Iconic Powers

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dead13, May 22, 2023.

  1. Dead13 Well-Known Player

    If adding new power is immpossible, could we have more iconic powers? who have any ideas?
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  2. Nightcrawler Legionnaire

    Every Legends power should be in our Iconic list.
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  3. DarkMastery Active Player

    I still to this day do not understand why we can't have new iconic powers. I understand not willing to work on full power sets because of limited time and resources being invested on something that might not sell well.

    I can only think the reason is to make them into artifacts to sell back to us .
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  4. Limey Committed Player

    Adding new powersets isn't impossible, it's just not profitable - which makes it a waste of developers' limited time and resources.

    That being said, while more iconic powers would be amazing, conceptually, it's the same as new powersets. Even if we did see more Legends moves made available as iconics, the amount of time invested in balancing these powers is the same as new powersets - too much wasted time on something that provides zero additional financial benefits to a game that is struggling financially.
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  5. DarkMastery Active Player

    A company needs money to thrive and survive but also to be successful is to make smart business moves. Although not ideal but they can release iconic powers in waves on test server so we can Test them. They can put them on the marketplace $5-$10 each which will be account bound and easily redeemed or put them in a new vendor for SM purchases which wont be account bound.
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  6. Loki2911 Well-Known Player

    uhm wait did u said the should put new iconic powers on marketplace? really how this game works they do op stuff on marketplace and the game becomes even more unbalanced
  7. DarkMastery Active Player

    We already in a lake we should just take a dive right in the Ocean and give in.