Up-Votes Needed Unwanted Affection Feat

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by ThePerc30z, May 2, 2023.

  1. ThePerc30z New Player

    Tried this feat in both regular and event version as a tank so parasite could focus me. Checked my combat log the whole time in the fight and was never hit by his hunger attack. The feat did not pop up in either of the instances.
  2. Cyber X232 New Player

    I did it today with 4 DPS in event version, he had time to trigger the attack once but we knocked him down in 1 minute and the feat fell.
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  3. ThePerc30z New Player

    Update: was able to get the feat in regular.
  4. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    how is this feat even done?
  5. SUPERHOMEM New Player

  6. SUPERHOMEM New Player