
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raven Roth, May 4, 2023.

  1. Raven Roth Committed Player

    If the devs asked the community on a poll if they wanted them to spend 6 months of development developing either: a new powerset, new abilities for all powers, or a new episode, which would you in favor of?

    Everyone wants new abilities for the existing powers, especially the Iconic tree

    There's still a lot of powersets to choose from like: Cosmic, Death, Hope, Love, Sound, Wind, Energy, Metal, Blood, Serums, Kryptonian, Toxins/Venom/Poison
  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    If the choices are only those 3, I would opt for them to concentrate on a new episode and hopefully delivering something epic.
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  3. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    for want I would want is a new power or to do a pass through the current powers.
    but for game longevity they more than likely need to keep spitting out episodes as its the main draw that keeps players in the constant loop keeping populations up
  4. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    I would ask for infinite wishes...
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  5. Great Architect Loyal Player

    You know how that works... you just end up in a time loop, infinitely wishing for infinite wishes
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate


    BTW....what would the 'death' power look like? Power 1 - Kills opponent. Power 2 - Kills opponent more?
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  7. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    6 months of Maintenance. QoL, power and content balance changes, bug fixes, address deep core issues, etc.
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  8. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    what RavNoc said.
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  9. Jcal Dedicated Player

    I'd choose new abilities for existing powersets. Hell, I'd choose a balance pass for the existing powersets. Just mess with the numbers and maybe rethink some of the redundant abilities.

    I'm not changing powersets therefore I have no interest in the creation of entirely new powersets. My characters are what they are. It's too late to switch style themes or to switch support roles (because of artifacts and allies). Content? Six months is the gap we had from SOBA to Shock to the System. What do we have to show for those six months? Bounty spam. Six months wouldn't result in some grandiose Episode.
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  10. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    I would choose new abilities in a heartbeat.
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  11. Limey Committed Player

    I think their financial trends and metrics are about as close to polling as you can get without directly asking the community, and their decision to stop making new powers due to not only the time and effort required to create them, but then multiple subsequent months trying to balance the powerset with everything else and dealing with all the QQ babies that changed powers because it was OP and now want a refund just isn't worth the time and effort, whereas new episodes, despite constantly complaining regardless because this community loves to complain, is always better received.

    But if you know a coder that can help them develop tools for the Unreal platform that will allow the creation of powerset in a much more simple, more automated manner, tell them to apply to DIG. They're looking for a tool/tech coder.
  12. SirHyper Active Player

    And there would be exactly zero players left after the six months to play the fixed game. Dakota city full phases have already started dropping to just 3 and that's after 2 weeks of the new dlc and on uspc
  13. Eve YouTuber

    I think we will see powers getting the most votes. But DCUO rarely ever does polls and I think It's against their TOS aswell.
  14. LighTning Emperor Well-Known Player

    New powers for existing powersets is the way to go.
  15. LighTning Emperor Well-Known Player

    Cosmic and Energy is Quantum, Energy and Metal is Atomic, Death and Blood is Sorcery and Toxin, Venom and Poison are theoretically the same thing.
  16. Miserable Dedicated Player

    I think a complete revamp to the way we deal damage would be most beneficial to the game. Not just a balance pass (though that would be part of it), but changing the entire approach to damage dealing.

    I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I've never been a fan of the complete separation of might and precision. Some of the most fun DPS playstyles imo were the ones that combined weapon and ability damage.

    Even Weapon Mastery, the playstyle that most closely resembles today's prec DPS, required you to end your weapon combos with damage abilities from your powerset. Today though, you have loadouts where the only ability from your powerset is your weapon buff, which is accompanied by 3 superspeed abilities and 2 iconic abilities.

    Might is a little better, but most powers still have loadouts centered around Heat Vision. In the AM era, at least we had variety (dots, pets, combos, 1234, mobile cast) and while there was always a meta, I don't remember having outliers that were so clearly above everything else the way Gadgets and Elec are today.

    Even those pre-GU36 styles of DPSing that involved setting up PIs and doing weapon combos clipped with DoT and burst damage abilities were more engaging than what we have now.
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  17. KidKretz Committed Player

    i want new abilities but have nowhwere on the tray to put them.

    i would want a new UI haul to add more things on the tray OR if the new powers would combine passives like weapon buffs, shields, heals all in 1 power, taking up only 1 tray slot.
  18. Raven Roth Committed Player

    Like Necromancy i.e: Faust, Nekron, Hades, Deadman, etc
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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, but I'd rather think of it as 'necro' power or something. "Death" power seems like Arvada Kadavra in HP and if you are doing battle...it seems like that 1 power would just be your whole bag of tricks. Not to mention, I'm not sure that fits any kind of 'hero' build....Unless they launched it with a 'Life' power at the same time with them being faction bound....but I don't see that happening either.

    I like the idea new powers, but looking at census numbers published a while ago, it does seem like a lower return for DI. Most of the 'top' powers seem to skew towards the older ones. Could be because they are the 'free' ones too though I suppose.
  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    New abilities for all powers
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