Up-Votes Needed Halloween race

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Jords21, Oct 6, 2022.

  1. Jords21 Well-Known Player

    Halloween race is bugged saying cannot start while transformed
  2. Eve YouTuber

    Are you wearing any special ring? (Speed, Acro, Flight) these prevent you from doing races and counts as Transformation.
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  3. Crowman Active Player

    Unequip them special equipment like them, by access the race. I mean i know u issure coz i previously i report a "bug" about the race spots, but later someone are answer my ticket and i fixed.
    The problem are related about transform and specal equip; on my case i used the Robin Ring and this made me looks like i use acrobatic, afterall is curiously coz im acrobatic lol, but after i fixed or soluted the problem about my race spot i thinked work too so when i go to join the race event i unequip my ring and i join the race. Try unequip that item by join, check carefully u character and try.
  4. Hendrix Well-Known Player

    Everytime I start the Halloween race and transform into a bat, the calibration on my PC controller gets disabled and the game treats every ring in the race as a collision that halts high speed movement. I must repeatedly press the high speed (Joy R3) button to travel forward again, and when I reach the next green race ring, I stop again. Repeat for 3 min to finish race. When I transform back to human at the end of the race, normal movement calibration is restored.

    I've tried dropping to windows and recalibrating joystick in control panel, while transformed, but that does nothing. If I unplug my USB joystick and plug it in again, two or more times, it sometimes restores normal race movement whereby the race rings are not collisions.

    I am not wearing any transformation or movement rings or gear. I am using Win 7. This happened 3 days now.
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  5. Hendrix Well-Known Player

    I experimented with my alts. If I login and go straight to the Halloween race, there is no problem and movement during the race is normal. BUT, if I go to the Halloween VAULT first, and then go to the race, movement is compromised during the race and each checkpoint is a collision. Weird. Confirmed on 2 toons.

    I recommend not going to the Halloween vault before trying the Halloween race if you are on PC using an xbox controller.
  6. EllaMental Breakdown New Player

    PC player here.
    It's not just a glitch with a controller. I've had this same thing happen on random alts as well in this race. I have run each of my 10+ alts through the race every day and so far some will work fine, but some have this error. Usually if I replay the race it will fix it. I do tend to hit the vault, then the race so I'll try doing vault last today and see if this helps.
  7. EllaMental Breakdown New Player

    Thank you for the work around! I've been running the vault after the race and haven't had anymore issues with this. Finally got my platinum finish.
  8. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    I experienced this last night on Xbox