Are Op Necklace's catalysts ok?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by OGreenie, Dec 12, 2021.

  1. OGreenie New Player

    So to level the new OP neck we need:

    Gaussian Fold - cost 35 marks, unlimited purchase from vendor.
    Figment of Imagination - costs 50 marks, limited to 1 purchase per week,

    and to breakthrough the necklace for the very first time at level 10 we already need 5 of the more expensive, limited one and only 1 of the cheap, unlimited one.

    Feels like those should be reversed, or is this intended?
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  2. OGreenie New Player

  3. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Figment of Imagination drops from episode's content, you don't have to waste marks and buy it from the vendor.
    It's also tradable, so you can get it from the broker. While Gaussian Fold is account bound.

    Also, if you level up your Totality Inductors to rank 20, it increases the drop rate for Cosmic Ingots and Figments.

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  4. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    The Gaussian Fold‘s are the standard “gotta grind them marks” part of the OP gear leveling process. The rest drops in content and loot boxes and is also tradable aka purchasable on the broker for DC cash. They added those to the vendor as well in Flashpoint and onward as an additional option in case a player is low on luck and DC cash but has marks to spare.

    Also, the Gaussian Folds are account bound so you can use alts to speed that process up as long as the meet the minimum requirements for the DLC.

    Leveling stuff up. Wouldn’t that be nice… :p
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  5. iQQu New Player

    I guess they want us to use replay badges just get those since gettin those justice token is a pain in the ****.. Gears, plans, only use those. Only 3 instances to get them. I hope they made this episode bounties just like in Wonderverse and Long live the legion.
    Now we can only get feat from them when you're done for the weekly bounties. So Lame
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  6. OGreenie New Player

    I'm asking because it doesn't follow logic from previous op items.

    For example for back piece the most expensive(150) and limited one- brainiac drone gyroscope was the least needed one. Again in case of the hands piece, bleed energy- the most expensive(60) and limited one was once again the least needed one. Same goes for static goggles if I recall correctly.

    And suddenly we got it all around this time. That's why I find it suspicious.

    Looks like I was wrong. OP items don't all follow the same pattern- bleed energy wasn't least need one for example. Case closed, farm away :(
  7. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    OP items are not meant to be completed in 1 week. Every catalyst except the Gaussian Fold drops in Doom content. I repeat OP items are not meant to be completed in a week! If you have real/ingame $$$ then you can complete it faster. Micro-analysing does no one or the game any good.
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  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    The ingots actually drop pretty commonly everywhere. Especially if you have your augments leveled to 20 as mentioned above. The same goes for the figments. Even thou they have a 1x limit in the vendor I actually don’t see myself buying them because they drop rather often. Now, rng is rng. One week you may get a lot while another you barely see 1. But overall I actually think this is one of the easier OP items to complete. My op neck is already past the second breakthrough after day 2 because I was running the content on alts too. And since fortifying isn’t available right now I believe I have enough to get past the 3rd breakthrough. And the only thing I reset was 1 duo day when when the journal didn’t update so I did the duo again.
  9. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player


    It's not like they completely removed it from the game for good. :rolleyes:
  10. Wayland New Player

    I can't find any vendor selling the "Gaussian Fold". Playing on the X-Box, but shouldn't cause such a problem. The vendors in doomed DC don't have it for me can anyone help me out?
  11. Kaegrin Well-Known Player

    No one said anything about this. Literally no one in the topic. You have a chip on your shoulder that stops you from reading and instead causes you to assume.
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  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It's in the same vendor that you purchased the neck piece from, beside the Lex Luthor statue.
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  13. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Gaussian folds are just expensive, like the vender gear is too. The 2nd and 3rd catalysts are plenty, it’s that green stuff that’s rare. Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t green supposed to drop a lot compared to the blue and purple for catalysts?
  14. BumblingB I got better.

    You need 1 at 10, 2 at 20, 3 at 30, and 4 at 40. 350 marks. Plus the cost of the neck initially. Which was, 35 marks, right?
  15. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Alts are your friends. using them will reduce the time for your main, make alts buy the folds for u

    EDIT: forgot im scrolling backwards looking for another thread, which makes this a old post, nothing to see here
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  16. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    The OP neck is so easy to grind out it should be renamed "Neckpiece of the Commonwealth".
  17. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    The figments drop all the time they might be the most expensive but they are also readily available
    I just finish my neck this weekend and I always had plenty when I had enough to lvl and even gave a friend over 15 extras that I had when I was finished with the neck

    DONT buy them just run any of the DC content and you will get more than you need
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not meaning to offend you, but why would you buy any of the components other than the folds which can NOT be picked up by drops? The drop rate is not bad....even without the level 20 augments and figments are pretty cheap in the broker. Personally I've never bought any OP cats that drop, but I generally have more money than marks and have plenty of alts to farm on. Maybe a 1 toon person would not have that option....not sure if that's you or not.

    Now...if still forces were in the you might be talking.