Devs please add this style to the game for Males and Females

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Shadow Force, Dec 21, 2021.

  1. Shadow Force Committed Player

    Hey everyone anyone else except me want this specific style the exact one, just to clarify not the Fedora style. But Questions Hat.[IMG]
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You mean like this?
  3. Jaelia Committed Player

    There’s also split personality head style as well.
  4. Eve YouTuber

    Can you reupload the picture? I only see (-) in the middle, no picture. Use Imgur if you can.
  5. Shadow Force Committed Player

    ok will try
    • Like x 1
  6. Shadow Force Committed Player

    There Hopefully everyone can see it now used imgur, thank you for the suggestion.

    • Like x 4
  7. Eve YouTuber

    Awesome I see it now. Yeah we definitely need a new updated fedora, this one could work!
  8. Shadow Force Committed Player

    So am i the only one who wants this style? added for both males and females as is. It's Been in the game since launch.
  9. Frozt_Bite_Batonz New Player

    iirc, we have Detective's Fedora Style just like that.
    Which you can get after Punchline : Episode 2 Briefings (Tech Mentor Only)

    Ah nvm, you mentioned sth new than normal Fedora :p
  10. Shadow Force Committed Player

    I've been drooling over it for what ten years now, hoping it would added to styles tab heck a good name for it would be Detective Hat because all in all that's what it looks like a Private Eye Detective hat of the 50's, what comes to mind is this pic from Star Trek Next Generations.[IMG]