Inventory Management is a PROBLEM let’s do something about it?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lt Skymaster, Nov 17, 2022.

  1. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    If youve been playing for 10 years as i have then you know as well as I do there has been an incredible amount of trinkets and then there are things you save for next dlcs like exos or things you want to sell later like auras or base items. Ad to that the artifacts thats at least 6 if you do both roles. If you’re trying to get new artifacts or leveling up artifacts for another the xp you’re saving.
    The gear for both roles + pvp gear. If you took a break like I did catalyst for previous dlcs for both op items or augments.

    Im an organized person which is why i use multiple alts to organize them but sorry cluttered inventory is not only my problem.
    I invite you to run both flashpoint raids and then tell me after those raids if there isnt an inventory problem.
  2. Eve YouTuber

    My Inventory usually only have the bank, repair, mail & broker consumbables and base mods if I need to change for new pieces or OP Items. I put all my stuff in my bank and this is where the real mess is usually. But my Inventory is surprisngly clean. That's for all my characters. My bank holds my PvP gear (101), heal\dps gear\artifacts (Depends what role I am in) some henchmen, always the current catalysts and OP Item stuff, and Nth Metal for my artifacts. Maybe if banks & Inventory went by tabs or something it would be really useful, not sure. I do find it annoying at times.

    I also use about three bank characters. One for seasonal stuff, One for Base Items and One for all the old Catalysts, TC\BB Rewards for giveaways\selling, and other stuff I don't use on my main\alts.
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  3. BumblingB I got better.

    I keep my old OP items. Will they ever become useful again? Probably not, but there is a collector's element to it.
    I keep trinkets. I used to keep all trinkets I got, but I switched to just pets, transformation, and event ones that I wouldn't be able to get back again later.

    Just those two above, takes up a big chunk of my space. I'm not maxed out on space, but I'm pretty high compared to my switch or alt PC account.

    Then there is stuff that is needed for feats that is not account bound. Like during that terrible time with the FP crafting mods. Yes, they stacked, but there was so many different types you got. I'm glad I am done on my main, but what about new players that still need this?

    There are too many things in this game that are just way too much for beginning players. Then players, (not saying you), that just say delete things or sell them. They were around when it was new, they aren't playing catch up and just bombarded with all this stuff that is needed. Like, there are feats attached to EVERY adaptive augment. A new player would have to save catalysts all the way back to Titans to be able to get feats. Then add all the ridiculous tests they did with the OP catalysts that had different ones for each stage like in JLD.

    It's nice having bank toons, but I don't expect a new player to understand that. They will just leave because they lost loot or something.
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  4. MrGhosty Active Player

    It would be nice if we had two inventories on our characters, The main inventory and then a second one that was account wide and collected catalysts, various exobytes, nth metal. I don't run my second role on any characters because I don't have the open space to spare for a second set of gear and that's even being very mercenary with what I keep. I get that making inventory a nightmare gives them the ability to sell the solution with inventory slots and even if we separated out the things mentioned above, there will still be plenty of tat to make buying more inventory slots an attractive option.
  5. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    And that's not all, a lot also depends on what kind of activity you are doing in the game, if you just do daily tasks, solo, alert and a couple of raids... then you probably won't have a problem with inventory... but God forbid you will be become an active base decorator...for example, the other day I sent more than 2000 base items (yes, you heard right, more than 2000....) you think I'm crazy? no, this is not really enough to create one base with a filled limit of 700 base items (only a part will fit for the concept ...) ... 2000 is 4 alts with maximum bank and inventory slots ...
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  6. Eve YouTuber

    Yeah I see how it can upset new players. MOSTLY cause free to play don't have a lot of inventory space, additional space from member is time limited unless you pay all the time for membership, and even Premium doesn't give you that much. So It's constant struggle.
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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    Base legendary is only 3 more lines above Premium.
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  8. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    Out with the old in with new kind of how I do it.
    I have 5 characters 3 play regular and 2 for storing useful items ect...
    For me it's letting go of the unneccessary and keeping mainly R&D
  9. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    It's not even just free to play/premium that have issues, though, or brand new players.

    I took a multi-year hiatus from the game and returned last summer. That means I missed the boat on all the DLCs that had episode specific augments (since Titans) as well as their associated OP items. That means I needed to save all catalysts & exobytes from everything we were running until I was able to catch up and start ditching no longer needed items.

    Still, as someone said earlier in the thread, more inventory/bank slots aren't really a solution. That's a band-aid. From exos to augments to artifacts to catalysts to allies, this game has a "stuff" issue. They've gone quantity over quality in a number of places. You know what's not fun? Scrolling your fortify screen. That's only going to continue to get worse it seems. Know what else isn't fun? Running anything from Flashpoint, opening one box, and losing an entire row of inventory spaces to what's inside. Run a raid? 3 boxes? 3 rows. Do a rotation of all the outdoor bosses from everywhere once a week? Just logout, it's easier.

    When inventory management becomes itself a mini-game, one that's tedious and zero fun...that's not how you grow a player base. Imagine being brand new. Especially in a game with terrible in-game messaging/tutorials. Would you stick around?
  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    That's why I suggested it. Good catch!
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  11. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Not to sound condescending but I have most of what you listed here and still have more than enough space. Personally I would knock out whatever I need to catch up on and put those old catalysts to use. I don't keep past Augments but they have their own inventory so they're not an issue. Old OP items that are out of relevance: complete > get feat > delete. If you have a trinket that's been sitting in your bank for over a year, do you really need it? Is a trinket so important you would sacrifice a slot to keep something you may never use again? Same for base items. What are you holding on to those for?

    Not that I would ever intentionally run those raids again but I have around 80 empty inventory slots I think I'll be fine.
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  12. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    A DCUO equivaent of "bags of holding" or "portable holes" in our inventory is not a bad idea. I seem to recall years ago someone had an idea for character "lockers". A sub inventory screen meant to hold gear and accessories and another to hold r and d components.

    What I would like to be able to do is assign spots on my inventory screen that will hold an item and keep it there free from getting swept into getting rearranged if I hot inventory sort...if that makes sense.
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  13. L T Devoted Player

    Tabs would be insanely great for organizing my stuff. But it's probably a really heavy lift coding-wise. Unlike league-banks, you have to cover the case of them shrinking and growing again based on membership. Also, at the moment there's no way to move things between tabs without using an external bank.
  14. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    I recently had a thought of being able to compress nth metal. Since we get so many green pieces, it fills up quick. I just have a simple suggestion for that. Compressing them. Since greens are 10 exp and blues are 100 exp... Let us turn 10 green into 1 blue via RnD. Saves so much space. allows you to easily split them faster when using them. 10 blue to 1 purple would be nice too.
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  15. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    And this would also contribute to lessening how awful the R&D crafting feats are. :)
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  16. Tolly Committed Player

    There are some nice solutions for this though, like adding a library/collection style tab so that all the stuff like trinkets, handhelds, orbital strikes, turrets and all that kind of stuff can be displayed on a page in the customization (or a brand new tab) so that it's no longer an inventory item, so that you just have to select the item you want in that tab/page to use it.

    Another possibility is an infinite inventory for crafting items.
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    No joke, but I've filled 80 before just knocking out dailies and doing a T5-T6 'bounty run'....good lord, how many junk base items do they think we need? "Oh good....Nubia's emblem banner.....3 more prestige, woot!". Yeah, you can delete as you go, but I personally like to keep trucking till done...then clean up all at's a pile.
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  18. Forum Junkie Well-Known Player

    How else are they supposed to sell you more space with all of these excellent suggestions? Nickel and dime... Nickel and dime...
  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i deleted a crapton of those catalyst yesterday. They just clutter up the inventory and i cant auto toss them out making them a PITA
  20. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    I’d be fine if they sell me these solutions tho. Like I need something to make it better and I’m ok if I pay for it too. Just need the inventory to be less of a hassle.
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