Renown Reuse option

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Prindacerk, Feb 25, 2023.

  1. Prindacerk Committed Player

    I have touched upon Renown earning topic before. But this has to do with what to do with all the Renown you get once you have maxed it out. Can't those Renown tokens be account bound (not sure if this is good idea) or downgrade it to a previous episode's renown via a vendor? Like the token exchange vendor allowing us to trade in one renown and buy another (older episode) using that?

    That would have some purpose other than just junking it. Elite doesn't give any extra reward except the renown and if that is also useless, it makes no sense.
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  2. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Better yet, let you donate them for Prestige.
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  3. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    I would love being able to grind Elite solos and duos and exchange those tokens for the ones from earlier episodes, that don't have such easy Elite instances. But I don't think that will happen, because it would make it even harder to get a group for earlier Elite raids, than it is now. I'd also love to be able to farm renown tokens on my strongest toons and use them to get Elite gear for alts, that are much less capable. But I don't think that can happen either.

    Using the tokens to get Prestige should be an option, I think, although I can't imagine many leagues with fully geared Elite players are struggling to reach Prestige cap.
  4. Prindacerk Committed Player

    The suggestions I made are beneficial for me or things i thought would be something. Ofcourse Prestige was mentioned and that's another alternative option. Or something else can be suggested as well. My point is, it needs to have some sort of value even after maxed. Like how we can salvage gear and get Exobytes.
  5. Limey Committed Player

    Salvage renown for exobytes? I think you just solved your own problem!

    But in all seriousness, I agree with the idea of converting renown to other renown. While I do like the idea of account bound and being able to work on alt toons' renown, I don't see that happening in lieu of the 'just start working/focusing on an alt to get them elite viable' option. It's in the realm of 'I wish all currencies were account-wide' idea.. great for players but highly unlikely.
  6. Starblast Well-Known Player

    I think this would encourage more to play Elite or have some sort of Elite omnibus or something. They can make like a Renown reward box and you pick what renown you need or put extra marks in it or something. I feel like a lot of players get this elite content done then stop. lol. I mean i can't blame them. Much of the elite content can be fun to play.
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  7. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Yes, but those of us who are the only player in our leagues (by choice) would greatly appreciate it.
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  8. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    This along with tokens of merit please
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I've always said this is a good idea. It's doubtful to be exploited as it's not enough (a few 100 a run) to make it worth exploiting, and it would be a little something extra for running an elite you completed renown on already. Even if it were 1/2 rate for donation, all those SOBA E solos I've been running the last month would have amounted to something vs just deleting the stack every week or 2.
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  10. Eve YouTuber

    this one is the most useless "Currency" in the game. I get it gives feats, but It's just didn't evolved anywhere whatsoever.
  11. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Yes, they should completely scrap this and just change the feats to link to token of prestige, which you get from Omnis and other (?) places.
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  12. Prindacerk Committed Player

    What to do with Victory Tokens then? :) Currently those are converted to Merit I think.
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Tokens of merit are for initial feats, they've actually already been extended once before, they're higher than they originally were, You never know if or when the developers might extend those feats and they stack in 999, you should keep a stash of these just in case.
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