the gifts are surprising, it is what it is and I'm not too bothered at the end of the day. I also appreciate the double XP week. That said, I'm sharing this in the hopes that it'll help some people understand where the complaints are coming from.

    The following breakdown shows the (non-member) cost in MC that a player would have to spend if they wanted to obtain, on their own, the gift/boost they are receiving. It assumes that EOG is at the minimum rank required for the boost. The values in parentheses are the adjusted costs if we consider the double artifact XP bonus. There may be slight rounding. Please note that I've ordered these in increasing order of value (based on the non-double-XP totals).

    Rank 200
    XP: 0 - 0 MC
    Seals of Preservation: 2 - 100 MC
    Seals of Completion: 1 - 500 MC
    Dionesium: 18 - 300 MC
    Quantum: 16 - 535 MC
    Paradox: 13 - 650 MC
    Total: 2,085 MC

    80 -> 120
    XP: 127,739 (63,870) - 1,700 MC (850 MC)
    Seals of Preservation: 3 - 150 MC
    Seals of Completion: 0 - 0 MC
    Dionesium: 11 - 185 MC
    Quantum: 9 - 300 MC
    Paradox: 7 - 350 MC
    Total: 2,685 MC (1,835 MC)

    100 -> 160
    XP: 596,223 (298,112) - 7,950 MC (3,975 MC)
    Seals of Preservation: 2 - 100 MC
    Seals of Completion: 2 - 1,000 MC
    Dionesium: 21 - 350 MC
    Quantum: 18 - 600 MC
    Paradox: 15 - 750 MC
    Total: 10,750 MC (6,775 MC)

    140 -> 180
    XP: 840,743 (420,372) - 11,200 MC (5,605 MC)
    Seals of Preservation: 0 - 0 MC
    Seals of Completion: 2 - 1,000 MC
    Dionesium: 17 - 285 MC
    Quantum: 15 - 500 MC
    Paradox: 13 - 650 MC
    Total: 13,635 MC (8,040 MC)

    160 -> 200
    XP: 1,000,000 (500,000) - 13,335 MC (6,665 MC)
    Seals of Preservation: 0 - 0 MC
    Seals of Completion: 2 - 1,000 MC
    Dionesium: 19 - 315 MC
    Quantum: 17 - 565 MC
    Paradox: 15 - 750 MC
    Total: 15,965 MC (9,295 MC)

    Most complaints are about the 160 -> 200 crowd getting a better deal than the 200 crowd, but get this:

    Players with a 200 EOG are getting a WORSE DEAL than players who are having it boosted from 80 to 120!

    Even if I had ranked them based on the double XP totals, the 200 EOG users would come out just slightly ahead of the 80 -> 120 crowd and behind everyone else.
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  17. King Bakes Well-Known Player

    I've read every single one of your posts in this thread and still just don't understand your absurd thinking. Because some players levelled it to 200 before today's update, that means they should get a lower amount in compensation due to the fact they had it for X amount of time when it was a 'top artifact'???

    Players who levelled their artifacts to 200 prior to today did so with their hard earned time/money. Yes it was their choice and they did so knowing that at any given time, the artifacts could be subject to change. No one (that I've seen) is disputing the EOG changes being made. No one is saying that they're unfair, they want their money back etc etc. People ARE however, saying that if players with their EOG levelled to 160 get $100 value in compensation, why are players with it levelled to 200 only getting $5 dollars in value. If the devs turned round and said 'btw we're changing EOG, you won't be getting compensation so suck it up and deal with it', then no one could argue since they levelled the artifacts knowing they could be changed at any given time.

    As soon as you start giving out compensation, it's only fair to make it consistant with who has purchased what. If I've spent $5 dollars on the game, why should I be entitled to a $100 reward when someone who spends $100 dollars on the game gets a $5 reward. The logic just doesn't add up. And I'm pretty sure you're the only person on this entire thread who actually thinks otherwise. I have my EOG levelled to 200 and couldn't care less about the changes being made. I also wouldn't care if every player got no compensation at all. But for 160 EOG players to get given that much, for free, it's a huge slap in the face for players who have actually spent money on this artifact to keep this game alive. You've already admitted that you aren't one of those players, therefore your arguments are almost invalid.

    Mepps is usually quite fair, I'd like to believe he will listen to what we're saying in this regard.
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  18. Tolly Committed Player

    As a Green Lantern, I've never found this artefact relevant to this class.
  19. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    first off having one leveled doesn't mean you spent a penny directly for it so that argument doesn't hold water

    and secondly its not nerfed to the ground its still a viable artifact. it isnt as strong cough*broken* as it was but things change mox and if someone paid for a mechanic thats on them
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  20. FreeSquishy Level 30

    I want whatever you're smoking if you think .5% super regen from 2% isn't nerfed into the ground lmfao you can't even give yourself enough super to run 2 supers for eog spam.
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