What’s the current meta right now?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by GBMSW, Apr 19, 2022.

  1. GBMSW New Player

    Was thinking of getting back into the game but was curious on what is the powerful set of powers/movement/iconics/weapons/ect?

    Also curious if you can do any of the episode stuff solo but that’s for another thread
  2. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Since you're talking about powerful abilities and specific weapons... I'm going to assume that you're referring to DPS in particular... in which case.

    Gadgets or Electricity. Gadgets has higher base damage, but electricity has the king of all offensive supercharges, which is incredibly powerful in EoG spam groups. That is a part of the meta.

    They're both optimized with precision. Dual wield flurry shot for single target and brawling shuriken storm for 2 or more targets.

    They both want superspeed for movement in combat as well as some useful powers.

    Loadouts generally look like...

    Best might power that can be clipped/weapon buff/phase dodge/robot sidekick/supercharge/whirling dervish.

    Electric will be using circuit breaker for supercharge and Gadgets will be using neo venom boost.

    Gadgets will likely be clipping suppressor turret instead of robot sidekick, but it eats a ton of power now.

    They both might be using vortex trap now that they can't clip with the hologram device and mainframe bot. That and whirling dervish are both only used to clip back into your weapon combos.

    Rotation goes something like... weapon combo > might power > weapon buff > phase dodge > weapon combo > whirling dervish(weapon attack cancel) > weapon combo > vortex trap (jump cancelled) then back into the triple power clip.

    I'm no expert and it's probably missing a few details. I haven't spent a great deal of time with either of them, but I hope it puts you on the right track.

    Good luck.
  3. Tilz Loyal Player

    The Meta (coming from EU server) here are those things:

    DPS: Gadget or Electricity as Prec DPS

    Movement: Superspeed for all those juicy clippingstuff

    Artifacts: Trans / Strat / Grim / EoG
    EoG-Spam is King.

    Weapons: Brawling WM for Multitarget, DW Flurry Shot for ST

    Healing: Electricity (and Water kind of.. shields..)

    Troll: Whatever (all the same)

    Tank: This episode Fire is the Meta-Tank.
  4. Siramez Well-Known Player

    i want to disagree with tank meta for this episode, like trolls, tanks are the same, they're all viable.
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  5. Tilz Loyal Player

    That of course.
  6. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    Also we have to deal with plus:
  7. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    Water is much better than Electricity as a Healer. And Tank are the same.
  8. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    I would have say, in my opinion, water isn't better than electricity. I have all healing powers except nature (don't like it). I would say celestial, and electric are very close in being top, with water falling just behind (except for a shield build), sorcery then nature.
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  9. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    I gave my opinion too. We are always expressing personal opinions, because opinions from a large group would be necessary to have a basement, or opinion research.

    You may be right, my experience as a Healer is not very great. I just think Water's shields are so good and help so much that I thought he had a bigger advantage.
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  10. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Water shields are great, especially with a couple additions. Firstly, using Riptide to reset the cool-down on one shield makes a huge difference. Then if the person has manacles of force artifact, they're getting a %10 cool-down on all shields. Throw the Clarion on there and water can have practically endless shields. With page of destiny also, group heal hitting 6 people, the tray would only need the shields, riptide, solace (for an extra HoT), group heal, and priority heal. Weapon attacks would be another HoT. It does make water very powerful.
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  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    First I’ll start by being “that guy”. Don’t chose based on metas. Metas always change so unless you’re willing to keep changing to follow the crowds than pick what you like. With that said…

    Dps: gadgets (prec it might), electric (prec), munitions (might)

    Healer: electric water or celestial

    Troll: quantum

    Tank: rage or fire

    Now, I’m not saying any of them are the best in their roles or damage. I’m just listing what most view as meta.

    For arts:

    Dps: trans, strat, Quislet, Gemini, grim, and solar (for might)
    Healer: page, purple, trans, Gemini
    Tank: symbols, manacles, Everyman
    Troll: claw, rao, tertra, cog

    Combat: cyborg, HoL bot, Harley
    Passive: Batman who laughs, cyborg, aquaman, nubia
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