Any interest in revamping Mailboxes?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Prindacerk, Aug 5, 2022.

  1. Prindacerk Committed Player

    I asked this a long time ago when I was playing actively in 2015. Returning back now, I realized it's still the same.

    Is there a way to improve the mailbox at all? Right now it lists everyone from my friend list and league (which makes it like 500+ names) to select from. There's no way to filter or keep favourites or something. There's no easy way to have recent contacts or something to narrow down the contact list. So sharing between my own account characters (Shared bank is not sufficient for multiple characters) or even across close friends is a bit tedious. Especially when they have special characters in their names which makes it difficult to type all the time.

    Another issue I constantly have is the bug in the mailbox system. Once I send a mail, I have to close and open mailbox again before I can send it once more. The attachment window get skewed once the first mail is sent with an attachment and it won't scroll or let me select.

    Would be great if a better solution for the mailbox is introduced in my opinion as it is broken or inefficient currently.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, or have it start auto filling if you typed in the first few letters, kind of like real mail clients do.

    'Frequent' list would be good too. Generally I'm only mailing alts or a few friends, so I don't need the full list.
    PRO TIP: If this fits what you do too, send an email from each alt and leave it in the inbox for quick replies vs having to scroll each time. Works for 60 days till the old mail falls off.

    PRO TIP2: The mail attachment glitch only happens if you are NOT at the top of your inventory when sending or when a new mail comes in. After you finish your attachments, scroll back up to the top and you can keep going with more mail. Should still be fixed, but until then, less hassle than repeatedly going in and out.

    EDIT: This is another reason I like to keep the top of my inventory pretty clean (save a few sodas and artis), that way all my 'drop' stuff, that I will normally be mailing to an alt like collections, cats and salvage exos...I don't have to scroll down (or up) when I'm sending a lot of mail to alts.
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  3. Prindacerk Committed Player

    Didn't realize that. Thanks for the tip.

    The problem is that everytime you get loot, the top part gets filled very quickly. So you run a few events, collect the loot, you need to move them all down before you go to the mailbox. Very inconvenient since you can't move in bulk either. I tried to manually organize my inv before. But gave up and now let it auto sort. Saves me time.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, scroll up then. Inventory management is the 'secret' game inside the game....and yeah, sometimes it's more challenging than the most elite raid.
  5. SSB Active Player

    Sending your alts a league invite through the mail is something they should definitely add if they revamp the mail system.
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  6. Eve YouTuber

    would love to see a change to the mail system UI. Better way of seeing league mates & friends names so you can mail them more easily. have a "Are you sure?" pop-up so it makes you check twice if you wrote the name right lol. And them finding a way to bring back sending cash through mail without bringing the issues around it back.
  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If they can lock it down to alts only, that would be cool. But if it were open to inviting anyone, I can see it being a hassle someone might just spam everyone (like they do if you are walking around in the WT/HOL.

    Maybe it won't send if the toon in question is already in a league? Kind of like if you tried to send an attachment to someone who can't accept it?
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  8. SSB Active Player

    Adding it to the decline league invites deal we already have could work since it's still a league invite. With that on they would just get declined by mail wasting their time instead of yours.
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  9. beardrive Committed Player

    Yes please Yes! I've been waiting for this thread, and to be able to change the names of a number of my three digit alts! Max inventory slots does nothing when you're transferring across a dozen alts, and though the tip above sounds great, I prefer just to be able to select items.

    I've had instances of a first mail block item selection without any mail coming in or any other noticeable logical reason why it's disconnected from the internet, my item, or my selection process. I have to send every email individually as well.

    Eventually, as a base designer, I had to abandon everyone and create my own league, so I would just be able to send all my emails to myself easily and frequently as I like without that massive list of names in front of me from a league I was in that had 450 people in it. And so sending email should probably include sending 10 attachments now as well, instead of just five, so we don't waste 10 emails sending five items, when we could send 10 items, wasting only five emails

    Here's a funny little side note; after seeing a number of my three digit alts, a number of people started changing their names to three digits as well, which always eventually finds the ire of someone, who shouts in the chat about all of the idiots with their three digit names. Hilarious. :)

    but that will continue to be necessary for me to keep typing things one-handed, like hu8, JI9, ko0, until that's fixed, because even with Max shared inventory slots, it's a bit ridiculous and horrendous to keep re-logging.

    I vote Yes for the mail update with our new 25 million dollars!
  10. the solowing Steadfast Player

    IDK about this one. i Can see RMT using it to spam out messages
  11. SSB Active Player

    What about adding the option to put your alts in your league if you created your own straight from the character select screen? Once at that screen you just go to whoever you want to invite and the option to invite them pops up and you simply select join league. No mail or messages from anybody that way.
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  12. DarkMastery Active Player

    The system is outdated and old and needs attention just like the broker.