Up-Votes Needed Dark knights vendor bug

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Essential Exobyte, May 9, 2022.

  1. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Hi devs, if anyone… Heyy so uhh got a minor (major) issue when scrolling through the gear lists. Hear me out as it may take a lap or two to land on the right spot. Here goes:

    When one opens the vendor and tabs over to the yellow gear (the 325 item level) you will find the prices to be buffed by 3/2 (+50%) (150%) (1.5x) their original price. For example: Chest piece is 60 marks and the vendor lists it as 90 marks (90/60=150%). This error needs to be corrected and a recompense to be issued. The same is for the elite pieces (but idc about that tab of elitism).

    This has been brought forth in the Gotham City section, Developer Discussion section, dm to the green name of the dark night rewards thread, and now as Arkham Asylum section.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The 325 level Chest is 90 marks, that's the price. Not 60 marks.
  3. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Not sure I’m following? Did I spend 115 coins on pants that should have only cost like 80 or something? I’d be annoyed, almost done buying the elite set and it is pricey
  4. A1tlantis New Player

    Not sure if the prices are correct? But they are very expensive price should be less
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  5. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    I’m not sure either. I’m glad someone else sees the “very expensive price” as well. Thought it was only me.
  6. RahRah Active Player

    Regular/Normal gear is more expensive than event gear, and elite gear is more expensive than regular/normal gear. It's always that way. The prices are all correct. This is not a bug.
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  7. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Where did tou get that the chest piece should be 60 marks? If a vendor is showing the price of an item is 90 marks then 90 marks is the price.
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