Healers are not bait!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ergotth, Jun 17, 2022.

  1. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Yeah, I’m not killing adds unless specifically asked to. If a healer goes down, I’ll pop detaunt and pick them up. If the go down again, same deal. If they go down a third time, Dark Father or Brimstone is usually low enough at that point for me to finish themoff solo. If I’m killing adds due to being asked, it’s gonna be a long fight as I’m killing them one at a time with flurry shot, taser pull and stealth damage, all pure ST damage.
  2. PickArole Well-Known Player

    I know someone is gonna slam this but, the reason healers get abandoned now is the simple fact that healers can battle heal. I've seen healers destroy dps for damage. Dps have become used to the guy and don't bother helping a pure healer.. I myself have a basic heal and my damage sucks bad! Best bet is to let people know you're Resto based period, no damage whatsoever. If they can help they will.
  3. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Except I won't die, laugh inside at you for needing to be in role in the first place, and suffer zero loss at you blocking me. Bye Felicia.

    Or. You could just stand closer to me and stop being a square. It's not rocket science.
  4. Controller Devoted Player

    What I've seen healers do in this elite duo is maneuver in such a way that the adds are in the vicinity of the boss(es). Doing this allows for some simultaneous burn.

    I've also noted that the 5 or so healers I've completed this with did a notable amount of damage....nowhere near as much as I in DPS role but enough to help out with adds and such.

    Also take note that due to the RNG of the effects sometimes doing your absolute best isn't good enough. Thankfully - knowing the mechanics helps to lessen the bad RNG but it does still happen.
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  5. Ergotth Committed Player

    For me, being a celestial healer does help a bit tho. Admonish actualy knocks enemies on their butt and the combo version of Consume Soul + Wrath deals a nice chunk of damage while I keep popping the barrier and once in a while using the combo of it to mark an enemy as a "heal bomb". Not to mention I have the "oh ****!" heal that pushes adds away from me with the "Channeled abilities can't get interrupted" mod. Did save me a couple times. But I still like when the DPS can AT LEAST make sure there aren't more than 2 Parademons in the fight. More than that and its a real hazard.
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  6. Controller Devoted Player

    I hear you.

    When I have a healer in the elite duo I pay a bit more attention to him / her - especially at the 1st boss - to see how they heal.

    For this current DLC, in particular, I've had to get the MERCY Art up to AT LEAST 120 for my RSK, use a Mother Box as well as focus on my ELITE DPS gear first to make sure I'm optimizing my burn, especially for the healer.

    Most of the time I'm fortunate enough to get those adds to focus on my RSK and Darkseid to go after it as well - especially with his Omega Beams.

    I'm also finding myself using my orbitals, SC and Cyborg Ally moreso just to clear the adds - and hopefully get Darkseid and Brimstone caught in the crossfire.

    Not a fun duo in the least.

    Toss in those awful grenades and it makes for a crazy instance.
  7. Ergotth Committed Player

    Oh yes, when I see the grenadiers, I make sure they are occupied or dead, because in elite duo, they deal WAY TOO MUCH DAMAGE! Like, wtf, not even the bosses can take away that much outside their special moves!

    And yea, I love how Darkseid will equally target players or random **** like Grail's fatherbox or anything we summon xD
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  8. Achikah All About That Base

    I rarely pug these days, so I usually had a leaguemate or friend in there with me as we faced Brimestone. Most of the time it goes smoothly. However, most isn't all, and I've had to solo him on several occasions with each support role, all 3 in a hybrid damage role. Being able to take care of the adds yourself, even the instance, is a nice reassurance to fall back on in case you're partner's not quite on their A-game that day.

    That being said though, not everyone hybrids and for strict support roles (healers specifically given this thread), I understand your pain. Some DPS don't quite understand how horrible it is to be mobbed by adds in such a brutal way, and how helpless you feel in the situation. Or, simply, they don't quite care how infuriating/stressful/truly unfun it is for you; they're getting their heals, they're doing their damage (usually without aggro), and most time it gets them out of the instance 'much' quicker by not dealing with anything but the boss.

    True, killing the adds might take an extra minute or two. You may also be able to kill the bosses before the healer's last death all on your own. Yes, all these factors are, indeed, a means to an end, but this is a duo, 2 players, and one is clearly not having as much fun as the other. So, for the DPS out there, if you see your role player struggling or dying, consider helping out. Not all of us need saving, but if you see your support getting swarmed and are struggling, consider leaning them a hand. Usually a good support player notices when their DPS needs aid, and we do what we can to keep you alive and going. Consider doing the same for us from time to time.

    But hey, this is all just my opinion, to each their own. But ya, I'm an advocate for being kind to your supports.
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  9. Controller Devoted Player

    Every little bit helps.

    I personally dislike Dps role but I've had to invest more and more in it to optimize my HL toon with this DLC.

    This thread, though, has made me more aware of healers when they pop into the duo with me.
  10. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    No. Healer is snack.
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  11. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    yea for sure those fights are much easier if you kill the adds as they come in waves based on their health. you would think people could figure something so simple out
  12. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I'm with you but pugs be pugs even when you ask them please kill adds it makes fight much smoother they will say sure but then just pew pew pew the boss until we are both dead. its sad really.
    If I pug the elite duo I will inevitably end up going battle heal to finish the fight after the so called dps dies
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, having the 'battle' loadout backup is the best option to fall back on.
  14. Ergotth Committed Player

    If Healers are snack, that makes you the main course.
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  15. Pinocchio New Player

    Not at all my Dear. Cast Guardian and he will tank the whole Duo Elite for you. Even better than the other healers options you mentionned !
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  16. Kreachure Committed Player

    yeah we are
  17. Wallachia Devoted Player

    My alt is a celestial healer, pure healer build. Pitiful DPS, absurd survivability that only tanks can surpass.

    If a DPS abandons me I stop healing him and healtank until he gets some sense and starts teamplaying or he leaves and I get someone else to play with.