Crappy Event Gear

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Elijah Seed, Apr 16, 2022.

  1. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    Why is the gear that drops from the event versions of the new episode so crappy? 305 gear? Really? The gear drops in event verisons of the last two episodes were the same as they were in normal versions. Why the change now? Of course, now that those event versions are gone I can't show proof of this but we all know that it is a fact.

    This isn't so much a complaint as just an honest question. I don't do normal versions of content unless I have to. I ONLY do event versions because they are easier, faster and give the same rewards as normal so why bother spending all the extra time and taking on all that added frustration just to get the same rewards? And I learned a long time ago that elite content is never worth the time invested. The rewards there aren't all that great.

    Just an honest question from a life long casual player that likes his games as casual as they can be.
  2. BatgirlS2 Level 30

    Legion of Doom event gear was 290.
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  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Even version never gave the same rewards as reg. Event dropped gear has always been lower for as long as I could remember. Also, event doesn’t drop the extra stuff for the op item from what I know (don’t run much event). So the drops are not the same. And elite also drops stuff that reg doesn’t which is renown to get the best gear within the dlc.

    On top of all that you have feats.
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  4. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Event Content is designed for Players below the Min CR to enter Content so the Gear there is for them to get so its better than what they currently have. If you're at or above the Min CR for the Episode, you're wasting your time in Event because the gear wont be helpful for you. Youll need to run Normal content to get better gear.
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  5. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Events have always dropped the "Purple" gear, several CRs below the "Gold". It's the reason that nobody that has the requisite CR runs Event.

    If you were correct, the only queues running would be the Event versions and Elite.
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  6. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    Agree to disagree. Don't really care.

    I just bailed on the normal version of the new alert because Superwoman was taking way too long. We were five minutes in and she was only down to 50% - there is NO way that I'm hanging around that long for the same rewards that I get in the event version where Superwoman takes MAYBE 90 seconds to down.

    There's fun for the player and then there's fun for the person(s) that developed the content and has nothing but contempt for the player. I'll have my fun either here or in another game.

    Oh. And I also did the normal version of the new duo and it took nearly three times as long to complete as the event version. Who has that kind of time?
  7. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Some players play for the challenge. Event doesn’t drop OP catalysts and will only drop low level gear. It’s high enough to help players that are under entrance cr. I don’t blame you for leaving that group but the devs don’t want to put good gear and op stuff in event cuz anyone decent would be full geared and OP maxed in 2 weeks.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If all you need/want is the marks, run the event. It's generally faster and easier and with the open door policy, almost impossible to wipe. If you want the gear, feats and sometimes other drops like trinkets or maybe catalysts, you'll have to run reg or elite. No one is saying you have to though, I know a lot of people just run event and buy the vendor gear when they have the marks, or use the daily loot boxes to get leveled up.

    My farmers were all over 350 before the episode launched and they only set foot in the instances (event) 1 time to move the checklist along, gaining gear only from outdoor no, running reg is NOT do you but you are NOT getting the same (gear) loot in event as reg...marks yes, gear no.
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  9. JDIRS Well-Known Player

    Extremely well put, you hit the nail on the head. It seems like so many development decisions in this game are based on the latter, like CR scaling in the open world even though those missions still have loot locks.

    I do not agree that omnibus or current episode's regular content should be face-rolled but face-rolling should have a place somewhere in the game.

    I am all for the devs leaving in what makes money and keeps the servers going but a gear stats don't matter approach seems like it could eventually be a money loser.
  10. Great Architect Loyal Player

    It takes you that long because you are wearing Event Gear. Your attitude is self-defeating I am afraid :(.

    Do you skimp on Orbitals and Base Mods? Allies? If not, popping an Orbital and your Combat Ally, throwing out your crowd of Sidekicks and your Combat Pet and just having at-CR Gear knocks her down fast enough for you to be not bored.

    But seriously, who complains about a boss not melting in under 10 minutes? I think you may have unreasonable expectations of the game.
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  11. FlexVibrant Well-Known Player

    If its taking 2 long, get better burn
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