Why disband? Just leave...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Reinheld, Feb 4, 2022.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It's nice that you and Proxy are the community police with your mercy killings, but I'm not sure how its' faster (for you) than opening on duty and pressing 'leave' or opening the map and choosing 'warp to' Watchtower/Base...or wherever. The ONLY time I see this being understandable is if you actually repeatedly hit the same failing run. In that case...yeah, I get the elimination of that option, but it doesn't happen that often and the 'no running instance' checkbox would fix that.

    Maybe they are wiping because of you? Not likely....but...maybe? More likely the turd, but kick, leave or call the dude out and hope he splits once called out.

    I mean, honestly I run so little EEG random queue/omni I can lump it either way...but I'd rather someone just boogie out if they feel the run is lost. Just my opinion.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    See, I'm ok with it being an option, but it should have to be either 100% yes, or the people who vote no should have the option to re-open it, so in essence those that vote 'yes' are really just leaving....as they should. I'm fine with people not wanting to get stuck in a bad run....Heck, I leave terrible runs all the time now by walking/warping out, but if the others want to stay, more power to them. If those that left don't want back in, they can check the box to not go into a running instance. If anything the disbanders will be on a better draw when they re-queue, with all those 'bad' players still trying to eek out a win in what ever run they left.
  3. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Honestly, I wish more people would disband.

    That way I could vote no, stay inside, solo the instance and get some feats!! For example, recently I've been queuing up for Rise of the Bat in the hopes of getting the "Ninja, Ninja, Ninja, Ninja, Man-Bat" feat. I've also been running the Damage Control alert and trying for the "Udder Chaos" feat, where a Minotaur must shatter a tablet before the next Minotaur spawns. Oh and Silent School... I'm missing some super simple feats there.

    Please, just disband; disband everything for no good reason, lol. All of these feats would be mine if I could just be in there solo. >_<
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  4. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Form a group ask them to be excused then you’re good to go. Easy solution solved :)
  5. Psyfur Well-Known Player

    I started a vote to disband when two knuckleheads started a boss fight and locked out the other six members, including myself. I got tired of waiting for the 2 vs 100 battle to finish. I could have just left but I wanted to get payback on those two individuals by leaving them without a group. Apparently the others felt the same and voted yes.
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  6. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    the quicker to end the quicker to.... wait is a queque? assemble a group of audited characters?
    not a bad idea to enable in progress setting for weekly. I'm not doing it
  7. Napoleon Well-Known Player

    The disband feature has become obsolete. It was only implemented to help circumvent players from experiencing a 10-minute deserter penalty when a group decided to end an instance prematurely. What is it now, a one minute penalty? Might as well get rid of it all together.

    The excuse feature on the other hand, in my opinion, is a respectful way of telling a group "I don't think this is going to work with me here, so I am humbly asking to bow out." Of course I just leave after nobody votes, but I still try to show a little decency from time to time.
  8. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    Funny thing is, I had a similar situation, same boss fight, where I queued into the raid that had fallen apart with no immediate hope of even fielding another full group. So I left. Requed. Same. Exact. Raid. Happened 3x before I stopped queuing. Sure, I could change my settings, but then I'd have to press buttons...
  9. tehDarkNite Well-Known Player

    prob wanted to close your group so he wouldnt re q into it

    Ive been there where i left a hopeless raid and then re q once or twice to the same one

    sometimes you need disband especially with stat clamp when more than one of the members in the group is just hopeless and cant be carried - i.e. support roles are in dps or have non role gear
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  10. Napoleon Well-Known Player

    Welcome to the pug life. If it were perfect, everyone would be a participant.
  11. the solowing Steadfast Player

    Had a play today queue in as Tank/DPS, into ToTD as the solo tank....Tried to say he couldnt swap armories, so i waited until we left combat....Then he tried to ignore the request to go tank and put himself back into combat. Started the kick just before he tried running back into combat.

    Next player was likely a CR skipped tank, didnt even know what role he was in, or how to block. I was having to heal as well as tank everything, when he decided mid-fight he was going to swap to DPS role. Had to know when to hold them and when to fold them, that group was quickly turning into the "fold um" from the start.
  12. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    Disband is good for two situations.

    1) An instance glitches, but your group is stuck in combat, so warping is not an option. For example, one time in TSD Superman warped outside the shield. We were left inside, in combat, but with no way to take damage. So... yeah.

    2) You're the only support role in an instance with 6 DPS that won't or can't flip, and you need roles to finish the instance. No one will leave, and only DPS seem to fill the last spot from the queue. Welp... hmm.
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  13. L T Devoted Player

    I always vote to disband on the first boss. If you're missing a role or the group obviously can't cut it, just disband and re-q at that point.

    Last boss? Yeah just leave. "sorry guys gotta go" /logout

    For omnibus, it's generally great to pop in on the last boss-- especially if you can tank decently.
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Pre clamp I'd be fine with this. Post clamp it's just too much time and effort to solo anymore. Duo works best for most 'skill' feats in alerts as long as there are not 4 cogs to grab anywhere. Find a buddy and 2 bodies to queue in (or spin up to 'dummy' accounts to fill out the queue).

    Good luck though....hoping for a random group then a disband is probably the harder way to get it done.
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Agreed on #1..there are many 'glitch' instances where disband is the only viable option although for this one you could log out, back in, reinv that one person(now outside the fight) then the other 7 log out/in and reinvite them. I've done that before on this kind of glitched fight...works fine and is faster than rebuilding and re-running unless you are at the start when it glitches. For #2 though ....why not just leave? You leave...they catch a replacement for your role, someone else leaves and they might catch one of the other roles they need. As long as you get out, who cares if they spend all day in there? Let them...less of them floating around other runs then.
  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ah yes...the 'spite' disband....I can get behind that in some instances. I doubt that's most of them, especially if the group is really trying (but failing) but yeah...a dbag move like that....I get using the 'nuke the run' option.
  17. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    We considered it, but some folks still needed jailers for the feat so we just disbanded. Perhaps that was a poor example, but the principal of "glitched to a state where warp/leave isn't viable" is the main point.

    Cause omnibus wasn't popping anything else. And yes, I have "in progress" set to "Off", but well. I suppose it's moot for me as I have stopped doing omni runs altogether, but that's why. The fact it was like 3am US likely didn't help matters :D
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  18. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Eh, it’s more like an empty threat lol. If you’re in one of the ode terrible runs and there’s 7 dps or a tank that’s soloing the boss that’s at 75% health and has no plans of dropping then hit that disband vote and watch people fall in line. The 7 dps will know that either they change to role to keep people from voting yes or that tank will know that the run is over if they don’t stop. At the worst, the vote goes thru and everyone reques. Plus if it was just me n proxy, I doubt there’d be a post about it. Some people enjoy watching the world burn I guess? I’m just trying to stomp the fire out before it gets out of control
  19. Akaiko Well-Known Player

    This is the only reason I ever vote to disband or agree to a vote to disband: glitched runs.

    Any other situation I prefer to stick it out (and I have been in pug runs that go for hours) or I leave on my own and take the penalty.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well, those I agree on. Like an FGS run where the adds go invulnerable. Disband is the only cure.....leave/return is not going to work. I never said it wasn't an option....just wondered why so many make it their 1st option.

    Yeah I omni'd into UM recently on Brother Blood and no matter how many times I said to stay out of the blood, or the tank needs to get the brothers to Raven, or to lunge BB on his 'stun beam' attack, it was not happening. Left...returned...left...returned and thought about disbanding on the 3rd time it popped, but just ran my alert instead, and by the time I tried Raid again I got DD (yea!!) and got paid in 5 min.

    This is one of the reasons when I Omni raid, I try to do it on Thursday when I have enough OW busy work to keep me occupied through several opt outs if the same 'bad' run keeps popping repeatedly. Normally by the time I finish up my OW stuff, I get something...whether or not it's going to succeed or not...that's a different story.
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