Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Con, Jan 26, 2022.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    It is given to you if you have to ask to do them unclamped so you can pretty much one shot them. That’s exactly what this is about. Getting feats without trying.
  2. Jurandyr Ross Well-Known Player

    No one is asking to one shot stuff. You pro clampers keep coming in every thread about the clamp putting those words in the mouths of other people, but that is not what was asked.
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  3. Dry Cleaning Well-Known Player

    misrepresenting ppl is all they have
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    BumblingB, Are you saying elite content when it goes into EEG is harder the day it goes in to EEG than it was the day beforehand? Because if that's what you're saying, it isn't true.

    It almost certainly isn't as easy as it would have been without the clamp, but it is not harder than the day before it hit EEG
  5. BumblingB I got better.

    When some can't even beat the first boss when unclamped, it's worse when clamped. In my post, we've mentioned up to 2 years later before obtaining feats in an elite content. Which means it's probably around a year before we can just run it normally.

    With the revolving door of 3 DLC unclamped and usually 3 DLCs a year, that puts it out of the scope of completion.

    Who knows, it might be easier to some, but it definitely is not to others.

    I've ran the elites that were possible unclamped when they were new and they are still completable now, but they aren't "easier" as they don't change the mechanics when going into the clamped.
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    I guess from what you're describing it's actually a player ability spectrum issue.

    What you're seemingly describing is players not only incapable of completing the elite at its most relevant, but they're incapable of completing the content 3 DLC's later.

    I have no issue with what you're suggesting, because it's a balancing act, as expressed ultimately in the other thread, I don't think the game can go back to "unclamped" but perhaps the content could be a bit more flexible, you just have to be careful not to make it too easy though :)
  7. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, I'm not in the please unclamp category. I think the clamp is fine, but for the longevity of the game, there are now feats that are not obtainable at all. My league would bide their time and wait and continue to play. It was a slider that allowed us to keep engaged with the game. Now we are stuck with pretty much normal EEG and current content. That just means there are less to play and less interest in this game.

    They need to do something to help clamp elite or it will just mean the long haul players will just stop. I'm not saying all, but how many still do the EEGe?
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  8. The Con Dedicated Player

    I didn't realize that mind-reading was one of the power options for this game...

    Must be bugged, tho

    Yours is broken.:confused:

    No one is "asking for" anything...
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  9. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    What people should complain about with feats are feats that are no longer possible to get because DLC is too old or capsule feats are out of date or rare, which is extremely unbearable and unfair to those who can't get them, because devs (or whoever) decided that there should be privileged players for certain feats...
  10. The Con Dedicated Player

    To me... That's just part of the "privilege" of being a long-time player.

    Also... I think those TC feats CAN be accomplished via the quantum vendor... (I might be wrong about that...)
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  11. Zneeak Devoted Player

    But the feats ARE actually obtainaible. You and your group possibly struggling to get said feats from said specific Elite-raids doesn't make them "not obtainable at all".

    You are not stuck with anything, you chose not to acquire something. If any of the content and feats in question within the Clamp is in fact bugged or in need of any further adjustments, the Devs have have stated more than once to be open to take a look at things.

    Sorry to sound blunt, but if your interest in the game hangs on a couple of previous Elite raids and a few of its feats, there may be more to it than the reasons being stated.
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  12. ObsceneBoy Committed Player

    You will gather your 25k and be grateful for the 50 points (and thats just one feat <3)

    I'm indifferent personally but, I know people who did such grind feats before the majority of the feat was handed to us (If I remember correctly.).

    I'd be a bit bitter. having such just handed out.

    Death to pvp feats tho, I don't acknowledge them, I've plenty sp and plenty opportunity to get more.

    Edit: Obviously not that black and white but I'm sure you get me. Even I'm missing old group content feats and I've been here near 10 years.
  13. Dry Cleaning Well-Known Player

    yr not alone, there are a ton of players and league that have this approach. the let them eat cake attitude from clamp zealots is weird imo, some ppl so hung up on how other ppl play smh
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    I get ya.

    I mean to answer your question honestly how many still do the EEGe?

    For fun - probably hardly any
    For feats or rare chase items - probably some

    I've always said the most likely place for frustration within EEG would be elite content, the feat that springs to mind in EEG regular content as probably erring a little on the "incredibly difficult to impossible" would be something like "Stake Well Done" in the JLD alert, although the instance itself within EEG is relatively easy that feat certainly isn't. I haven't tried it with a decent group of 4 people, but it certainly wouldn't be possible with just casual randoms.

    Wow and people thought I was bad about the clamp and wanting to maintain a semblance of difficulty... You on one hand say the devs are open to change, but you're here at every turn shutting it down.

    They're specifically suggesting most feats in elite content are too difficult, I agree with you that the feats won't be "impossible" because they're not even impossible when new, but the question really is how reasonably easy should they be for the more casual player base once they reach EEG.

    I generally don't have an issue with regular EEG content, outside of a few outliers like perhaps the feat I suggested above, but I do tend to think EEGe is possibly a bit too difficult, I agree with BumblingB in that respect, it could do with some toning down, which would probably take a lot of the heat out of this entire EEG, clamping argument.
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  15. shoegazer Well-Known Player

    Are you serious right now?..this is where we're at?...gating an inclusive league..gating the differently-abled from content that hasn't been relevant in years?

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  16. Dry Cleaning Well-Known Player

    i believe the term is "very on-brand"
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  17. Bipolar Diva Well-Known Player

    Damn. Now I want gelato.
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    I have some in the freezer :D
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  19. BumblingB I got better.

    In EEG, there are a few feats that might be almost impossible to obtain. Like Epic Odyssey, the 8x death in DWF, etc. These are all feats that did require a little more out gearing, but they are still do-able now, because the content isn't out of reach. Monday, we got the drone feat in DWF for a few returning players. (I needed it too.) The path in there wasn't a struggle, the real feat was holding your damage down to not burn the boss too quickly. We also got the No Death at the end of Blackest Night. Really, the problem is EEG Elite.
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    I don't think Epic Odyssey is on the list of impossible feats, that implies the instance is impossible in the middle without closing tunnels, that's certainly not the case. I think the same is probably true of the 8x death in DWF.

    Those feats just require reasonable co-ordination and making sure you're not just trying to thrust your way through it without thinking.

    Why do you think the 8x death feat in DWF specifically is near impossible? For what reasons?

    By comparison I mentioned Stake Well Done because it's at the upper end extremity of burn checks and when you're clamped burn is something specifically and more significantly impacted

    I did mention though I hadn't tried with a good group, I say that too because usually when I run omnibus or clamped my DPS is millions and millions above the next best DPS, which tends to indicate one massive problem with EEG and possibly even EEGe is that its being attempted by incredibly bad players who then want to complain.

    I'm not saying that's necessarily your league or groups but have you assessed what they're doing? how their characters are built, what artifacts they use, what their loadouts are? Are they making mistakes?

    If players are playing in an optimal way or generally speaking optimal way and the feats remain all but impossible then that's when there's probably a real problem.