Isis Base Item daily drops

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Prindacerk, Oct 11, 2022.

  1. Prindacerk Committed Player

    I really thought for a base item that gives 10 points and costs 50 spooky tokens, it would be more valuable than what it currently is. The description said the cat would give something daily once placed in the base. I thought maybe a base item or a random loot that's related to the event. Instead, it gives rubbish. Absolutely rubbish.

    What's the point other than the 10 base item? At least make it drop something random that's seasonal event based or base item related or something.

    So disappointed. Isis let me down.
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  2. The Con Dedicated Player

    While I like having the cat roaming around my lair....

    I hate it when I'm trying to do something, and I accidently pick up an Isis "gift".....
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  3. Eve YouTuber

    Might aswell just be a regular base pet. It does drop one base item, that small balloon cat. But It's note ven worth it lol
  4. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    There's also the fish statue, Black Cat Idol, and Iceberg Lounge gem pedestal.
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  5. Eve YouTuber

    I was really unlucky then, never dropped those
  6. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    You can also get a Giant Fish Statue from the kitty, but it's not tradable. I'd swear there was another rare drop that showed up when they eliminated the junk loot and accidentally removed all the junk the cat drops at the same time, but for the life of me I can't remember what it was.

    Also, at least one of the junk loot items is nothing to sneeze at. A stack of 15 of the Jack's Flash Sock will sell for $174,150 on a vendor. Not millions, but hardly a chunk of change to just ignore. ;)

    EDIT: someone just listed the other items LOL
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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Hey! She's just a little kitty cat! How much do you expect her to carry? lol
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  8. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    If she can handle that Giant Fish Statue, I think she can handle anything. :D
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  9. Prindacerk Committed Player

    She's Catwoman's cat. She should have the skills to steal some diamond or something that I can sell for decent amount. Not bloody bones that's worthless.
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  10. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    And very very VERY rarely the Colossal Cat Balloon or something with a name similar to that. Also the Jack Flash sock/boot? grey item that sells to a vendor for 16k. The collosal cat balloon looks like that giant maggot infested cat ballon, just without the maggots.
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  11. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Isis also doesn't trash the entire lair every time I turn my back. Unlike certain little orange monsters darlings I could name.
  12. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    There's also the super rare chance to get the Diamond Pedestal (from Iceberg Lounge), but I've never gotten one even after clicking it every day for well over a year.