Up-Votes Needed South Gotham Alert & Prime Battleground Raid

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Whiteheat, Jan 3, 2022.

  1. Whiteheat New Player

    Phased into staging area with the 2 teleporters. The teleporter that takes you to the battle area would not work. No icon on teleporter or any indication it worked except for rest of team in battle area fighting bad guys, so must have worked before I got into instance.2 other player showed up while in area trying to figure out what was wrong, would not work for them either. Any help would be appreciated, Thank you :)
  2. Millbarge Developer

    I believe the entrance to the play area is locked while there is a boss fight in progress. If there is a wipe, or the boss is defeated, the teleporters will appear again.

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  3. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    That's absolutely correct and is how the instance has always worked. Of course, it's the same way all normal, non-Event, boss fights have always worked everywhere in the game. You get 45 seconds or so to get into the boss fight or you're locked out until the fight is finished one way or another.
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  4. Whiteheat New Player

    Thank you for clearing that up for me.