Please add option to not stat clamp alongside stat clamping

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SteHyatt, Feb 26, 2022.

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  1. Yaiba Committed Player

    Definitely optional for players who want to do feats. I got pretty much all my feats by steamrolling contents so I want to see that an option for new players as well.
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  2. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    That’s always been the case, at least since revamp anyway. You didn’t upgrade from blue/purple gear by buying vendor gear (whether reg gear or elite) so you could steamroll 5 y/o content 5 seconds faster. You did so so that you could perform better when running the current content whether for the purpose of looking better on the scoreboard or giving your group a slightly better chance of completing content or getting a tough feat. Or you were under the delusion that people would be impressed if they inspected you. Either way, that was the way it was pre-clamp and that’s the way it is now.
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  3. Sweet Daddy Level 30

    here we go again :D
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  4. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    This. All of this.
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  5. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I know this wasn't intended for me, but if I may...

    Long before the changes occurred, people complained about not being able to earn enough Source Marks from relevant content (especially without using replays) as well as earning any meaningful amount from older content. Others complained that outside of feats and a few rare style pieces or OP item stuff, there was little reason to run older content. And people complained about not being able to run content without being essentially turned into a spectator in their runs because of higher geared players.

    So who cares about source marks? People who couldn't earn enough for their previous needs. People who want the newest additions that can be bought with Source Marks. For example, I couldn't get the Phoenix Pet to drop for me in GoM, and I didn't want to pay the exorbitant broker prices. So I ran older content alongside endgame to earn the 700 Source Marks needed to get the Phoenix. AND I didn't need to spend a single replay badge in current content to accomplish this. You know who else needs Source Marks? People who are returning and missed out on a lot of styles as well as artifacts & Allies.
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  6. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Source marks are also need to buy that older gold level gear to donate to your league’s prestige! Your league needs that prestige to spend on proficiencies. Think about your league, and do your part. Support your league, use those source marks for your league! Seriously, league proficiencies bleed through to not end game content as well. Help yourself by helping out your league.
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  7. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Just going to say this since a quick skim shows once again that theres many many ppl that somehow still think omni = feats as if it were designed to be what you Q for to knock out feat runs…….
    1) devs did “advertise it this way” shame on them. Its smoke an mirrors nothing more. Its NOT what you think it is. It just Q’s u for what the game decides to make you run.
    2) want feats, make a group. Stop trying to blind Q then expect feats
    3) stat clamp hasnt made things harder, its made things take longer (much faster than at relevancy). Stop trying to conflate longer w/harder. They are not synonymous
    4) clamp = newer and lower players get to lay and learn. This is healthy and good for the game. Stop thinking about how “you” specifically want the game to be and think about the game as a whole an players as a whole for a change.
    5) clamp should not be optional. If you feel underpowered clamped then (you prob are) and thats a “you” prob and the answer is take advantage of the fact your clamped and learn to “git gud”. Im mediocre (not compared to the dps’s as a whole. To that im prob God tier). But i just hit the buttons coherently and in the correct order and with a purpose and i do mechanics. I feel OP even clamped and thats because i am because im competant and a pretty good player. When you are, you wont feel undrepowered.
    Truth hurts, sorry
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  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    There was a sense that I was getting better & stronger; that I was making real gains in-game. I had a sense of accomplishment and pride in my character. What difference does it make now? Why even bother? My motivation in-game has seriously been taken down several notches. If others are feeling the same way as I, then that is a serious problem for the Company. You want an engaged customer base who interacts with product. Daybreak's product is basically a service. They need customers to actively enjoy engaging in that service and making purchases within it.

    Run more missions (solos. duos, alerts, raids, open world boss fights), buy replay badges to re-run those missions, earn the currency to purchase the best gear, level up the OP item, buy seals for a break through. This led to character progression with the direct benefit of seeing the results of your grind pay off when you go back and just dominate in that mission like a real super heroine.

    I like to excel at whatever I do, being cheer leading when in school or playing a video game I really love. I love DCUO. that's why I feel so passionate about my stance concerning my character and her stats, my stats. If Game Update 122 will restore some of what I have lost in my stats allowing me to feel like a super heroine again then that would be awesome.

    I know I can never get the pro stat clamp camp to ever understand why I am passionate about this or why I feel like I am being punished for being successful. I have given up on that, so calling me delusional no longer bothers me, I don't care anymore. I just hope Game Update 122 will give me back something that I lost and let me care again about being the best I can be in game.
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  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I completely agree with you.

    Also, like I always say:

    "I've lived through the nightmare and headache of getting all of the older content feats (I've only been playing 3.5 years), and it was still super rough unclamped (especially with me being a villain having to coordinate grouping with both factions sometimes). I really wish I had it in me to relive it all by helping my friends with those feats, but now that it's clamped, extra hard pass from me. You're on your own buckaroonies"
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    The clamped content is still terribly easy, if you're struggling in clamped content I'm just going to point out the obvious.

    You probably more than likely, suck.

    If your issue is the time it takes but not the difficulty then remember you're getting rewarded through unlimited source marks now, so what would you rather, run irrelevant content you can steamroll for zero reward or run clamped content that poses somewhat of a challenge/time sink and obtain full reward.

    Most people with half a brain would choose the latter and given it's pretty much the same 5-6 people in these threads complaining about the clamp and liking each others posts every time I'd suggest most have chosen the latter and moved on.

    Food for thought ;)
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, cause jumping the gun no longer happens in Omni/Clamp land. It just ends in failure many times. That right there is one of the things I see the most and goes to another conversation I'm having. If the theory is that the more seasoned players don't TRY to's wrong a lot of the time. Or that the unseasoned WANT to learn and do things right...I see little evidence of that. I can't even recall how many times I start typing "Does everyone know what to do?" and don't get past 'Does...." before I'm pulled into a cutscene, or after a wipe, when I'm trying to type it out, 2 or 3 yahoos are starting while the other 5 or 6 are back at spawn. For maps like Bombshell, it's a LONG run back to the might want to wait guys, just cause you died early, the rest of us just respawned.

    I actually run more Omni on PC than I do PS4, mainly because of the keyboard. I can type way faster, so I might get the whole message out quick enough....THEN they can ignore it.

    And if any unclamp option were ever offered, it should be with a system to solo or limited queue (AQS) and that would solve your issue in unclamped content as well.
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  12. Brit Loyal Player

    Now now. Let's be fair.

    That isn't something exclusive to Omnibus and the clamp, or to new players. We can be running endgame gear, and I can pretty much expect a minimum of 2 wipes from someone who ignores the "No Orbitals! No Orbitals! Please don't kill us with your Orbitals! Just take the Orbital off your bar! No Orbitals! No, not even your Orbital! None at all!"

    Orbital. BOOM. Wipe.
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So if I'm generally the last one in the group standing on Omnis...tank/dps/heal or troll, and I generally have the most pickups, and generally get one of the top 3 DPS spots (if dpsing), yet we still fail. I suck? If I'm the only one working on objectives, or trying to explain mechanics...I suck? If I'm only queued for a role I can do, vs queuing both regardless, I suck?

    Cause I've had all that happen in 'struggle' runs. Now I've also hero saved a few being the only one left in the room, but that's not doable every run ( raids) or on every toon, so I'm not sure it should be expected and if it is expected, what was the point of the make things slower?

    And you can take the source out of it if you want. Some aren't running for source...I'm running for the box (which does come with source, but I'd run it without) which has other goodies in it. I can get Smaug sized mountains of source never setting foot in an Omni run. Now take the source AND box out of it...NOW you are talking. Lets see how well omni/clamp stands alone with neither to prop it up. Please, beware of the tumbleweeds.

    And if all it boils down to is unlimited source anyway, why run anything other than FOS3/DD, Starro Alert, Shady Nightclub duo or WV solo? That way we get our source AND our time...with almost no chance of 'struggle'.

    BTW... I don't think I've ever said anything in the clamp was 'too hard'...not that I recall. But I'm not a group of 1 anymore.
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, but I'd wager many times that's more a smart-a__ than a dumb-a__ move. Not sure anyone who is getting murtalized in Omni is doing it to be funny. Maybe...but doubtful.
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  15. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    You’re right, trying to incentivize old content has been something the devs have been trying to figure out for years and there is no easy answer. As far as 1 shotting bosses, I think you underestimate the amount of players that name their characters after gods or call themselves god in their name. People really want the option to be able to play the game in a god mode style from time to time. Me personally I just like the challenge of being able to solo a boss at some point. I remember when I first started playing and saw Doomsday in metropolis. I couldn’t wait to get strong enough I could go toe to toe with him. That anticipation incentivized me to level up and get good. Now that incentive is gone because the likelihood of me doing that again is low. And on top of that I have to recollect old augments i fed to my new ones because I need the Augment bonuses to keep me from getting one shotted from the boss because my Cr alone can no longer carry me through. That’s where the grind really becomes just too much for me.
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Reinheld, you seem to self admit in other posts that you barely run omnibus and when you do it's seemingly just to clear the journal entry each week, if that's the case you're running 3 solos (maybe duos), 1 alert and 1 raid each week.

    I run that also, but also run a bunch of omnibus just for fun and the number of "fail runs" I've abandoned I can count on one hand, I've walked out of an omnibus run maybe 2-3 times in the entire time the clamp has existed.

    Your posts on the forum since the clamp tend to try and paint a picture that every second omnibus run being run across the entire game is nothing short of a train wreck, at this point Reinheld, despite the fact I entirely respect you, I can't help but feel you're being purposefully hyperbolic because you dislike the clamp itself and want it gone and the portrayal that it's perpetual carnage serves that purpose; but it actually just simply doesn't reflect reality.

    The reason I question the skill level of players struggling in omnibus is because of how demonstrably easy it actually is, It'll be even easier after the next game update, but for some that still won't matter, they'll continue to complain about it and at some point it has to just be said "how useless does the player have to be" to complain about something that's almost entirely a cakewalk even if loosely clamped.

    One question you should be asking, is why are our experiences polar opposites of each other? Perhaps there is something you could be doing differently when approaching omnibus to maker your experience different? It isn't always just about teaching other players, which you certainly should be doing where they're receptive. But, you should also be taking matters in to your own hands and ensuring you build your character around a premise of not having to entirely rely upon them or certainly not all of them.

    I do honestly think you are exaggerating the negative experiences within omnibus because I am all but certain I could run omnibus all day and experience nothing of the magnitude you're highlighting.

    The interesting point you raise is that you can get "smaug" sized mountains of source without setting foot in Omnibus, so if that's the case, really why do you care? What is the pressure point causing you to be so angry with omnibus if you don't actually need it?

    By the way if you ever do want to just run those instances then under the current system you can custom queue them... so that's exactly what you could/should be doing if that's what you want.
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  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    God mode is bad in MMOs, though. It's why game companies go out of their way to put in anti-cheating language into the Terms of Service, why such a strong stance against cheating and hacks is taken by the various game developers. God mode basically puts the game into easy mode, and that's horrible for player retention. Why play if there's no challenge, no risk? Why stick around if there's nothing worth trying to fight against?

    I've now seen god mode in place in two different MMOs I've played, DCUO included. When it took place here, I will admit to trying my hand at walk-in portals on older content (during the CR differential time period). The fun didn't last long and any feats I snagged came with little real sense of accomplishment. I felt more of a sense of accomplishment in defeating some Sub-Avatars solo and soloing those things never awarded feats.
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  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I ran Omni with my league just a while ago. We got Oly … twice …. We didn’t have any trouble, not wipes, several got KO’d but we always do pick-ups so no probs there. I would say since I got to experience Oly literally twice in a row I could gage it against what Oly use to be prior to stats clamp. I felt like being at level when you are equipped with the blue & purple gear mix. It wasn’t “easy”, it was definitely an “at level” feel to me as opposed to being 1 DLC above it kind of feel. I am / was a CR 357 with max arts / augs / 400 sp / OP back & OP neck at level 25. In no way could I take on more than one add. I could fight one add but two proved to be a bit much without popping a soda. Three adds on me & I was down. According to the leader board I did twice the damage as anyone else but I did not feel powerful at all.

    I complain about having what I earned taken away from me. But I still love you Proxy <3
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  19. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    I live for the trainwreck tbh.

    It usually goes one of two ways; I explain mechs, someone ignorant tells me to ****, starts fight premature, causing group wipe, they leave in a huff and we replace accordingly. Or, I explain mechs, group does them, we finish the raid and I've made new buddies.
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    What is your measurement of gaining power?
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