Is it possible to indicate whether the element obtained in the capsules gives a feat?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aduzar Light, Apr 22, 2022.

  1. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    Would it be possible to inform on all the elements available in the capsules, if this one gives a feat or not? to see to register the name of the feat related to the element in question? in addition to indicate if one obtained this feat or not? because with the opening, one does not have much time to seek this information, it would thus be pleasant to have directly this information with sight.
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  2. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Doesn’t it say “already collected” for emblems and collections if you’ve already collected them?
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    No offense, but have you thought of looking up the feats before you start a round of opening TCs? You know the collections grant a feat (all TC collections do if completed) and the gear set also always goes towards a really it's the emblems you would need to know about. Historically most emblems either grand solo feats or a feat for the full set, but yes...some are title only. It's pretty easy to take a look and see if the reg set has solo feats...or just for the set...same with enhanced. There shouldn't be a need to have that stitched into the item description. Now...a way to know if you have a piece of gear before opening it....sure. That's something we've asked for over the years, but that would apply to all gear styles in boxes....not just TC stuff.
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  4. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    You must be using a different feat menu than I am if you think it's easy to look up any feat in the plethora of feats we have available.
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  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    No one uses spreadsheets or writes out important notes anymore.
  6. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    Yes, but since these are items that are purchased with real money, I feel that the information should be 100% transparent, without the need for customers to do any research.
  7. lakereric New Player

    I would like vendors to show if you purchase something, you would be getting a feat as well. Great idea. I hate looking it up.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    No, it's a PITA, but I know what I'm missing before I start opening them or when a new TC launches. However, generally I pick off any TC items when a TC is current via the broker, so when a mega comes around my biggest issue is not knowing what is valuable to I need to look up things in the broker more than the feat checker.

    Not saying it's easy, but it's easier to prep vs look while you are mid opening. Again, to me the biggest challenge is knowing which piece of the 8 styles I don't have already (x9 different TCs), but when I do need specific items in different sets, I go through my style feats and take pictures on my phone of the style I know which pieces I'm missing and can reference on my phone vs going back repeatedly.
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