I love DCUO so don't remove stat clamps

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Solace Man, Jan 11, 2023.

  1. Solace Man New Player

    Despite all the complaints from people who act like Dcuo should be the one mmo that doesn't function like other mmos that already use this feature normally, the game is much better now than it was prior to clamping. I've actually been able to run through all content and enjoy it with randoms, unlike before where I'd run into random overpowered characters who ruin any immersion. The idea that you should be able to curb stomp old content is laughable at best, no one gets on any other MMO and asks for their lvl 60 character to stay 60 in a level 20 raid for example. Not going into a big rant here, just saw they made changes to stat clamping and me and my friends are already hovering over the delete button. Stat clamping has brought this game in line with other mmos. Without it, it's just trash that only pleases the corner community that sits here on forums begging for their characters to be broken in content that should always give a challenge. Getting stronger in a mmo isn't about curb stomping older content, it's about being leveled enough to do the content that's coming out. I hope no more changes are made to clamping or this games dead again

    EDIT: whatever happened to players who didn't mind spending a hour on a raid? Old heads would sit in raids for hours because they that's how any mmo with very hard raids can be. Crazy to see how the dcuo community has become this hand holding community
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  2. Solace Man New Player

    Can't edit my post again for some reason but if any community dev or someone of that nature can confirm stat clamping will stay that would be great
  3. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    While I can't confirm anything from the devs (though they've given no indication of reverting the clamp changes), I can confidently say you've got about a 30 minute window for editing forum posts. So it could be you just missed the window on making changes to the first post.
  4. Solace Man New Player

    Interesting, never seen a lock on editing post on any forum, ironically goes with my idea of fighting against stat clamping being odd; just another anomaly lol. Thanks for that, I wanted to avoid double posting but got confused by the edit button disappearing. I only ask for confirmation because I remember waaaay back when stat clamping was a thing they removed it then. Feels like we're running in circles if they do it again.
  5. Sghoul Well-Known Player

    First off, plenty of MMO's don't have stat clamping or at least not entirely. Unless something changed in t he last couple of years I could take my max level WoW character and lay waste to mobs in the starter zones. And even in the games with clamps everywhere your high level clamped character is usually still pretty buff. FF allows you to do content unclamped...sure for no real rewards, but you can do it. I can go back to GW2 anytime (started it again through steam), make a character and pretty much solo my way to 80, collecting most of the things in every zone.

    That said, this misses the real issue. What people really seem to want is the ability to get the old content FEATS. Trying to do so with random grouping is tedious at best unless you are already well specced or have a solid league/social group which not everyone has. Most other MMO's are much more heavily invested in the overworld with dungeons being extra. DCUO is far more invested in the missions.

    For some it is also about a feeling of progression. At level 30 I went to the subway and fought Penguin. Now at level 390 I have beat up the Devil, but Penguin is still a fight. Not as much of one, sure, but still far more than a guy with an umbrella should be for a guy who took on a lady who almost destroyed reality.

    The point of the clamp is to get people to go do old content. But it largely hasn't worked that way. Most old world zones like Gotham Wasteland or the Metropolis Lantern stuff is empty. And most high level players in the know avoid any of the longer or tedious missions, so the same dozen or so are what come up in Omnibus. Not to mention, if you are in a solid league, those same people just form their own groups, so you end up with newbies trying to do clamped content while being poorly specced or without maxed artifacts and the like. Not to mention some of that content can be VERY unforgiving. Didn't activate that bomb in time? Player wipe. Forgot to bring a tank? Then you literally cannot finish this boss. Hey, in this fight something keeps happening and everyone drops dead. What is causing it? The game sure won't tell you.

    I just recently made a new character and I am trying to force them through the old content rather than rush to top CR. It is a ghost town. And queuing up for old Alerts like Area 51 or Oolong Island hasn't born fruit. I basically log in, queue up and then 2 hours later I log out, never having gotten into the missions. So if I was trying to get those feats (I personally don't care a ton) it would take forever.

    THAT is what people are looking for. Ease of play. Not EASY play, but the ability to play the game without the waiting and shouting for groups trying to find something to do while you wait to do the things you actually want to do.

    Most other MMOs may have the clamp, but they also seem to do a better job of getting you into that older content. And when you DO get in, if you are higher level it is usually pretty easy. In GW2 my high level guy can take on most clamped stuff solo, so even if the zone is empty, I can still do it. In WoW, the dungeons tended to get filled easy enough. Same for FFXIV. But that doesn't seem to be the case in DCUO.

    And frankly the feat system is the main issue. Some of those feats are hard to get unless everyone is on the same page. One screw up and you have to queue up all over again. The devs tied stats to something that should just be bragging rights. And it causes the have-nots to feel left out or left behind, which is not something you should foster in a healthy community.

    Now, personally I don't think the clamp needs removal entirely. Maybe allow unclamped without getting Source Marks or perhaps even feats, but allowing players to see how those fights are supposed to go in a less demanding environment (the DCUO system does a poor job of showing you how to do its content). Maybe allow collection feats but not battle related feats. Maybe have highlights of old content so old players will go back and help the new. Queues for old world bosses. That kind of thing. There are many things that could be discussed. But many of the threads here turn into absolutes. Either the clamp must go entirely or must stay exactly as it is. And that attitude is likely not good for further long term health of the game.
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