Up-Votes Needed Outer Caverns investigations missing

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Maddshadow, Aug 2, 2020.

  1. Maddshadow New Player

    Tracking transmitter. Im missing this investigation in the Outer Caverns. I wasted an Radar Enhancer trying to get to it. When I go to the spot there is nothing there yet the action button or the red circle appears above my head even though nothing is there. If I press it my character will go through the motion of looking around as if collecting an investigation but, nothing. There is no humm for its indication or a physical green node. You can only tell where it supposed to be by the Radar Enhancer and the action button indicater
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  2. Maddshadow New Player

  3. Katya Zamolodchikova New Player

    In Outern Caverns, there’s a bugged briefing that cannot be collected. Can that be fixed somehow?
  4. Zealot drock New Player

    Same for me still