Up-Votes Needed Daily missions will not reset - Infernal Khandaq

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by TracyStraussEU, Nov 15, 2022.

  1. TracyStraussEU New Player

    So yesterday around 18.00 pm I finished all my daily missions and claimed my rewards.
    Today I wanted to do the same, but all the game has been showing is exclamation marks on the npc's with missions, and the option to use replay to unlock/reset the missions. It's been more than 24 hours and I'm sort of getting worried they won't reset at all. I have checked on corrupt data, resulted in nothing. Redownloaded the game, again without results. (I play on switchEU)
  2. TracyStraussEU New Player

    Update: missions reset again!