Buffs when roles are not present.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PickArole, Mar 28, 2022.

  1. PickArole Well-Known Player

    Holy crap!! I was just reading some old stuff and it read that battleground was a t1 at first!! I am an old fart then... lol My bad, this was a bit farther than I remembered. I'm getting old! Lol
  2. BumblingB I got better.

    That simply NEVER happened. Unless you are talking about the clamp now, which there is a bit of bringing down, but full piercing is in effect for clamped content.
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  3. PickArole Well-Known Player

    Bad post, I'm thinking of mickey mouse house. You are the masters, I quit for a reason, I just found it again.
  4. Proxystar #Perception

    It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse™, thanks. :)
  5. BumblingB I got better.

    Sorry, we aren't trying to bring you down or turn you away, just help you understand how it is. Don't step away from the game and give it a bigger chance. Things are different than when you left, but it's changed several time since then.
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  6. PickArole Well-Known Player

    That's exactly what I'm saying. It's completely different from 12 plus years ago. I'm just learning the artifacts stuff. These puppies are confusing in their own way. Remembering exact details is not one of my traits. I'm just Remembering small pieces of gameply, it's been a long time. The elite content is in my opinion (no criticism needed) is for overpowered toons, not the mechanics. Back in the day, enemies were tough, but not extream when approached correctly. Back when a trolleys debuff were pretty much a necessity instead of a Lil help. As far as quitting playing the game, nah.. I was talking about asking questions here and tossing out ideas to get the role "need" back in place. Elite for me is WAY outta reach, I get smoked every time.
  7. Shalayah Committed Player

    Yeah it’s kind of in the name lol. Not saying you have to be elite because Elite has definitely toned down over the years however you do need to have good gear if you want to compete. Also roleless buffs won’t carry you through. I do miss the older days when every role was sort of a requirement even in the regular content but we’re in a new age where everybody wants to beat content in under 10 minutes. It’s just more efficient to stack DPS with a healer/tank nowadays. Specifically in alerts.
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  8. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    powers dont overwrite any longer so two of the same power now is fine to run with that was changed a good while back
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  9. ALB Dedicated Player

    Right b4 prime. I remember a hero group going in without a tank and getting speed feat 1st day. T4 wasn't the top gear. T3 was. They got the speed feat in FoS gear. That was my point. This was right before replays too, so T4 still wasn't top gear
  10. ALB Dedicated Player

    Prime was beat the 1st day without a healer, tank, ir troll. I don't remember which role was missing, because of the role buff. It was glitches, because everything is always glitches the 1st day, but it was done. They also had t3 gear, not t4.
  11. PickArole Well-Known Player

    Unfortunately I had kids to support so daily play wasn't an option back then. It was a good week b4 my first shot at prime and the best peeps I could get with couldn't beat prime. It was a few weeks b4 I got a victory in there. And I don't recall exact gear tier. I remember it was marks of war, because I bought replay badges for Kahn raids to max out my gear.
  12. PickArole Well-Known Player

    That overwrite is what killed me back then until is was pointed out. After I learned this, I wouldn't play if another fire dps was present.
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  13. PickArole Well-Known Player

    I wanna say that the avatars were the brutal part of prime and them electric tentacles. Tanks weren't necessary if I remember right, but a heal and troll was needed when I played it.
  14. PickArole Well-Known Player

    I understand this, but the new generation of players will have to TRY and deal with this content 400sp short of the people playing now. This game is NOT new player friendly at all! The scaling and buffing garbage is for the birds. I still get buffed in DC content might, health and power. My toon isn't even up to dcuo specs. I have a 357 and a 358 dps with at least 310 gear. I have some maxed out op but still. And with 220 sp I do pretty well now that my toon is setup decent, but elite content is a no go for me.
  15. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, Replays were added 4/10/12. But the problem with the day one thing was the role less buff. They quickly removed it right after and it got significantly harder to complete.
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  16. Leonite Well-Known Player

    With 220sp in damage role, you wouldn't top the charts but you should still be able to finish elite content. Yes, the other dps will carry you but standard elite is not too tough for one or two mediocre dps. However, you will need good support roles with you because the fight will be a bit longer.

    If you can troll, queue in as troll and the group won't even notice you have 220. As a troll, its more about your actual game skills than sp.
  17. PickArole Well-Known Player

    I stick out like an elephant in a room full of cats in elite content. Not a fan of dragging a team down. Maybe a duo with a friend, but that's the extent of elite for me.
  18. ALB Dedicated Player

    It didn't. I know people who were 4 manning the feats