Random Number Generator?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Reluctant, May 4, 2022.

  1. Reluctant Well-Known Player

    Does anyone have a website that shows Random Number Generator?
  2. Illumin411 Loyal Player

  3. Leonite Well-Known Player

    I don't think we can compare DCUO RNG with RNG from websites. I had 4 failures on a 40% chance aug breakthrough in the same day, twice! Am so thankful of seal of preservations.
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  4. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I've been there. Hell, been worse. On the flip side, for this DLC so far my two toons augments are at 28, 28, 27, 23, 11, 11, 11 and 11 and I think I've only use up three or four seals of preservation total so I've been on a lucky streak. Gotta take the good with the bad.
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  5. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I had to take a unit in statistics at university. Talking about messing with your mind. Assuming an infinite sample size, you could theoretically generate the same number hundreds of times. I know I tunes had to tweak their random play algorithm because people claimed they kept hearing the same songs over and over. You could theoretically flip a coin and it could land 50 times in a row heads. Random is as random does.
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  6. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    That's pretty much how it felt when the Joker's Wild TCs first started and I'd get that "uncommon/rare drop" mask/gas ventilator thing dropping like 90% of the ones I opened lmao. I still have one more piece of the collection I need for the hair I want from it and Resurgence is going on rn, so I suspect my banks will be welcoming in some more of them pretty soon lmao.

    Though I think the best case of RNG going well for me was when the Oracle TCs first came out. I practically worship Oracle and the matter of the erasure of her as a disabled woman is quite important to me. Plus, I have a character that's a warped version of her in like a tech suit thing that's gone all Punisher-y. Because of all this, it kinda startled me honestly when literally the very first one I opened on the very first day they came out gave me not only the Oracle emblem but the enhanced one in particular. For a moment I felt like the game had somehow gained sentience and read my mind and just knew how significant the emblem was to me and just went "I'll just give you this one, it's special." It was almost eerie lmao.

    It's also so weird how there's like particular people that just seem to have some blessing from RNGesus and get like absurdly good luck all the time with everything ever and then specific people that just seem to be cursed by RNGesus and never have any luck whatsoever. I swear, if you told someone from like the 1700s RNG was some sentient entity or a god or something, it would be quite easy to convince them lmao. Best of luck to OP, but I don't think trying to predict RNG is gonna be all that effective lmao.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    4 on a 40% is still pretty good. I've had 3 or 4 failures on an 80% before....that's a bit disheartening.

    On a 40% the only other alternative is SOC, so as long as you got out with less than 10 fails, you are still ahead for the money you would have spent. Seeing 4 fails might hit you in the guts...but...

    But yeah....DCUO RNG must be being rolled with loaded dice.
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  8. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    The first link in my signature has some useful information to help understand how rng works.
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  9. Leonite Well-Known Player

    Sorry (but not sorry!) to revive this but, man, 6 consecutive failures for a 40% success chance is ridiculous! I don't mind having a lower success rate for the final breakthrough (like we can do anything about it) but the game should at least be honest about the success rate.
  10. PickArole Well-Known Player

    It's definitely pretty random. I've had 2 fails in a row with 90% and 11 (10 seals and a loss of cats) for 60%. It would be nice to see the odds raise 10% after a loss of cats. Would still hurt to lose the cats but you'd be 10% closer with your loss.
  11. Leonite Well-Known Player

    Its not random. If it happened to me once, I'd maybe call it bad luck. But this is the second time and if you read above, my first toon had 4 consecutive failurues for the same breakthrough. I think this is more about the game being dishonest about the success rate.

    The chance to get 4 consecutive failures on a 40% success rate is 12% and six consecutive failures is less than 5%. That's some bad luck or the game is just dishonest.
  12. PickArole Well-Known Player

    I personally have very crappy luck, so this game don't surprise me at all. Even a 50/50 chance could roll infinitely good or bad. Luck or dishonesty? Could be either or.
  13. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Remember, a small chance is still a chance and with so many people doing it so many times, some weird moments are bound to happen. Someone's bound to have bizarrely bad luck that seems like the game is messing with them, but really it just is genuinely bad luck. Even with such a small chance, when there's a big enough sample there's always going to be someone.You know the whole idea of how winning the lottery is extremely unlikely but SOMEONE always has to? It's the same thing but the other way. I've had an artifact that I got directly from the Artifacts mission that I did that first guaranteed breakthrough on and then went to do the second ever one for, which is 90% chance of success so I chose to save the free seal for another time, and the breakthrough failed twice in a row. It happens.
  14. Great Architect Loyal Player

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  15. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    I think people playing DCUO assume 2 things; 1. the Monte-Carlo effect, the longer you continue to play, the more chance you have of seeing every possible combinations of numbers/symbols etc BUT they don't consider the number of possible combinations, and 2., that probabilities are as easy to comprehend as 1 in 10 if 10% chance.

    This. This is the correct answer.