How good is Transformation Card?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aglorenzini, Jan 18, 2023.

  1. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    So I still haven't really gotten used to the whole artifact thing, trying to understand everything.
    I see a lot of people using the transformation card, but when I read its description I was confused, you increase crit but decrease your damage? Is it really worth?
    And is it one of those "it's really good AS LONG as you also have this other artifact as well"?

    Thanks! :)
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yes this artifact is worth getting. Increased critical damage and chance means you're hitting harder more often. The decrease to overall damage keeps the artifact balanced. You can use this artifact with any other artifact combination. It has good synergy with Strategist Card which also works with your critical hits.
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  3. Leonite Well-Known Player

    The best feature about the Transformation Card is that it can be used as both a DPS and a healer artifact. So its a good starting artifact while waiting to rank up your other artifacts for the 2X bonus reward. It is decent at rank 80 or 120 for both DPS and healer role.

    When you start using it, you will see a lot more CRITs and its very tempting to rank it to 200. However, I recommend you watch ObsidianChill's youtube video on Transformation Card which is on point, IMO, before ranking it up to 200.

    About combos, the Strategist Card needs the Transformation Card but the Transformation Card does not need the Strategist to be a good artifact.
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  4. Sghoul Well-Known Player

    Trans is easily one of the most used Artifacts. So if you care about maximizing your character, it is a no brainer. however, it is SO boring. It changes nothing about your game aside from doing more damage. So it all depends on what your goal is.
  5. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    A powerful tool to be sure your critical's will shoot through the roof but also draw attention if no tanky is around lol. I would look up Obsidian chill his videos are a blessing. He is the Jesus of Dcuo a good lad he is.
  6. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Transformation card is top tier. No bother upgrading it from 80 onwards if you dont have the resources, each 40 levels you give the card you only output 2% more damage/healing. When you compare that to lower end content, that is not that much. End game, you are looking at 10k differences on hard hitting skills from a level 80 to 200. Same with healing