What do randos expect?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by UnboundHeavenlyDemon, Mar 2, 2023.

  1. Apollo Starr Active Player

    I don’t know why you are so mad. I don’t use Omni, so I won’t be wasting anyone’s time. If I needed an instance I would use custom queue. It just baffles me that this subject has stuck such a nerve with some of the community, when it seems to be a minor deterrence. If those people in the queue actually needed that instance as you claim, why don’t they just use the custom queue. That argument is truly hypocritical. Someone fishing for an instance can’t use it, but someone who needs an instance can? Where is the difference, except the one is your example. I see rules for me and not for thee, typical forum semantics.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Why are you interpreting me critiquing your position or for that matter answering your question as being mad? Did you post on a public forum expecting people to just nod in agreement with you and if they don't they're "mad"??

    The person who wants the queue a specific instance, is using custom queue, because they're targeting that instance and both other people queuing that instance custom and omnibus are going to fill in the gaps. You declining an instance disrupts the queue harmony because you decided, despite running omnibus, some instances are not to your liking.

    if some instances are not to your liking then what you should be doing is custom queuing everything, except the ones you dislike, that's how you should be using the system if your intent is to control what you play while not wasting either your own time or anyone else's.
  3. Apollo Starr Active Player

    I apologize if I misinterpreted your stance. It seems we are destined to disagree on this subject. I just don’t see the problem with people fishing, if there are no problems queuing for an instance. If you are using custom que and nobody wants to play your instance so be it. If someone wants to get the Omnibus awards and choose their instance they should have that right. How is one person’s choice more valuable than another’s? You are choosing one side and I say they are equal. Someone may fish for a while until they get what they want, someone may wait until their custom que is filled. I don’t fish as I don’t use Omnibus. When I do play it’s typically seasonals and endgame. I just think that penalizing someone for playing a video game seems ridiculous. It is a video game. As I stated earlier, penalizing someone only encourages them to log off and play something else. If that is our goal then let’s do it. But I do want to reiterate that I am sorry for my misinterpretationo on your emotion, text can often do that.
  4. Proxystar #Perception

    No problem, it's probably the angry looking Teekl avatar giving the wrong impression :D

    With respect to the Omnibus rewards, the rewards are given in exchange for not choosing your instance, that's their intent so, no that is where we disagree. They do not have a right to choose their instance, because that's entirely contrary to omnibus' purpose and the reason for those rewards. Those rewards aren't an entitlement they're given in exchange for accepting a random instance.

    Those rewards from Steve Trevor aren't just for running EEG, they're specifically for running EEG via omnibus, the intent being that you're prepared to accept any random instance.

    As for time wasted, time wasted is time wasted irrespective of how negligible that might be perceived as being, at present if you abandon a queue 60seconds of your time will be wasted in exchange. It's perhaps debatable as to whether that time is currently already appropriate and in that respect people will likely hold a different view, what can't be argued however, is whether the penalty should apply at all because the reason it is applied is because you're wasting other peoples time, no matter how negligible that's perceived.

    Just briefly with respect to "if you are using custom queue and nobody wants to play your instance so be it...", No unfortunately that leads to an unhealthy wider game experience, because all sorts of players ranging from boosted, newbies to veterans need all sorts of content for rafts of reasons so there is plenty of reasons to encourage people to be able to queue any and all content in the game without players otherwise deciding to impact whether or not it pops, especially when using a system that's designed fundamentally to make it pop in the first place :)
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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So let me get this, You should be able to queue for a random instance...But fish until you get a SPECIFIC instance? To get the reward for queuing random?

    Penalizing someone for playing a video game seems ridiculous? I think its ridiculous that people come online to act like sociopaths and are appalled when said game does anything to stop humans with anonymity from acting like savages to each other.

    Im 100% on board with the 30 minute time, because you will certainly think twice about queuing for random, if something particular is the goal... Some people in the thread hates the idea, but that to me is what gives it merit. Its not supposed to be liked by the people queue fishing, because it hurts them most, which is the point.

    Dont want random? Dont queue random...
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Answer--- they want the Omni box...that's it.

    Counter-counter question - Why would ANYONE run omni runs outside of the 3 rewards boxes?. For marks? Marks are everywhere, faster and easier (in most cases). For gear...same thing, everywhere. For Feats? Good luck, and you'd be better off queuing the run you need the feat in anyway...not letting RNG decide. For the 'challenge'? Hmmmm. I heard someone....I think their name was 'Broxy's Car' or something...say that all the omni runs are easy...maybe too easy. The only time you can find a 'challenge' in Omni is in a bad draw group, and sorry...I attempt to avoid bad groups in endgame.... you know, the content that rewards current marks, gear and feats. Why would I want to be in a bad group for old content that rewards nothing I can't get elsewhere faster and more direct? To repeat the same mechanics instructions for the 100th time, likely to people who've heard them before? And after most of the group wipes....maybe so I can 'battle' finish it by myself to impress some scrubs?

    And I'm not joking....Do you personally run Omni runs outside of the 3 omni weekly missions for the rewards? I can say I've NEVER queued an omni (outside of the first few weeks maybe) that didn't go towards one of those missions. As far as I know, it's the only reason to run Omnis, and it's not THAT great a reward.

    So increase it...by all means...I'd agree...it might make people think twice all right....think twice about even bothering to queue them up.

    BTW. If they do increase the timeout, Omni needs it's own timer. You get a long timeout for Omni, not direct content, especially since you get a 'deserter' if you DC or if you need to leave a duo....where there is no disband or 'excuse' option to leave cleanly.
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    There's only really one part of your post that requires response as being on topic. I didn't ask for your thoughts on the ease or otherwise of EEG content or your dislike for it, couldn't care less about the rest of your diatribe, no offense ;)

    If all theyre after is the omnibox then they understand the purpose of that reward is in exchange for queuing random and with that being the case that know fishing is fundamentally an abuse of the system.

    At present they do it because 60s is not big enough, people that fish deserve a bigger penalty so as to correct their negative behavior oh and that penalty should apply to all queued content.
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  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    All of the time.

    Fun is its own reward.

    I ask Tiff to run it with me for ***** and giggles lol
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  9. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Yep yep, I run Omni only with my friends & league mates because I love my friends & league mates more than I hate Omni.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    No...it was on topic as you made the probably 100% wrong assumption that people run it because a 1 button queue up is easy and they are 'lazy'. I rebutted that. While I'm sure there are a few people who are this lazy, I guarantee that their laziness would stop being a factor as soon as that box is removed from the equation. I stated the reason why I run them, which has nothing to do with your 1 click logic. I countered that with my follow up why anyone would run them, but I suppose that bit might have been rhetorical. Looks like Solo was able to answer though.

    And I said I'm fine with a longer delay. 5 or 10 min sounds fine, but again it should be for omni queue only. As the reward for those runs is isolated to queuing omni, so should the penalty be.

    You also dodged the pretty direct question at the end....why do YOU run omni, if not the box? Is it that easy 1 button queue up? I hear that's why lazy people do it all the time.:D
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Believe it or not, I'm happy you can find fun in running them, but personally I don't really find doing it in a partial made group to be 'true' omni queuing. Yes...it is running omni, but going in solo is where I'd say you really doing it as intended. But yeah....that's a good reason, although one I have not really found to be true myself. I had my fun in all those runs a long time ago, they were harder, the people playing were better (and many times MORE of them were my friends or people I ran with more often) and the rewards were current.

    For the record, I've also assisted some friends with their omni runs, and will rarely run in a group of less than 3 for Raids as I know 3 will almost guarantee a decent run. I said I've never run one where it didn't count for the weekly mission, but I didn't say it was always MY weekly mission. But yeah....if someone wasn't getting the box...I wasn't in there. I'd also guess a lot less people would be too.
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I agree....but would you run it solo? Sounds like not. If your friend or leaguemate said 'hey, lets run BBS' vs 'hey lets run Omni' where you land in BBS, I'd guess you would have the same amount of fun, maybe more even as that night you really wanted to run BBS because maybe you've never been in it before and didn't have to rely on RNGsus to put you there.

    I'd define this more as "Running with friends and league mates" than "Running omnis". Running with friends is generally fun, even if the content itself is not. The setting doesn't really matter in that case.

    But as I said to Solowing, I'm glad you are having fun in there.
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  13. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    When it comes to Omni, my only fun comes from being with friends and league mates. I enjoy being with them and seeing them happy & having fun. Otherwise EEG is dead to me. I hate what it reduces me too. I doubt I will ever get over the bitterness I feel towards the clamp. I absolutely loath it. I’m not going to voluntarily run Omni solo without there being a friend or league mate present who is actually the one wanting to run it, like Ryuko. I will stick to End Game where I belong otherwise.
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ok...well that just reinforces my point. Your fun is coming from running with someone...not the omni content. I'd guess you could have just as much fun queuing every duo in the game and just working your way through them in order, running through the T5-6 bounties, or doing some duels with each other.

    That's good BTW. The game is supposed to be fun.
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  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    And fun can be subjective and interpreted differently. Right?

    I mean i can have fun hanging out and simply looking cool right? I mean it doesnt increase my CR or SP or game knowledge. But if i had fun, is that fun?

    I agree on getting to have a small degree of agency in a random system.

    I get that there are some runs you just can't stand, and sure i agree you should have the ability to decline, but not to the degree where you can take the random out of a random queue.
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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Hmmm. No. Apparently not. Many were told that the way they were having fun was incorrect about 20 months ago.:(

    Of course that is sarcasm, but it's also true.

    However, I am fine with the fact you are having fun running as you like to run. However you are not fine with the way someone else has their fun, because it apparently impacts you (although not sure how as the fished spot should fill with the backlog of people queuing and all clamoring to get into your run). So you want the system changed to be more punitive...which is fun for no one.

    Again, I have not said NOT to increase the lock out, although I'd say you should back off the 30 min and get more realistic with Proxy at 5 or 10. I really do think the 30 would do more harm than good to your fun than the current fishing does.

    Besides...all that queue time gives you more time to hang around and look cool. Win win!
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    No you went on a rant about EEG more widely, you know that discussion we've had multiple times Reinheld I hadn't expected your distaste for the clamp had changed, so I wasn't particularly interested in that.

    It seems we agree that the penalty should increase it would be hard not too in reality given you can't duck away from there purpose of those rewards and the fact fishing has negative consequences for everyone other than those fishing.

    As far as whether it applies to only omnibus, no I'm sorry I don't agree, if you want to waste other people's time then you too should have your time wasted through the penalty.

    This type of penalty system is present in heaps and heaps of other games, heck I've even seen it in Pokemon.

    As for me queuing omnibus, I use the systems in exactly the way I'm telling others to use them, so if I'm after just random fun and don't care then yes I use omnibus, if I'm after something specific then I use custom.
  18. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    Out of curiosity what does EEG mean?

    I get the whole random you get what you get thing...but if we were supposed to go into whatever pops up no matter what we wouldn't have the option to back out of it. I've done the decline until something you like pops up and it's my prerogative. Last week when we had the bonus legion content I ran all of my alts through it via omnibus. For starters I knew as it was a bonus mark raid it popped up almost constantly and then why not? Bonus marks on top of bonus omnibus marks plus the reward box. Outside of that there are certain raids you just know are going to be slogs, some raids that are easy that I've run so many times it still feels like a slog and then there are some raids that are "just right" for a random omnibus raid...
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  19. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    EEG means Early End Game. It is an acronym used to quickly reference all DLC content that is considered outside of the 3 most recent DLCs which are as of March 6, 2023 includes: Ep 42, Ep 43, and Ep 44. Once Shock to the System (Ep 45) is released Ep 42 will drop and become EEG. All EEG content is stat clamped to max +15CR above content plus “full stat piercing” which is some portion of stats from our Arts / Augmants / SP combined.
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    It might be your "prerogative" but it's not the point of the system. Some instances might be a slogfest, but if people keep declining them it impacts the players who want or more importantly still need those instances, people need to stop acting like all players in this game are at the same point of progression.

    Every time you abandon that queue you've impacted another players potential ability to progress and for that reason you should take a penalty, your choice then becomes "take the queue" and deal with a slogfest or "abandon the queue" and take the penalty.

    If you don't want the risk of dealing with a slogfest then you shouldn't be utilizing the omnibus feature, period, because the risk you're dealing with a slogfest is all part of the deal and those reward boxes you appear to appreciate so much are part of that deal in exchange.

    If you dislike instances, then again you should be using custom queue, not omnibus, if you want the rewards then start accepting "random" as part of the equation rather than trying to have your cake and eat it also.

    At the moment you're entirely getting away with it, you basically are having your cake both ways and I imagine that's why so many people are opposed to a change to the penalty despite the fact you're in an entirely unsupportable position.

    The reason I suggest moving it to a scale with a maximum of 10 minutes is because eventually the player will have to question whether they should perhaps take a queue if they abandon it, even if it is a slogfest that might take 20-30 minutes instead of 5-10, because then if you abandon the queue you're in 10 minutes of time out, so you almost may as well go in to remain time neutral.

    As for whether you actually go in and it turns in to a train wreck, well people do realise there's an "excuse" feature, yea?