Is there a general consensus best heal/dps power?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Drake_DuCaine, May 23, 2022.

  1. Drake_DuCaine Well-Known Player

    Title. I've gotten kind of bored of Munitions DPS and wondering if there's another power that's just as good. Also healing powers. I'm a Nature healer currently and it was strongest healer at one point but not sure about now. Haven't played in about 2 years.
  2. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Electric would be the obvious choice. Many would say that it is the best dps in the game. Precision.

    Any of the healers can do the job fine anyway, but I do believe it to be one of the best there as well.
  3. Tilz Loyal Player

    Every healingpower can do the job. Easy.

    Here are my rankings on the healing powers (healing and dps side) from experience and being a healer my entire dcuo life.

    Healing Ranking:

    1. Electricity
    2. Water
    3. Celestial + Sorcery
    4. Nature

    Electricity has burst heals which is way better than HoT-Builds in elite content. Water has all the shields. Celestial and Sorcery are just strong healers (and no Sorcery doesn't need a HoT build, you can run full burst heal without issues).

    For the EoG-Green-Spam-Meta every healing power is literally the same. Group Heal - Prioheal - Shield - SC/Wildcard - SC - SC

    DPS Might:
    1. Celestial
    2. Electricity (only because of Circuit Breaker)
    3. Sorcery (Sorc-Pet-Build is insane on ST though)
    4. Water
    5. Nature

    DPS Prec:
    1. Electricity
    2. Celestial
    3. Sorcery
    4. Water
    5. Nature

    That being said. For Precision DPS the differences on the healing powers are minimal.
  4. Henoshock Well-Known Player

    The answer is Elec until they nerf Circuit Breaker. Healing wise it's pretty good, tied with Water IMO, not really a clear winner between them (sometimes shields from Water are OP, sometimes you just need the burst from Elec). Sorc and Celes are both "slow" to heal in terms of animations/powers, Nature is just slow because it's mostly HoTs and can't spam burst.

    I don't quite agree with this, for Might I think Elec should be top because CB is that good. Celes next, Sorc is ok with pet build, Nature is also pretty decent if you can keep up poisons, Water is would put lowest (though it's also not completely trash).

    For Prec, I've never seen a Celes prec so I can't comment on it, but I don't think it's that amazing. Sorc is up there with pet prec, though even it's normal prec is decent with Circle. Nature/Water prec about the same. Honestly apart from Elec they're all bum prec powers so should perform similarly, I might even put Water highest because it has the best 50% SC for green spam groups. Nature has potential if you can keep up DoTs, but they're even more annoying to manage as Prec IMO.
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  5. Tilz Loyal Player

    I put it there because of ST damage. Celstial > Elec there, but they are both not too far away from eachother.

    Ye Prec is all pretty close to eachother. Its like all the same :D
  6. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Celestial probably at my last spot for Prec tbh. Celestial, in general, requires a competent player that understands the combos, otherwise you're just bleeding damage. Electric is easy to get milage out of, but does have that absolute poop Might ST.

    Do Water Might players still use dehydrate? Or is that a dead ability because of EoG etc etc
  7. Tilz Loyal Player

    Celestial Prec doesn't need any combos and has potent choices for background might damage. Thats why it's not bad. But ye, Superspeed is more or less all the same.
    Also Celestial Combos are not that hard (ok.. i am a celestial OG.. even after 3 years it was still muscle memory xD).

    Might ST with elec is not great, but CB is the key, it's not too much of poop. It's just not special.

    I haven't seen water might DPS in a while (also I just know one good Water Might DPS). I think it's still the best ST option, but in the EoG-Meta i guess it's better jsut to use movement SCs to spam the circles.
    Water Might DPS has some little tricks to get ahead on adds, but the DPS side is just bad for might. And even prec multi target has like either super weird clipping timings or super long animations for acceptable damage.
    I love throwing sharks, but water might dps needs help.
  8. Nangaf Well-Known Player

    for healing:
    -1 Water
    -2 Electric
    -3 Nature
    -4 Sorcery = Celestial

    * if you want the best to worst in my opinion ( 11years vet healer)
    * my main is nature healer too, so maybe water/electric are better in theory but always depend of players skill,artifact too
    *samething for dps side always depend of the player, i can do more dps with water power than someone with electric dps. The power you choose in the game count for 1/4 of the perfomance and 3/4 is from the player skill

    so try by yourself and take the power you like, dont listen all players in the forum , like you see , we all have different opinion
  9. Tilz Loyal Player

    I disagree on Nature being better than sorcery and celestial. :D

    Simply because the lack of a groupshield and not the greatest burst. (yes nature can heal everything, but shields are king). :D
  10. Nangaf Well-Known Player

    Lack of group shield, i dont understand! the 3 power have groupshield (nature have groupshield swarm shield!)
    Or you talk about the strenght of the shield ?

    * clarion artifact give extra shield if needed
    * agree for burst (need upgrade)
  11. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    All the healing powers are capable of healing well. It's a matter of what style you prefer, firstly.
    Hybrid or superpowered focus? (Spec)

    Then select what artifacts you would like to use. If you're EoG healing, your options are very limited. Otherwise you can pick what goes best with your preferred spec.

    The 3 healing powers I like best, are celestial, water, and electric.
    Water, in my opinion, is the most versatile healer, there's a lot of ways to get the job done with water. These three also, in my opinion, make the best battle healers.

    For these three, if you want, I can suggest artifacts and loadouts, that are very strong (also helps to know your SP).
  12. L T Devoted Player

    Gadgets is ahead of Electric even with circuit breaker.
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  13. Henoshock Well-Known Player

    I think Dehydrate is extremely bad. Not only does it not give you an EoG proc, it also has no interaction with Scrap - meaning, you need your entire SC bar filled to hit its max damage. It's not every 2500 SC, it's every 25% of your current maximum supercharge. For the same amount of SC you could do Neo-Venom Boost into Call of the Deep. Then CotD hits even harder (especially AoE), and you also get several seconds of NVB damage. The only time I would consider Dehydrate is if you need to absolutely obliterate a single target, and either you have 1 second to do it (so you don't have time to hit NVB + CotD), or it's in a bunch of adds and you don't want to split damage. The only time in recent memory I considered it was FFe killing Jay Garricks feat with a solo tank.
  14. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Dehydrate doesn't split, it only hits your locked target.

    No, you don't want to use dehydrate if your using EoG, it won't proc.

    Dehydrate still remains the strongest hitting ST power. So it's situational. If you don't care about building SC, then for ST, you want dehydrate in your loadout. I'll use it on my battle healer (I don't use SC), for example in the elite duo when I get to brimstone, to finish him off quicker. But as far as full out damage goes, your better off (for ST) using HV, lance, shark, torrent, rsk, whirlpool. For those longer fights, you get more damage out this way.
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  15. Drake_DuCaine Well-Known Player

    I'll look into switching powers. I've been comfortable with Nature for so long that I fear if I respec I'll have to buy another power token and switch back. Celestial DPS looks like a ton of fun so that's probably the one I would go with out of those 3. I don't really like electric. Haven't tried water healing or DPS really. I'll watch some videos on the 3 and see which one I think would fit my playstyle more. Thanks!
  16. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Celestial DPS is great: it's fun, and it's very strong. But if you don't like combos, it's not gonna be fun. One perk of Celestial is that you don't need heat vision to put out a serious single target damage parser.

    I'll give you a couple loadouts, for DPS, for water and celestial. If you want healing options, I can help there too if you like.

    Celestial: Artifacts- trans, grim, Quislet (both aoe + single)

    Aoe- firstly, it's important that the first enemy you hit, is the weakest, because your explosion from plaque will dish out some nice damage, so you want your targeted enemy to die first.

    *Plaque combo clipped into divine light (no combo), wrath of the presence combo clipped back into plaque combo clipped into 2x wrath combo. Restart. That is for close range. Replace wrath with wither (combo) for range. Rsk and the 6th slot can be a shield, benediction, or SC.

    *ST- plaque combo clipped into divine combo clipped into defile, consume soul (no combo) into plaque combo clipped to defile, consume. Repeat. Rsk and neo venom boost.

    Water: Artifacts- transformation, Quislet, grim (solar amp for ST in place of grim- because Quislet will give you more damage using SC).

    Aoe- Aqua lance clipped to bubble, shark, depth charge, ebb combo, shark, depth charge, ebb combo. Repeat (use bubble when ready) RSK.

    ST- Heat vision, lance, shark, torrent. Repeat. Rsk and whirlpool SC.
  17. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    If you are looking to switch powers to chase the scoreboard than I wouldn’t bother switching. Just because a power does do go damage does not mean you or anyone can bring that potential out just by switching powers. Just like any power you will have to learn the new power set just as if you’d have to learn the power you are. Any power can do good damage. The reason you don’t see that is because most people just follow what others tell them to be and so end up not trying to learn.

    Pick the power you like then try to find ways to improve with it.
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  18. Drake_DuCaine Well-Known Player

    Not really chasing scoreboards. Munitions has gotten a bit boring to me so I'm looking to switch things up for a bit and try something new. Just want to make sure I'm not making a mistake in the power I choose to switch to so asking which are the strongest to avoid picking something weak. :)
  19. Ergotth Committed Player

    We are essentialy split between two healers:
    Constant HoTs (Nature, Water and Sorcery) and Burst healing (Electricity and Celestial) and that really have its's strenght and Weaknesses depending on what you're doing. Celestial is my personal favourite among Burst because of its INSANE range. While Elec is great burst, it got a limited range. It can be a pain in the *** in the recent Devastartor fight since the boss's knack for jumping around and the spores spreading the team often gets one or two players out of my range to burst, something Celestial never suffers. I'm leaning towards using those with Transformation Card since their burst heal are often this huge amount of mini-heals shoved in a split-second, and since every individual tick can crit, with Trans, you will get a lot of crits out of one burst.

    My biggest problem with Celestial is that the Supercharges SUCK! Especialy Consecrated Ground, that could be a fantastic SC if it wasn't 10k for a short time and having essentialy the same effect as Water's 8-men shield.

    Water and Sorcery on the other hand have the reliable Solace of the Sea/Circle of Protection which are basicaly gigantic zones of free HoT at a very reasonable amount too, leaving your hands free to restore power through attacks and even use Clarion!I think thats a key-word for Water and Sorcery: hands-free healing. Just pop your Healing Circles, shields and Weapon Buff and spend the time between cooldown attacking the enemy to keep Clarion running.

    Water and Celest also have a very handy 8-men heal that heals double if your HP is below 50%, which makes it the "oh crap, everybody is dying!" heal to use in emergencies and it never fails to save the team from a clutch, plus Celest's have the bonus of pushing enemies away from you. Just get the combos right, they make or break your healing.
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  20. Ergotth Committed Player

    I would love and endores the use of Quizzlet... if that darn thing would just SHUT THE HELL UP!!!
    I get this close to cracking everytime I hear "bookaWHOOP" or "boop beep boop!" xD
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