June 15th still nada on Switch

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ChadMidGa76, Jun 15, 2022.

  1. ChadMidGa76 New Player

    When will we get any content? We were told we'd get spring 2 weeks after and we didn't. Still no blue beetle daily rewards. Now, no pride gifts. When will any of this be available?
  2. DubiousOP Active Player

    Dont forget we got a hardware update, and it was very helpful for two whole days.
  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Please see this message under Announcements:
    Server Downtime (Switch) & More - June 16, 2022 - GU 124/125/Summer
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  4. Sunwukong139 New Player

    Legit question then, since we're getting this 3 weeks late, what is the plan, are we going to get extra time? Bonus marks? A lil transparency is all I'm (and for that matter the whole switch community) am asking for