What's your favorite material that allows color change?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by aikuma2, Feb 6, 2022.

  1. aikuma2 New Player

    It doesn't matter if its a chroma where two color slots are fixed, and the third can be changed, or if one color slot covers the entire thing.

    I primarily ask because I've tried looking up various materials and whether they allow color change, and to call it a time-inefficient endeavor would be an understatement.
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  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    There aren't a lot of materials outside of some chromas where they allow color changing. From what I remember in a livestream a while back, allowing for color change has an effect on how good the material effect looks. So to give us what they feel is the best looking version of a material, they've usually refrained from allowing color changing and instead have given us different colored versions of materials (Phoenix and Red Phoenix, for example).

    I'd try and list the ones that I know of that have color-changing capabilities, but I don't have ALL the materials and it's just too early for me to try and remember which ones can and can't be color changed, not to mention the availability of those materials. LOL
  3. Dilios Well-Known Player

    The unreachable Void is amazing. =[

    (Booster Gold shop).
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  4. Eve YouTuber

    Have to be honest, Void. It's still one of the best color-able materials out there. :)
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  5. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    Hm..For a moment I read "What's your favorite marshmallows" :oops: Think it's food time XD Shaded comic material is my favorite.
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  6. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I still prefer the Cosmic/Void materials, but that Shaded comic is very nice as well, but those are stupidly difficult/expensive to get.. especially for newer players.

    So, I'd very much recommend the new Bleed material, it is pretty awesome and is likely the cheapest/easiest to get non chroma material that allows you to change its color entirely. :D
  7. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Cosmic Chroma is my favorite. :)
  8. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    My favourite at the moment is the glowing saturation, even if I regret that with the saturations we can't choose the colours we want to put in such and such a place, when 3 colours are imposed, it limits us enormously in the choice of style, I hope that one day we'll finally have the possibility of putting the number of colours that we want and where we want such and such a colour to be with the saturations

    Otherwise, there is also the comic strip material that I'm starting to regret not having tried to get, because it interests me more and more.
  9. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    Guessing you can't get this without exorbitant auction prices?
  10. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    At this point... you probably can only get it on the Trade Chat for many Billions sadly.
  11. C3alix Committed Player

    I wish Diamond had color change ability
  12. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    Horrific. But not unexpected considering most NA markets in mmos...
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  13. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Pleaseeeeeeeeee make God of Light Hal Jordan. In the comic he is sporting a cosmic green attire, he has a Mother Ring. I never had the chance to obtain the cosmic material but one day…..
  14. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    Shaded Comic Material is my Stand-Out favorite.
    That being said, It doesn't suit all my characters
    My Celestial Character does much better with the Glorious and Glorious Chromas, My Water Goddesss does better with the Surging Materials....Etc.
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  15. FullMetalTitan Committed Player

    Shaded comic is top for me followed by Black Neon Chroma
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  16. Brit Loyal Player

    Shaded Comic.

    All three slots are tintable. It's a material that does not hijack your color pallette, and instead just changes the texture. Which is exactly what I wanted from Materials in the first place.

    Metal, Leather, Spandex, Vinyl, I assumed that materials would be a texture thing to make all items able to match. Instead, even when they are an actual "material" like Vinyl, we get "Red Vinyl", and "Bronze" for metal, locking down the color into an uncustomizable state.

    Shaded Comic is the best. It is the only one that I will use, because it is the only one I have that allows me to retain my choice for all three colors.
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  17. Oceans Developer

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  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I can only imagine what you have in store for us...
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  19. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Lord almighty, I knew it.

    I knew Oceans' power would be too great post-Shaded Comic Material. I scored multiple SCMs during the BB and I decided to be patient. I still haven't equipped a single one and I'm ready to sell/trade them away at a moment's notice for this new ULTIMATELY AWESOME MATERIAL. Bring it on!!
  20. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    Of the ones I have Smoke Chroma is my favorite. Cosmic Chroma is nice too as is the new Bleed Material.