New Troller Help

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Trilight, Mar 23, 2022.

  1. Trilight New Player

    Hi guys,

    Dabbled years ago to like lvl 12. Came back recently and really enjoying it. Am now lvl 30 and working on CR and learning the game.

    I really want to be a controller. I like the various types and haven't really chosen which I'll shoot for (Battle, Buff, Battery).

    BUT, I am having a huge issue and cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.

    Started raiding yesterday. I am in the controller role. But whenever I do any power, it doesn't restore power to the team. Nothing. Not a lick. The tool tip in powers says that at lvl 10, anytime I use a power while in control mode, it's supposed to give a P.O.T. to the team. Yet, at the end of the raid, it constantly shows I have given ZERO. Nothing. Nada. Ziltch.

    Am I forgetting something? Is there a lever I forgot to push or a button I didn't press? Seeing the end-raid report on who did what kind of blows when I have zero power given out, no healing, low DPS, etc.

    Any advice on what I am doing wrong would be helpful. I haven't seen another troller in raids with me yet so I haven't had the opportunity to ask.
  2. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Do you have the claw at 80
  3. Trilight New Player

    Claw is at 20. I been really unlucky with breakthroughs and lost everything twice in a row get the Amulet of Rao up (pushing to 80, failed twice, so sitting at 79 there).

    Only thing I can think of is that P.O.T. doesn't give me any credit for power giving. Which... makes me rather sad cuz I'd love to see that in the end raid report so I don't feel totally carried. But without ANY evidence it happens, I dunno how I feel about "trust me, its fine" from devs if it is the case I get no credit or way of knowing I give any power at all.
  4. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    It doesn't go to scorecard . There's a power dump and group shield that does
  5. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    If you want to gauge how you’re doing at giving power just watch the blue bars under the names. If they’re staying above 50% the vast majority of the time, you’re doing just fine. That being said, some players will frequently go low on power when it’s it’s their own fault. If they’re an exception but everyone else is pretty solid, don’t sweat it.
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  6. Trilight New Player

    Thanks for the information! I been looking everywhere, watched over 2 hours of guides etc trying to figure out what I was doing wrong.
    My teams have stayed pretty flush with power (except the friend I been tagging along with!) But thought that that was simply because content is easy for all the experienced people.

    Really only been playing 4 days now and am constantly unsure of everything.

    Now to figure out which type of Troll is for me!
  7. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    first off like the old tech adage of is it plugged in

    are you in control role
    not DPS

    DPS is fire
    Control is a spiral

    all powers you have will throw POT
    but you need the power dump if you really want to give power
    you also need the dump to buff troll as that activates the buff from Claw if you have it on
  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  9. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I should make videos about the various roles soon.... but until then....
    here is a small sample with Quantum Controller. ;)
  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    First off, welcome to the game. Regarding what type of troll to be, the most commonly requested troll will be a buff troll. At the moment there are many ways to maintain one’s own power bar fairly easily so power trolls aren’t as needed anymore. Overall trolls pretty much play the same regardless of what type of troll you are. There are some things that do change how you play slightly it the basic rules always apply. I’ll list them off.

    You give players PoT when you use any ability. This does however follow the Line of Sight rule. If someone is not in direct sight they won’t get any power. This may include small objects to it being behind a barrier of some sorts. PoT lasts about 12 seconds (I’m pretty sure) so as long as you keep using a power you will rarely drop PoT on a player.

    The 2 main debuffs are damage debuff and defense debuff. Damage makes them desk less damage and defense makes them take more damage. You pretty much want to have these debuffs up at all times. The 3rd debuff is a healing debuff. Not every enemy heals so it isn’t always needed but when it is needed you must use it. If enemies (especially bosses) heal than you want to debuff them to limit their healing.

    Power Dump:
    Every troll has a power dump. You use this ability and ip to 3 other group members get an instant power. This goes to the 3 members with the least amount of power. It also gives them and yourself a precision buff

    Artifacts that change your play style:
    This one is the most important artifact for buff trolls. Your power dump no longer gives out power but in return it makes your PoT stronger for each player in the group. This being strongest in a raid group. Power dumps also now give players a buff that last 12 seconds. Players with the buff get increased primary stats. These are dominance, resto, precision, and might. If the artifact is at 200 than it also give everyone a crit buff if 5%

    This one makes your debuff stronger while also letting your debuff affect more than 1 enemy. At 200 your debuffs are 50% stronger and affect your to 7 additional targets near your primary target.

    These are 2 popular artifacts for buff trolling. Cog will increase the precision of players in your group while tetra does the same thing but for might.

    BoP Commlink:
    This artifact gives you a new ability. Using that ability will debuff an enemy for all 3 debuffs. Meaning you only need to cast 1 power to activate all 3 debuffs. In return the debuffs only last 6 seconds. In addition to that, when you hit an enemy who has all 3 debuffs you will give power to the 8 closest allies. This includes pets and players not in the group. This is the only way to give power to crystal and fury for earth and sorcery dps.

    Soul cloak:
    This one helps you get SC faster while also reducing the cooldown of your sc.

    When an ally receives a power tick that crits there is a chance that they may receive an additional PoT tick.

    Parasite: when you use a debuff group members have their maximum power pool increased. This doesn’t actually give power but by giving them a larger power pool you increase their natural power regen which means they get more power regen.

    There are other troll artifacts but imo they aren’t leveling (Sorry those that like the chains). Some notable combinations are:
    Buff: Claw, cog, tetra
    Buff: Claw, bop, strat
    Buff: Claw, rao, cog/tetra
    Buff: Claw, bop, rao
    Power: Rao, soul cloak, parasite

    What to do as a troll:
    Trolls pretty much get asked to do a lot of different tasks. Primarily it is giving power and debuffing. As long as you keep using a power than you will give players PoT. If their power drops to low than use your power shield sc to rev up their power. If there is a primary target up than debuff that target. This isn’t always the boss. Sometimes there may be an add that has to be dealt with fast and for those situations debuff the add over the boss. As long as you maintain those 2 basic tasks you should be fine.

    Other tasks:
    Crowd control:
    Being the troll you will have enough dominance from your gear to crowd control (CC) enemies. The best form of CC is a stun but at the same time using to many stuns can give enemies immunity which means they will resist all forms of CC. If you can avoid stunning enemies than it is best to do so. If you have other forms of CC in your kit than it’s best to opt for those instead. Knock back and knock up are the more preferred type since these will juggle enemies without giving them immunity.

    Pulling a target:
    Every once in a while you’ll be asked to pull a primary target (add) away from the group for various reasons. In these type of situations you may want to get the lasso iconic ability. This will allow you to pull a single enemy. It does follow line of sight so if another enemy is in the way than you may pull that target instead.

    Pick ups:
    While I personally believe that everyone should try to pick up, you being the troll means a dps wouldn’t have to stop attacking to pick up. If someone goes down try to make your way towards them if you can. Don’t assume someone else will do it because you’ll notice dps tend to be selfish. If someone does pick them up than great but if they don’t than at least you started moving towards them.

    Some mechanics ask for a player to do certain tasks. Either hitting cogs or lunging an enemy attack. This follows the pick up rule. It’s great if someone else does it but it’s better if you try to do it. Dps can keep burning and healers can keep healing. But for the most part of you can do it than try to do it and don’t assume someone else will.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    He should also see the blue numbers above his and their heads. If not throwing dumps or a shield, it should stay pretty steady at whatever the POT number is. Yes, watching the bars is a good indicator, but some players are not power hungry or have benefits from Cyborg/HOL bot to help with that.

    I know I like to start a raid just popping a few debuffs against the wall to set up POT to gut check my 'ticks' as it refills my own bar as in general we are sitting at spawn for some intro message anyway.

    He should be able to report back what his POT out is, which might give an indicator of if he's doing well or meh...
  12. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Absolutely, that’s another good indicator. Although I imagine he’s still leveling CR and augments as well as artifacts which are probably in the range where they level up quickly (especially this week). Add to that the stat clamp and he's gonna be seeing all kinds of different numbers day to day, week to week, etc. But if nothing else, it’s certainly good policy to pay attention to the blue numbers as an indicator that the PoT is active, at least until it becomes second nature.
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It was more just a verifier to re-assure him he is throwing power if the tally says 0 on the scorecard. I honestly didn't know that POT doesn't count...if that's really how it works. At least if he sees numbers over people's heads...he knows hes doing something, even if the scorecard doesn't.
  14. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    The information contained in those Obsidian Chill videos as well as the info Deity provided is about as spot on as it gets. HOWEVER, unless you’re running end game (three most recent episodes) elite raids, there’s really not much need to mold your troll build according to those ideal optimized archetypes. You’ll probably want one solid troll artifact like probably the Amulet of Rao. But after that, if other artifacts sound cool and fun to you, I say go for it. The players in your groups will be just fine and barring utter stupidity and/or incompetence on the part of the tank and healer, yall should get through the content regardless. So you might as well be playing with a build and playstyle that’s most fun for you.
  15. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Exactly. It’s helpful to see that what you are trying to make happen is actually happening. Also, I myself only learned about the PoT not showing in the past week or two and I’ve been trolling on my main since Atlantis. Ya learn somethin new every day!
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