Ring War of the Light EVENT(US Switch)- Made by several Leagues

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DubiousOP, Apr 23, 2022.

  1. DubiousOP Active Player

    TONIGHT at 7pm EST many players will be gathering in Metropolis's Ring War to have an epic showdown!
    Leagues have signed up as lantern corps/tribe and we will be having fun with a server wide pvp battle!

    Red---------The Angels Den (v)
    Orange------One Punched(v)
    Yellow------Sinister Society (v)
    Green-------- DC Lovers(h)

    Violet----------Six Figures(h)
    From 8est to 8:20est We will be meeting in the park near the Superman statue for a photo.
    This event was organized by myself and all of the leaders or representatives of the leagues that have signed up.
    Please feel free to come by and join us! If you're new to the server and looking for a league, these are the best leagues that you can join!
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  2. DubiousOP Active Player

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  3. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    look they still do pvp in switch
  4. DubiousOP Active Player

    this is the first open world pvp that has been done on the switch. We have roughly 30-40 ppl fighting and having fun.
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  5. DubiousOP Active Player

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  6. DubiousOP Active Player

    From Kahoy Tree--Legion[IMG]
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  7. DubiousOP Active Player

    From Amyris-DC Lovers[IMG]
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  8. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    I almost thought it was a “ pvp” showdown. Oh photoop, it a great take on lantern gathering
    Perhaps try this on USpc server / USPS server
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  9. DubiousOP Active Player

    it was a pvp smack down, but we ended with a photo op
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  10. Great Architect Loyal Player

    I really miss when this sort of thing used to be weekly on the PS and PC servers. Also the party in the pool on top of the LexCorp Building.
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  11. Great Architect Loyal Player

    This used to happen all the time. Just for fun and the opportunity to either smackdown or get your **** handed to you on a plate. Nowadays it's all about standing outside LilBo and talking smack, and showing off the Styles you bought for 6 Billion.
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  12. Achikah All About That Base

    This is very cool. Really great to see people organizing things and enjoying the game with community spirit. Keep us posted if you do any more; will be cool to see what factions/activities you come up with in the future.
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  13. Great Architect Loyal Player

    And THAT, my friend, is what it is all about.
  14. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Shout out to all the folks who did this like seriously this is so impressive that you guys/Girls did this.
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