PS player needs help from PC player on artifacts.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AJPro, Jul 14, 2022.

  1. AJPro Committed Player

    I have maxed out source shard, quixlet, and grim.
    a youtube person said mercy is must and to run instead of grim.
    But grim is the 3rd pet for source and also applies PI and negates power regen limited by pets.
    any advice or people who pulled the trigger and sub mercy already and can give me some advice would be appreciated.
  2. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    With MERCY at 200 you can have your trinket pet (I use Tier 3 Motherbox) out 100% of the time as your 3rd pet. Also does damage upon summon and applies power interaction (on mercy/offering cast). Never really have power issues because there's really not much to spam.

    Edit: Sorry, on Xbox not PC :)
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  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    This is why you don’t listen to YouTube advice. So much bad information there. Mercy is an alternative to grim and not a must have. Overall source, quislet, grim does more damage than using mercy over grim. But to explain how mercy works, mercy upgrades your fortify/offering to attack protocol. When you use this ability it basically functions the same way. The biggest difference is that it also lowers the cooldown of your trinket pet. If you are able to use attack protocol off cooldown than you can resummon your trinket pet as soon as it gets off cooldown. What that means is that you basically do have 3 pets up at all times.

    The biggest pro of using mercy is that your trinket pet has higher dps than grim so your trinket getting the buff over your grim means higher damage from that avenue. On top of that when you summon a trinket pet or henchmen (with a cooldown) you do an aoe damage proc around you. This is a mid range attack so if your dps from max range you don’t deal that damage. And you also get a shield around your pets when you summon a trinket pet or henchmen (with a cooldown).

    However where you would have 3 pets up with mercy, you have 4 pets 50% if the time with grim and 3 pets 50% of the time when your trinket pet is down. Also, if your trinket pet dies you have to wait to resummon it. But with grim it will automatically resuming on its own. And yes having 4 pets out means that you risk quislet or your power set pet (if you’re earth or sorcery) not getting the buff. Ideally you’d want quislet, your trinket pet and your power set pet to get the buff. Trinket pets do more base damage, Quislet has special attacks including one when you use a sc which you definitely want to buff, and if you’re earth and sorcery you want to buff their big attacks.

    But even with the risk of these pets not getting a buff the overall damage of source, quislet, and grim is still higher. Not by a huge amount but still higher. So it basically comes down to preference and not a MUST HAVE.
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  4. AJPro Committed Player

    Thanks for the answer, one follow up, how about no grim, do you need a power to add PI now?
    Because the PI from the trinket pet summon does not seem to often enough
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  5. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    I happen to know where he got his youtube advice from and its being a bit disingenuous to say Grim over Mercy for a pet build. You won't have more damage over the course of a raid with grim vs mercy because you run the risk that godwave doesn't even proc on his more than likely tier 3 pet and only buffs. Now the assumption is this player was using RSK and not earth or sorc but could be cause he didn't specify. It would take numerous procs of godwave on grim's damage to equal just one M.E.R.C.Y. Reactive Field proc which i've seen hit 100k per target. You also mentioning about a trinket pet dying while leaving out completely the M.E.R.C.Y. Defensive Module aspect of Mercy. While I will agree its not a "must have" Mercy presents numerous better opportunities than Grim will and xp is not a factor due to the event.
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Sounds like you got your advice covered. However, I have a question...

    Why would it matter what platform or your advisor play on? All Artis are the same across platforms, and while population is obviously different from one platform or another...that shouldn't impact how Artis work (well maybe EOG if there aren't a few people to spam it in a group). I was perplexed by the specific nature of that title vs the actual question.
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  7. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Was wondering the exact same thing lol.

    Personal opinion, mercy is a great artifact. Must have is a bit over the top. I stuck with grim/ source/ quislet since I’m sorcery. If I were another power set, I’d be using it. But this toon really only runs elites and that big hit that mercy does is too close range for me to want to deal with. Get it if you’d like OP but don’t believe that it’s MUST HAVE.
  8. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    The PI procs with the Mercy move, not the summon itself
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  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Additional question:
    Not running a pet build but wanted to use a PI pet, I already use RSK, is MERCY more advantageous than Grim?
  10. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    You would have to have a loadout slot free and in your rotation free to use the mercy ability so that RSK applies the PI. From that standpoint grim is better as an auto PI, however qusilet even without applying a PI is still better than grim
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  11. Bullistikz Active Player

    Emperor Aquaman with his passive can help increase pet damage including RSK
  12. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Healing from the defense module won’t save pets thou. It’s one the reasons why the shield was added. Pets have a big issue with AI. Standing in fire, getting splash damage. Hazard damage. While the healing is nice it’s just additive and nothing else.

    I also did mention the proc from summoning an additional pet. But that proc is mid range (unless I missed an update to it’s range). The proc also occurs on the user and not the pet so most of the time (especially elite) you won’t be hitting the proc consistently unless you are keeping track of the internal cooldown, which let’s face it most won’t be doing
  13. AJPro Committed Player

    As a PS i have no idea how PC players get all those numbers and spreadsheets….when they make videos.
    heck as a PS player the window of information on attacks scrolls and is hard to track one dps set nevermind multiple loadouts
  14. AJPro Committed Player

    Btw, thanks for all the knowledge!
  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Pc players use some sort of software to do a breakdown.

    Regardless you can change your tab settings to limit what you see on different tabs. For example. I have 1 tab to show me nothing but parsers, 1 for lfg, 1 for incoming damage, 1 for tells, and 1 basic one. I do have my core types added to my combat and lfg tab thou. Those being group/league/tells.

    So when I’m testing loadouts I will only see parsers tells, group messages, and league messages. This is so that I can see if anyone messages me. In log I have those set up to see if anyone responds to request for lfg. But for incoming damage I have everything else disabled to see what killed me or what damaged me incase I unexpectedly died or took heavy damage. And for my tells tab I have nothing else to go back and see if I missed any tells while I was busy/afk.

    On the parser tab I basically have the damage breakdown disabled. That’s the numbers that say “x attack did y damage”. I only have the parsers set ti show to tell my a breakdown of my dps
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