Rage Dps question

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by yellowflash9, Jan 13, 2023.

  1. yellowflash9 Well-Known Player

    I have few questions regarding rage dps this is my first time trying to use it
    -May i ask you rage prec is better than might?
    -Do you have be close to the boss to use berserk in both might and precision?
    - if I'm single target prec do I have to choose nvb or stick to berserk?
    -also when aoe prec do i have be close to use berserk?
    -in all aspect of dps do I need nvb In long range and berserk in close range?
    -as do I need to be close range everytime to maximize my damage in boss and adds in elite or is it always a different loadout?
    I'm sorry for my ignorance, can anyone clear my doubt and help me with this questions? thank you.
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Rage Might is better than Rage Prec.
    Rage is built specifically for melee play. There are ranged loadouts you can use during fights where melee isn't a safe option. Berserk works with melee and range loadouts, you do not need Neo Venom Boost.
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  3. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    As said above, Rage is best at might, and shines on melee. So, that's your best option. For some boss fights, you will want to use a range loadout, so to not interfere with mechanics.

    A rage might build will undoubtedly destroy a rage precision build (provided the might user isn't new).

    Here's my suggestion for Rage.
    RSK (robot sidekick), berserk, outrage, eviscerating chain, lacerate. Your 6th power is optional to your liking. Severe punishment, remorseless recovery, redirected rage, ire, violence: just about anything you want to throw in that spot, except an actual attack, due to damage loss on the following rotation.

    *Be in close range, lunge into adds if you must, then:
    Outrage combo clipped to e chain combo clipped to outrage combo clipped to lacerate (2-3 ticks of damage) tap range to cancel lacerate, back to the start of the rotation.
    I prefer using remorseless recovery (cast before lunging into adds), because it helps heal you, and you'll be taking some damage in close range.

    SP spec: superpowered
    Critical attack/magnitude
    Full might/power
    100 into dominance
    100 into resto
    Rest into health.
    Putting points into dominance and resto increases the healing you get from remorseless recovery (works with other powers too).

    Artifacts for melee: transformation, Quislet, grim verum.

    *For range, SP the same, I drop Quislet for solar amp.

    Loadout: RSK, berserk, remorseless recover, heat vision, channel hate, dreadful blast.
    Rotation (start with heat vision so grim can apply plasma burn)
    Heat vision (tap range, it will still channel the full damage), dreadful blast combo clipped to channel hate (2-3 ticks of damage, more if you need extra health, you can walk during this channel), tap range to cancel, dreadful combo clipped to- start over with heat vision.

    *Key notes*
    -Use trinkets, pets, allies, everything you have, to give you the biggest boost, right before you hit berserk.
    -in range, dreadful is your primary damage power, so you can jump cancel heat vision to get more dreadful blasts in.
    -target the highest health add, your area damage will take care of the weaker stuff, your eviscerating chain should hit the highest health add, or the boss you are focusing on.
    -use your weapon wisely. If an add is blocking, hold your range to block break so you can get back to destroying it. If it is channeling a power, lunge it to knock it down and get back to the combos quickly.
    -save your cola. In close range, there are times you'll need it.
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  4. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    You're going to want to be precision. The melee might rotation might be a tiny bit better than optimal precision damage but... at least with precision... you can still do good damage from range... and you will need to... often. Don't be that guy.

    Yes... close range berserk, period. You can still use ranged combos though.
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  5. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Ranged on rage doesn't get much credit, but I assure you, it does well when needed, when done right.
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  6. Trykz Dedicated Player

    I have two viable armories that do similar damage.
    One is my single target
    I use outrage rsk beserk e chain whirling dirvish and lacerate
    La mort quis and trans
    Hol bot Diana and Shazam

    The other is my supercharge stacking armory, this one was only used to build supercharge in hallways, but ever since Adam dropped the extra sc generation bumped this armory up to be comparable to the st , it is more fun for sure, dropping 8 beserks in a fight is ridiculously fun.
    Outrage, sc gen, e chain, beserk, lacerate , dervish
    Soul cloak, eog, quislet
    Hol bot, Adam, shazam
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  7. yellowflash9 Well-Known Player

    Thank you for you response, I though I would be worried not using it in range.
  8. yellowflash9 Well-Known Player

    Omg thank you so much for this intensive thorough guide and tips that you have given I will implement them. Do you think relentless Anger will be good because of the supercharge generator even though you have said no physical lunges. I ask because with probably gemini meta, to get berserk faster has to have a crazy numbers. By any do you go close range or range when you st an elite boss?
  9. yellowflash9 Well-Known Player

    Yes that's what I though I go precision on my main quantum but the reason is that I'm only a main troller in all aspect but I wanted to see if rage was different and use it as a secondary.
  10. yellowflash9 Well-Known Player

    That sounds fun having a supercharge loadout using the allies of Shazam, Emperor Aquaman, and Black Adam, using quizlet, scrap of soul Cloak, and Eog with pied piper flute as a switch in that would be amazing.
    And thank you for that single target loadout u have given me I heard from Pale Rage in another forum the la Mort card is amazing for e chain.
  11. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Relentless anger can be used to generate SC, in such case, I'd suggest:
    Scrap, EoG, Quislet
    Allies: HoL bot active, cyborg and black Adam passive.

    Relentless anger, outrage, e chain, lacerate, berserk, violence.
    Lunge in with relentless, hit violence, then start the above mentioned rotation, clipping in relentless and violence when necessary.

    In current dlc, you almost never want to melee an elite/± boss: use range. Trying to melee bosses is a good way to get kicked, unless you can keep yourself alive, and not interfere with the tank and the multiple adds/mechanics.
  12. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Relentless is a pi applicator, why use both relentless and violence?
  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    To generate SC which is pointless in today's meta.
  14. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Without having RSK in the loadout, you'll likely want the extra damage from violence, which does apply pi. The relentless is for extra SC generating. Using the black Adam ally at max, plus scrap and Quislet, you'll have a massive amount of sc to spend on a regular basis.
  15. L T Devoted Player

    Pretty sure that exploit has been fixed.
  16. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    It's not an exploit, and it works still. Cast heat vision, tap range immediately after, heat vision will channel the full casting/channel time, and directly after it will have a range tap animation/damage. Kinda like clipping, but without cutting the animation of heat vision.
  17. Skoll Well-Known Player

    If you plan on doing mostly Elite and E+ content then definitely be prec with rage. You’re not meleeing in Elite/+ unless you have some god healers and you know exactly what to do when it comes to bosses and even then you still might get smacked dead often, I’ve seen melee rage in TSWE and ROEE but just… don’t. With prec you can still proc beserk getting in close then backing away once time is up. Rage prec is better than rage might ranged, but rage might melee is better than almost everything.

    Tbh if you’re mostly an elite runner, unless you want to be a main tank then I don’t know why you’d choose rage. Most of the tank/dps powers I see these days are all Ice.
  18. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    To add to the post above...

    Rage ranged is lackluster but what's even more lackluster is being stuck in it. You can't just switch armories over and over again mid fight. With precision... you're using your ranged combos point blank with berserk and then moving back. You aren't stuck being melee OR ranged. You're both. That's why precision will always be better for harder content. Might is either dying over and over or it's so far down on the scorecard that it's a sliver away from getting the boot.
  19. Trykz Dedicated Player

    I use relentless on my Adam armory, I use dervish instead of violence though, since relentless already is a pi applicator, and dervish does much more damage than violence.
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