Bonus Source Marks!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 30, 2022.

  1. fredohmaha Active Player

    Good because I about wiped out about 20 characters worth of Source Marks trying to get Catalysts to breakthrough my Artifacts this week.
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  2. CTG New Player

    Could you guys please make Source Marks never loot locked? i.e. If we run current content, we can repeat it without resets, get no loot, but still get Source Marks. This would be truly appreciated.

    Also, please increase the drop rate of these special drops, I have run content literally over 100 times to get 0 of these new eyes, I know some people who get 1 several times per hour. I know Drop rates are based on random luck, but there is a way to code it at a higher %, I know this for a fact, and the way it is, is just not fair on some players like myself.
  3. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    triple source is my fav one
  4. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    just run omnibus it never locks and is a endless supply of source marks
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  5. FlexVibrant Well-Known Player

    Does this include open world bounties and missions?
  6. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    Why do the bounties no longer benefit from the x2 source marks? This is not mentioned in the announcement...

    disappointed !
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  7. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    if its only in instances that's some shady stuff right there
  8. Hurtyman Active Player

    So no bounties, or older content? That's some thin gruel right there. One would almost say it was a bait and switch, or actually say that given what we're used to.
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  9. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Everyone should probably try to remember that any bonus is better than no bonus. Complaining about not getting as much free stuff as we’ve had before isn’t much of a reason for the bonuses to continue at all. Obviously more is better. No reason to not be thankful for the bonus that we are getting, whatever it may be. Be a shame to annoy the powers that be this close to a possible triple currency week for doom dlc…
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  10. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I'll annoy the crap out of them, no skin off my back
    if they double on source it should be double on source not just in queueable content. they know leagues bounty hunt and they are purposely excluding them because they don't want us to do that for some reason.

    its the same as us players telling others how to play. we don't like that from others they are no different

    I know this next comment might not be popular but

    they can take away there bonus weeks its not like we need this game

    they do these weeks to keep players engaged not for our benefit but for theirs
    they aren't making micro transactions if people aren't playing because they are done with everything for a DLC cycle
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  11. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    I love this bonus. Are there new armors in Tempus Fuginaut?
  12. Batman Beyond Well-Known Player

    You had me at double Source Marks for our Catalysts and Ally Alliance.

    You lost me at Instanced Content Only. Excluding the open world stuff from dailies, weeklies, and especially bounties just killed most the excitement.
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  13. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We expect to have a few things fixed and a few things improved for tomorrow, assuming our hotfix works out.
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  14. Time Beacon Active Player

    hi Mepps, i hope you dont change it to double for ow bounties tomorrow as i have done all mine :(
  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    After the hotfix tomorrow, things will be a little different - where then the bonus will be extended into most* missions in episode open worlds, not just On Duty content.

    *There may be some missions or types of missions that were not included in this pass. Please accept that as intended for this bonus week, but also please note if you see something you think should be included but isn't, for future consideration.
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  16. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    And also, the rule of thumb is essentially wherever you receive Source Marks from episodes, it will probably be doubled. This does include all of Omnibus because of stat scaling.
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  17. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Im going to cry, & i might need your support.. just ran all my bounties today @-@ ughh. Oh well, thx for next time
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  18. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    I'm glad I waited when he said they are fixing the event
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  19. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    He did
  20. Dizzy_Dynamo New Player

    Good change in general but feels like a gut punch for doing bounties at reset this morning
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