Selling Skill Points....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Poveglia201, Jan 1, 2022.

  1. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    How fast do you think someone new to the game should be fully up to speed and done with everything the game has to offer?
    Also, SP aside, your basically asking to pick up the controller when the download finishes, drop a cool grand and run EEG day 1……..
    Even if u could buy the SP rather then learning to play the game, with all the SP in the world, how would u expect these “super skippers” to have a clue what to do.
    I will put it like this, if you got ur way and were a “super skipper” and had max SP, max gear, max augs, max arts, etc i would double their damage in any content and i will let them pick my armory too. Theres experience in the game that comes with earning the SP and theres no sub for that.
    Your asking to create a super race of horrible horrible players and the answer is still no sorry
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  2. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Now ur at somethin semi-coherant!!!
    1) i have no issue w/a change like that. I have advocated acct bound SP for a while. Theres not alot of value in doing the feats a second time. This is where replays come in so u dont have to and thats fine and all but i think acct bound SP would be better. They aint gonna do this because replay revenue would go down. Where wouod they recover that lost revenue from?
    2) that solves nothing because then instead of havin 560 sp i would have like 790 and instead of havin 130 sp you’d have 200 and you’d still be upset you havent caught up to “us”. Unless your suggesting those who earned the sp stay where we are and those new ppl buyin it/getting it get 25 per feat but we dont? Reword what ur sayin for clarity plz and explain what issue it solves?
  3. Plowed In Loyal Player

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  4. Shalayah Committed Player

    I mean lets be honest. High SP count doesn’t exactly guarantee anything… You can have high sp and still be highly ineffective because you don’t know what to do with it or understand how the sp can contribute yo your build.

    Sp helps, but it doesn’t make the player. Experience and a sound understanding of the game does. I’m saying this because let’s say someone was tired of looking at the scoreboard and they were tired of seeing that their damage out was terrible in comparison to the guy at the top or the guys even lagging behind. They decide to spend a crazy amount on SP to “close the gap and instead their net damage increases by a few mil.

    Now doesn’t that feel like you just wasted a ton of money?

    SP helps, but what truly closes the gap between newer players and experienced players is experience. Knowing what works, and what doesn’t work. Trying new things, and ultimately building your character and using them the way they’re supposed to be used. SP just compliments that knowledge but ultimately an experienced player will always nuke a newbie regardless of stats. Especially now that there’s a clamp.

    With that being said. A few months to catch up to 11 year progress is actually pretty good lmao. It took me a year of on and off play (and some money) to get my new main that I started from scratch to 390+ SP 340 CR and mostly 160 arts with a few maxed. With all of that the most important thing gained in that time was experience. Experience with different playstyles, powers and situations. That in turn will increase your output in the long run. Buying your way to max won’t close any gaps because there have been plenty of max DPSes that I’ve beat by 30+ mil with a build that isn’t all the way maxed. I’m in no way shape or form a competitive player btw.
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  5. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    Account bound would be nifty, but I'm not sure turning 1-star into 2-star is actually possible retroactively. It is drastically easier to gear now than it was pre-clamp though, like insanely. I have a toon from the last 290 skip, never done a single instance or mission besides the holiday vaults, now CR 332.

    As far as earning in pre-clamp, at least some of those feats should have been achieved while leveling, and not yet over-powered. I think it's offset by how fast you can gear up now, and the clamp isn't going to stop form you going back to older things and getting any but the most difficult feats.

    And while it can take a bit of grinding, it's now more possible than ever to buy tons of SP in-game with source marks. I understand that's not what you're asking for, and I'm not arguing, I'm just pointing out that there have been many steps taken to allow people to catch up, come back, or start fresh. Very recently I have had brand new players join my league and they're able to go from 30-300+ in 1-2 weeks. Then they can join whatever they want and go after feats etc. Still a grind to be sure, but the barrier to jumping in has never been lower.
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