Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by LucaWhale, Apr 5, 2023.

  1. LucaWhale New Player

    hello its like um.. idk April and we still havent seen our winter lpve event???? is this gonna be the lost soul like new players pvp feats?
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  2. Limey Committed Player

    There's new player PVP feats?

    But yes, LPVE Extravaganza needs to come back.
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  3. Warrior22 New Player

    i been wait for lpve event for so long it needs to come back as i wasnt play when last 1 was out so please bring it back out
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  4. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    This is the only acceptable consolation prize for pushing it back. Otherwise I will quit and spend all my money on Marvel crap just to spite you. That'll show you.
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  5. Jonny Active Player

    Love LPVE, this one of my fav week bonuses they give out, it's like a vacation week, no more weapon mastery eog spammin for me, just doin bayblade with Sinestro all day careless and free . Give us more maps for LPVE too Mepps! come on maaaan