Armouries:So this is new

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Quantum Edge, Jun 14, 2022.

  1. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I don't know if it's a role playing thing of mine, or what. I've got one Armoury (I use the Queen's English, and there's a U damnit) and one spot is called "Civilian" When I'm going to be in my lair for awhile, I switch to it, no gear, no powers, and no SP set. He also runs around in civilian clothes.

    With last weeks update, that armoury no longer functions, it tells me I haven't spent X number of skill points so that toon is disabled. Any thoughts as to the logic of this?
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  2. sebfm Well-Known Player

    It's actually implemented this way so you have to spend your SP on your two armories. You can still give no power in your loadout in this armory, but when you gain SPs, you have to attribute them in all of your armories :) It works that way since I've started playing tho
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  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    If you have 11 or more unspent skill points for that armory it locks up. You have to manually activate that armory, allocate those unspent skill points and then imprint.
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  4. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    You have to imprint a certain amount of skill points into an armory for it to be able to be switched to using hot keys. It's your amount of skill points minus 10, ie. if you have 500 skill points, you have to spend at least 490. Been this way for a long time.

    If you don't have the minimum amount of skill points spent, you can still use the armory, but you have to manually activate it by going to it and using the menu.
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  5. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Ah, okay I had recently recreated him with a CR of zero, but I don't recall ever having that issue. I guess the problem is, how do I distribute SP, if I can't activate the armoury?

    (I saw the posted answers after I posted this question, THANKS)
  6. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    yeah it took me forever to figure that one out myself.
  7. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    You can activate the armory, but you have to manually do it (not with the hot key). Walk up to the armory in your base, and choose the activate menu:

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  8. Mister Hando Active Player

    I have a Bug with Armouries. I don't see my armour on it. I must click on it to see it.
  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    That's a bug that's been around for a while. Don't know what causes it or how to fix it other than playing the game for a while. When you come back to your base latter it seems fixed on its own.
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  10. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Why do we need two armouries for two different roles? I think this is a bad thing.
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You don't really, you just need an armory to do it in an instant. You can switch role when out of combat at any can switch powers when out of combat at any can replace gear, artis,augs at any time (even in combat). Heck, you can swing back to WT/HOL/Base and change your SP at the respec station. This is what we did for a few years before armories came to be. I remember having to swing back during an AnB run because we lost our troll. "Hang on, need to warp to WT to back in 5..."

    Armories allow for it to happen in an instant and, at least 1 time, in combat. Personally I'll pay $5 for that privilege (and have paid it many times over).
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  12. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I used to have a leaguemate, who's still a friend, who was notoriously fickle with his builds (and still is although in a different game), I can't begin to tell you how many times, we had to pause, let him leave the instance, go respec in the watchtower, PM one of us, invite him back, then continue all because he felt squishy.
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