Doctor Fate's Daily Rewards - December 2021

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Nov 30, 2021.

  1. LegionnaireV Active Player

    My Ice Villains will like the aura. How about an emblem for Original Green Lantern that is the actual emblem? You know, like the one he wears in the game-play, the lantern emblem that actually looks like a lantern. How about a shirt for Original Flash that actually looks like the Original Flash shirt, you know, like the one Original Flash has in the game-play, etc. Both emblems stink.
    But the aura is nice.
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  2. LegionnaireV Active Player

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  3. LegionnaireV Active Player

    Thanks. It's been a while since I visited the Doomed Metropolis Vendor. I didn't remember the Plain-Jane version. I highly recommend the Enhanced version, my Lobo has been wearing it for a long time. It looks great with the right colors. The glint and glitter really set is off.
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  4. LegionnaireV Active Player

    I do like many of the improvements to the game and the daily drops. All of the things available now in House of Legends if great. If I sound gripey, I see it as righteous indignation because of the real dollars I sink into the game on a regular basis that the here today gone tomorrows do not. Some of the gripes would improve the game and characters and give incentive to quarterly through annual subscribers who also sink a lot of money into the game throughout the year. We need to see some love too. The Mansion along with the Mansion accessory pack was a great addition. You guys had the Mansion accessory pack separate in the Marketplace for a while but it seems to be gone now. I don't know why you removed it. I was going to get several. I have 60 iconic characters and I'm not stopping there (spread over 3 accounts for family and friends to play together). The point is, a lot of great stuff and improvements, but some tweaking and love for us would be nice. Thanks.
  5. Patrick_Jones Level 30

    I second that.. it would be better if new-ish player wanted alt and raise cr, daily reward armors have limit of 290+, can help a lot.

    and plus suggestions or just thoughts on me that
    what if we get elite version styles for daily? (like elite owlman, elite bionic, etc.)

    idk if it has to be that restricted based on renown = multiple runs
    since it is real hard to get people everyday to do way old elites

    I know that people who have been played for long time would probably stand against it (hope I’m wrong)
    but as a player who started less than half a year,

    since stat-clamp (or even be4), it is way hard to get people to do old elite runs… again and again…
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  6. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Oof with all the complaining, sheesh. :p

    Can you imagine making a new style every month just for it to be available in daily rewards for one month and nowhere else? :rolleyes:
    To be fair, devs did say they wouldn't be making new sets every now and then, expect lots of old styles which, I think, some new or low CR players might appreciate.

    Absolutely in love with the aura, btw. :oops:
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  7. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    Yay another style I already have..I wish we got some of the old styles updated instead like cough cough snake style.
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  8. Ambassador of Krypton Well-Known Player

    Don't worry, if you keep spamiing like that, you'll become a Well-Known Player in no time. Keep it up, I believe in you...
  9. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    he could make sure to have a recycled style for free players and a new style, like the same principle as for Doctor Fate's helmet, for subscribers, that will compensate everyone !

    If you talk about subscription to something from the game, it will be quite normal to have disappointments, if it is also warm for a subscriber.
  10. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ +1
  11. Mr Moist New Player

    They don't listen here. Tell them with your wallet. I just stopped the renewal... sadly I will be stuck buying this schlock this month.... won't happen again. I view this as a sign they are trying to kill the game.... why they would want that, but why else would they blatantly sabotage the subscribers? Thoughts?
  12. TritonD3 Well-Known Player

    It really does seem like they’re doing the bare minimum when it comes to member rewards. I also think it’s hilarious that the usual suspects (the devs are not your friends btw) just cannot stand when somebody has a gripe with the game.
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  13. Multiverse Creator League

    It is fine to vote with your wallet.

    But telling them is also important.... otherwise they might get the wrong message out of this.

    If you just vote with your wallet... they might think there is just not enough Dr Fate Tokens in the Daily Rewards and add 5 Fate Tokens on Day 25 in January.

    If you vote with your wallet and tell them it is because of the style included with the Daily Rewards..... you might get the UBER Enhanced Superman Rebirth style in January. (yes.... yes I am exaggerating here ;) )

    So even if you vote with your wallet..... it is a good idea to tell them why.

    Look at the Allies. They have worked to fix the Ally system because people told them it was FUBAR.... and odds are people voted with their wallets too not buying the Allies until they were fixed. And as far as I can tell they are still working to fix the Allies.

    Although to be fair..... you could vote with your wallet..... tell them why...... and still they could not listen. It happens. :(
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  14. MaryMagdalene_DCUO Well-Known Player

    Just be honest, alot of you were going to unsub anyways since premiums have unlimited access to their ingame currency.
  15. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    I love the aura, and I'm excited that the item level for the gear is 290. I don't have a problem with reusing styles, but the Enhanced Main Man set is incredibly common, especially with people spamming the Doomsday raid for marks this week.

    I'm not personally disappointed, but I can understand the perspective on such a common style. It's kind of like when really common styles were added to prom boxes. It was like, "Voodoo back, really?"
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  16. KoscheiDeath Well-Known Player

    These rewards have been straight garbage after Dr. Fate's helmet. I'd much rather get an updated version of an older style than these styles I can get on the Broker for a few bucks. I was waiting for this month to decided if I was renewing my membership or not and after seeing this, my decision was made instantly.

    Enough with the knick-knacks and stop with this bare minimum stuff. Also shoutout the the usual brown-nosers, I'm sure the devs have you on speed-dial and plan to reward you for your unconditional servitude.
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  17. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    I don't mind the aura, although I have no use for it. The Enhanced gear this month will allow me to finish off that style, but I'm not particularly excited about it.

    If they wanted to make membership worth it, they would have put the Shaded Comic material as the 21-day reward instead of locking it behind a gamble box.
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  18. Wonder Boi Well-Known Player

    Or even a batman/catwoman style cowl that shows hair?? Man can we get any of these if possible?
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  19. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    I want an enhanced version of the Impersonator style set as a monthly bouns reward.
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  20. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    I want to keep my subscription to support the game and because I love to play DC but even I'm starting to fell like membership isn't really worth it . I'm starting to really feel membership had more value before the Save the universe changes. I did subscribe again in November to cover Christmas and the Anniversary event because members used to get a little more but I doubt that will happen or if it does it might not be anything of value.
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