Leagues Halls and... Batman Who Laughs

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jaden Law, Jan 9, 2022.

  1. Jaden Law Well-Known Player

    Today I found something someone interesting in my League Hall...
    [IMG][IMG]It's cool that the devs add such little things to the game. I hope one day we will see missions for leagues and/or events with escaped criminals as in the Safe Houses.
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  2. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    yeah, I noticed that. would be cool to get other random iconic villains. &, yeah, I'd be totally cool with the escaped criminal thing. you're out doing whatever, wherever, you get an alert: breach in league hall lockdown! & you have to go rushing back to your base to take on a random iconic villain who's busting up your gaff! don't need no reward proper. a tidgy bit of prestige'd do. sounds cool, to me.
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  3. BumblingB I got better.

    I think this is homage to the comics. Lex had him locked up downstairs of the LOD. Joker was po'd by it and didn't trust him. Lex ultimately made a deal with him and then BWL did his own thing with the Corrupted. Which was related to our second battle. To be honest, not sure why he had a connection to Mxy though. There was none in the comics and Mxy was a pawn of World Forger.
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  4. Deathsaurus Well-Known Player

    Well, we DID lock him in League Hall after Halls of Legends solo mission.
    But its all by his plan and he escape in new Alert.
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  5. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Don’t they lock up all the random alert duo raid bosses the league completes down there?
    And yea that was cool how they used that feature in an alert to escape our league hall, Very creative
  6. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    I really wish we would of got the Joker in this episode. I would of rather had a raid with the Joker taking out the Legion of Doom and our characters running around in the background doing other stuff then the raid we got.
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  7. Achikah All About That Base

    For a long time I always thought the last few instances your league or leaguemates ran would tailor what was in the cells. For example- if you ran Vengeance you'd have the HIVE bees or Remoras, or Trigon you'd have some demons in there. It just always seemed that way to me in the early days of the league hall, but in hindsight it was more than likely coincidence.

    I haven't looked in a long while down in the sparring room, but that is a really neat surprise/treat, so much so I might take a walk down there more often! More immersion like this would be stellar going forward.
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  8. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Don't forget, if you look out the windows in that area there's a large containment room which will have some of Brainiacs minions doing time.