Pure Frustration Post

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by El Guapo, May 9, 2022.

  1. El Guapo Well-Known Player

    Thats exactly it. It ignores breakouts & I can't stand it. It's very cheap
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  2. El Guapo Well-Known Player

    It wasn't rare on the day I made this post lol.
    As far as the alert I just can't stand the constant rope thing, its annoying, tapping fast does nothing you have to medium speed tap to get out fast and the ridiculous amount of health makes ALL the fight super boring.
  3. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    R1? What’s that? Oh, the button where we don’t do any damage, lol. I’m just messing with ya there. But it seems that the elite duos have mechanics to where you get perma stunned, or to that effect of dying anyways. Just run the reg and get the renown elsewhere.
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  4. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Solid advice. The duo payout isn’t worth it. Tho I know a lot of people can’t get thru the raid so they’re getting their renown thru the duo and alert only. That must be painful. Doing the raid enough to max renown probably takes 4hrs in a good group vs every day for a month or more to do it the slow way.
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  5. spikeat Well-Known Player

    For the alert I feel all the bosses have about the same health pool. Superwoman only has 2 lasso moves, one in the corner and the 360 one. It does break the flow of your dps rotation, but I think that's the purpose of it. I dps this elite alert more often than I tank and we usually finish in under 20 min. Devastator feels the longest to me.
  6. BumblingB I got better.

    That would be me. I'm almost done with renown. I have 103 renown commendations. I just need 2 more and I can open them with a booster.

    The alert yields more, since each boss drops one commendation, but I'll be honest, the duo is only bad because of Brimstone. I wont random pug it, like I've done with FP. I'll replay it when leaguemates need help. I lucked out that I had two weeks off of work that I could do the alert daily, otherwise I'd still be in a terrible spot. lol

    Could I get through the elite raid? Probably, but unfortunately, probably not with my league, which is the ideal for me. So I just bide my time, like I've always done. I am happy we have daily options for elite renown. I really detested it was a raid only option. I have a lot of catching up to do on my renown for older content.
  7. El Guapo Well-Known Player

    Yeah I didn't wanna touch the elite raid until I had at least one augment maxed out 1st, but now unfortunately Im weeks behind in experience with the elite raid because of it & all the people who do it don't want to teach or put up with "noobs". So I'm stuck with waiting on reasonably patient people to welcome a new to elite raid player into a run, which hasn't turned out well.
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  8. Aren Sul Committed Player

    Also not fond of it. I run it as a tank and we've been doing okay, but among the frustrating things is his cone of attack (red triangle on the floor) can spawn at the same time as the lava circles and that triangle completely obscures those circles causing me to get hit with both on occasion. As a former UI designer, it makes me quite a bit angrier than I should be lol.

    It also doesn't help that I'm a fire tank and it reminds me of the frustration of fighting Heat Wave and needing to detect the slight color differences between his AOE and mine.
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  9. Casey Jaymz Active Player

    I also use House Of Legends Bot Ally due to it's ability to do Boss Dmg which does some decent burn for the 10secs it's out.
    Also for Dps's using Lerneas Amulet might suffice especially if like me using a finisher in the 2nd slot of your l/o.
  10. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    My only issue with the duo is Dark Father standing in his own orbital when he does the omega beam. If you don’t clip the lunge super fast you’ll lunge in to the orbital AOE and kill yourself. :-/
  11. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Yeah, I see that often with lfg groups. I don’t mind having someone new in as long as they’re capable and able to listen. We formed one group and I was ok with tanking the 3 bosses but the other tank just stood there so we were like ruhroh shaggy this about to go south. Tried to explain to him both in chat and text and he just wasn’t getting it and the group wasn’t having it. At 9pm, I didn’t really want to teach either. Added him as a friend and told him I’d walk him thru it when we had more time like on the weekend or something. The only issue I had, we weren’t shouting for experienced players only I admit, was that he never said anything till we asked. Just tell us 1st time. Could have been in chat explaining before we even went in.
  12. GregTheFarmer Active Player

    I agree with this sooooooo much.
    If I had a dime for every time I blocked then the mf put a volcano on me....I'd have s**t load of dimes. So you have to choose die to the volcano or die to the explosion.
    The adds BBing you can be mitigated with a immunity/breakout trinket.