Elite Gear Acquisition Model

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BumblingB, Nov 8, 2022.

  1. BumblingB I got better.

    How's everyone doing on this November day? I want to talk about the Elite Gear Acquisition Model that we have had since AF3, though it had a few tweaks since then.

    Currently, we earn renown from doing elite content. When we get high enough, we can buy the style pieces associated with that rank. It requires 6500 renown to get the full set. Costs a bit more than regular version and it has slightly better stats/higher item level. If you buy one full style set, it halves the cost if you buy another set as well as allows the normal be halved as well. This feat can be purchased on alts to allow us to buy the gear half off.

    Now to talk about what could use to tweaks. Namely how the purchase system works.
    • Renown for alts. Please allow alts to be able to purchase the Elite gear without having to get the Renown all over again. This makes it way more annoying to deal with and really would help the system work for them. Maybe attach it to the style feat or make a 0 point feat that works when you max the renown.
    • Renown in EEG Elite. Please increase the amount of renown earned per run when the content is in EEG. If that's not really ideal, then please allow us to buy the styles w/o requiring renown at all. As there is no grand benefit to having elite gear from outdated content. In the past, we had a gear style vendor that was just the style of the set for 10 marks. This worked because older gear was just not needed if you were already outside of the gear bracket. (It was also because of the unified mark and cap system they introduced.)
    • Please introduce a feat to jewelry, weapons, and other non style gear. It can be a 0 point feat, but this would allow players to buy the feat on an alt to be able to get the gear half off. It was nice when we got the elite versions with the bounty system. It would be nice if that returned. We already have something like this for OP items.
    Thank you.
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  2. Plowed In Loyal Player

    What’s the goal here? What problems does it solve that you’re currently having?

    Just wanted to get some more info from you, as I think the system is pretty robust as it is right now. I worry about the elite player pool drying up if you would only need 1 character to enable access to elite gear for all your characters.

    When you buy the renown feats for the original 3 hero/villain factions - does the renown bar move up to match your feat (like if I buy up to ‘friendly’ with Lexcorp), or does it stay where it is? There could be precedence set there.
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  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    The only thing I would want changed, and this goes for the gold level vendor gear too, is, once I have acquired a full set, got the feat, unlocked reduced costs for alts, I would request that the reduces cost be made available across factions. I have a Hero / Villain, when I unlock the full gear on the villain side, I do not get the benefit of doing so on the Hero side. I suppose unlocking the gear with replay badges might work, I haven’t really ever tried it, but I am loath to sped real $$$ just to unlock gear at reduced costs after I have already done so in another faction.
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  4. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    This is a valid concern. I'm full renown on my villain, so right now I'm running elite raids on my hero. If I could just buy the renown or gear without running the raids, I might not be willing to put in the time.

    I think it would be better if they can figure out a good use for renown after we are done with 6500. Right now I'll run the elite raids on my villain if someone asks for help or if I have extra time, but I just end up with a bunch of useless renown. Maybe something that would help with the old elite gear is that you could buy boxes like the anniversary event and could pick what old renown you want.
  5. Plowed In Loyal Player

    That’s exactly how it works. Purchasing the style ‘feat’ is what triggers the system to reduce the gear pricing on the vendor.
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  6. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I guess that’s good? I hate the thoughts if of having to buy my gear style on the opposite faction even though it is fully unlocked at reduced costs on the opposing faction.
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  7. Bruce’s Slippers Active Player

    Unpopular opinion:

    I want the whole buy two sets of gear theme to go away. Should just be regular gear and elite content should be a little more challenging. We all know the elite gear is just a scam for us to keep replaying for marks.
  8. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Can you rephrase? I don’t think I’m completely understanding what you’re saying.
  9. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Well, if i have full vendor gear / full elite gear unlocked on villain, to access the reduced costs for this gear on the Hero side, I will have to use my replay badges to unlock those styles as I understand it from our conversation, which means I will have to spend $$$ on replay badges. I really don’t want to spend money on something that is free on the opposite faction that I have already unlocked once.

    I just wish an alt was an alt regardless of whether or not she is a hero or a villian.
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  10. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Getting full renown on alts isn't something I'd like to see happen, just by unlocking the feat. I still feel alts should have to run and complete the content to be able to get the gear.

    I could see the problem when you've got massive amounts of alts running around with 100sp and level 80 artifacts in elite gear, being very misleading to a group looking for a proper setup to run something.
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  11. GermanM Committed Player

    Problems of a vertical game with a not so good reward system.
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  12. BumblingB I got better.

    No, you just need to buy the style feat, not individual style pieces of gear.

    Though I see your concern, don't you think the opposite can be true? Right now, only one character is doing elite. The rest get drops or the normal vendor gear that is half off. If I had available the elite gear. So in the end, it would increase more high end roles than reduce them.

    If you buy the feat, the renown does not change, btw. You are talking about the classic 3, correct?
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  13. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Didn’t you previously say you’ve got a bunch of saved up loyalty points? Use those for replays.

    It’s enabling you to buy the gear for half price if you buy the feat over. It’s not free.
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  14. BumblingB I got better.

    This wont happen, they've always made Elite gear "slightly" better than regular gear. This was a throw back to Dropped gear being better than Vendor gear. Which started with Hand of Fate.
  15. Ozman Well-Known Player

    I haven't even touched the normal gear this dlc. I played the elite solo a bunch of times with drop gear and used a renown box and I'm already at Favorable with three pieces of elite gear. Also not gonna need the back or head since the guitar and fully ranked diadem are higher rank anyway so gonna max out at six pieces. Just a question of getting the coins together to buy the last three pieces.
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  16. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Yes, I now have over 17k in Loyalty points.
  17. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Well use them! :)

    Go see Vandal Savage in the House of Legends (next to Chang Tzu - the Egg guy).

    PS - you can also buy Allies there that will be available for all your characters on your account.
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  18. spikeat Well-Known Player

    I don't play as often as I used to, so I rely on players playing their alts to group up and get renown done for my main.

    Has anyone notice how easy all the elite content is in this episode? And how generous the amount of renown are given? I haven't used any replays and I got full renown last week.
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  19. Henoshock Well-Known Player

    These would be nice changes, though I don't personally agree with them. There's really no need for elite gear if you're not running elite, and if you are running elite, you should be able to earn renown fairly easily on your alts (at least for current content). Maybe that's just me, but I treat alts as just alts. They'll get gear a fair bit slower than my main, as I funnel their marks into OP food, but I'm still running elite content and getting renown.

    As for old elite renown, I think it'd be cool if there was like an infinite/repeating reward track system for renown. Earth 3 and Riddled with Crime were pretty easy to get renown for because people run those often for the rare drops. The other instances, not so much, only occasionally for feats. More rare feat items could be attached to them (also make them 3-star feats, since the other pet runs aren't as popular and are harder raids), or give some small bonuses for every X amount of renown collected. The first 6500 are the same, then the repeating rewards start. E.g. every 2000 collected renown gives you a case of Source Marks or something (maybe make it more interesting; 2 quarks?). Could be scaled to difficulty of content... like if you're spamming CTe you'd get better rewards than spamming PanE.

    I think unlocking the style feat on alts is already pretty good for getting a discount on gear. I feel like it'd kill content even more quickly if alts could quickly get geared and renown. The main bottleneck in my experience for gearing isn't even renown, it's marks. And like I said renown isn't that hard to earn. Old renown maybe, but I think more incentives to run would help with that.

    As for weapons and jewelry discounts... I have to agree that those would be pretty nice.
  20. Kayla El Committed Player

    I apologize if what i am about to suggest was already proposed along the years by other players but as a quality of life addition i was thinking why not change, starting the next dlc, all the gear to have stats for all roles like the omnipotence items do. This way it would be a lot easier and give us a lot of incentive to try and play other roles and other powers. Of course we would still need a lot of investment in the game to level up role specific allies, artifacts and augments which in my opinion is perfectly fine and doesn't need major adjustments.