Omnibus> Alerts> Phantom Zone> Omnibus> Alerts> Phantom Zone> Omnibus> Alerts> Phantom Zone> Omnibus

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Catastrophic Repercussion, Nov 30, 2021.

  1. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    I thought it was just me being particularly unlucky but no, even LFG have some noise of this happening on both factions.

    Those of you who are lucky to have escaped this trap might have thought "oh it's just because Save The Universe is going on"
    (Which Why The ******* Hell Would You Make Us Run STU Content Again Through Omnibus, They Should Be ******* Exempt In The First Place)
    I posit another likely reason is that Phantom Zone for some reason does not require roles to queue up in, which the same cannot be said with the other 2 selected alerts.

    So... ******* Fix it!
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  2. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    U keep getting phantom zone because its technically current content. More people are Q’n for that than they are for omnibus.
    So thats the instance in Q an needing filled. Your using omnibus meaning u agree to run whatever so guess what, your the filler :)
    You could always NOT let the game decide for you what to run and ignore omnibus. That’d solve the issue for you
    • Like x 6
  3. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    Except Themyscira Divided and Family Reunion do not pop up nearly the same frequency as PZ, so your point is mute.

    I run Omnibus for the weekly mission and if I got Phantom Zone, guess what? I don't let that queue come into a pass.
    It doesn't hurt me as much as it does the ones who genuinely do need that, it's bad design.

    Note: This was happening even when Batman and Wonder Woman content were the only active ones, so that's one more point against "current content" being the only reason.
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  4. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Except the point isint mute. You dont know same as i dont know that more people arent Q’n PZ vs the others. Devs designed it this way, dont shoot the messenger.
    All im sayin is if you dont wanna run what the game picks for you then dont do omnibus.
    Its quite an easy issue to solve. Omnibus was a waste of dev time to begin with, i have no issue not using it and i always get the Q i want and never what i dont ;)
    Im also not missing anything by not using it because i can pick faster runs for myself and earn marks faster than people using omnibus so not using it is a win/win lol
  5. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    I can confidently say I know they also got in there through omnibus because the times I do relent and go in, they also expressed getting there through omnibus and not STU or specified queue. What you have is mere speculation, I have the experience and I'm sure more can say the same, if LFG chat alone have people bemoaning is an indication.

    The devs designed it poorly and I've made that point crystal clear. I did not blame their actions on you.

    The only thing I criticize you on this matter is placing the burden on the player instead of them. This new feature in practice does not match their intention and that needs to be adjusted accordingly, and certainly not as optional as you claim here with the additional loot options, as you yourself just expressed in another thread.

    I also doubt you actually comprehend my original post, as you manages to make a point I've already told you I knew and another that you've completely ignored.

    You don't use omnibus? Good for you, but since they have said omnibus is a popular option, they should take the time to look into how it's functioning.
  6. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    For clarification, theres a very good reason why Phantom Zone would pop more than the other 2.

    Regularly (on EU Server), LFG will be filled with many looking to group up for " TDe FRe PZn". The odd one out is obviously PZn. Its PZn because unfortunately a lot of players are deathly afraid of KO's and too used to easy content, so when Jor El absolutely destroys them as the very first boss in PZe, DCUO's percentage of "rage quits per day" skyrockets.

    As a result of this, many have straight-up just given up on even attempting PZe, in case the next KO actually kills them. A lot of these players then don't even bother using LFG to group up for the much easier PZn, because its much easier. Instead they pug it.

    Long story short, PZn is so prolific because many are single queuing through STU, and you're joining them.
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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    Because Clamped Save the Universe overlaps with Omnibus. It's not broken, it just means players are just running STU content. Most likely cancelling PZ because it's the worst of the 3.
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  8. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    Omnibus does not get you into STU/ end-game version of Phantom Zone, it only gets you into the clamped one. Get your facts straight.
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  9. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    Explain Themyscira Divided and Family Reunion not being as prevalent then. Hint: I already said it at #1. Edit: I made an additional note at #3.
  10. shadowmoon New Player

    Ran the omnibus alert the other day and got PZ. Ran it till the end and one of the Save the Universe alert counter feats popped for one of the players. Just sayin.
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  11. BumblingB I got better.

    Nope... I answered completely normal. Players are cancelling PZ so it has to find a new player, that would be you. Players will play TD and FR, so it's not finding you. Also, most likely you are getting put into the same group until you say yes or someone gets it instead.
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  12. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    It counts towards the journal mission too. I know.
    It doesn't discount the sheer annoyance of it popping up 10 times in a row (and not one in progress when I finally accepted it) when there are literally 40+ other alert options for the system to choose from.
    When I cancel multiple times and it's still trying to get me into the same non-started map, then the system is even worse than how I first made my complaint.

    At #3 I've noted this has long been an issue that I simply haven't spoken up then. Your answer didn't explain that.

    It's also funny how you gave a polar opposite answer to hunted, even if their reasoning is even more nonsensical.
  13. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Oh my friend, make no mistake lol i agree with you on this!
    I am one of the biggest dev critics on this. Im in no way defending it nor placing any blame on the player.
    I agree 100% its poor design. Omnibus was a complete waste of dev time and accomplished nothing we couldnt already do. Been sayin it since moment 1 of release.
    Im simply saying the player can bypass the headache (as i and many others do) by not using omnibus.
    Thats not blaming them, thats helping them.
  14. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    Omnibus shouldnt include STU missions (The clamped missions are still STU event versions), in my opnion this is bad design. You wont face this issue for a long time since STU is ending in 2 weeks, but thats something the devs should consider changing for the next year.
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  15. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Facts are straight as an arrow thanks.

    The only content omitted from Omnibus, as clarified directly by Mepps in a previous Thread, are the Elite versions of all content. If you're that determined to prove others wrong you can go through my post history. It was about 2-3 months ago or so and I was discussing how The Demons Plan Elite was not popping.

    Many players want the Grains easy so Queue through Custom as well as STU. Omnibus puts you in with them because of the simple reason explained that you decided to ignore. The ironic thing about this thread is that you've spent more time in here trying to argue against a fact thats staring you in the face with 3 different informed players, than it would have taken for you to use the Custom Menu yourself each time you wanted an alert.

    For Future:
    Omnibus = Quickplay the most popular duos/alerts/raids with absolutely zero say on which instance it is.
    Custom = Old On Duty. You decide exactly what you want to do and drag Omnibus queued folks with you.
  16. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    I do notice we share some points, the biggest difference is I advocate those in charge to make changes and you encourage those under their thumbs to change.
    It's almost like there is a political dimension to this.
    Since it is going to return, this needs to be sorted out.
    Though I point out Phantom Zone in particular because it also don't need roles to queue up in the first place, which EVERYONE conveniently omits. Should my hypothesis be true, it's gonna extend long after this episode is gone.
  17. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    Oh hohoho this is rich from someone who doesn't even know how bug fixes works

    Omnibus do not include Latest Episodes. The Omnibus queue's Run menu says you are wrong. Open up your game.

    There are runs that no one in the group have chosen STU or custom play but still got into Phantom Zone.

    Your "simple" reason includes elite participating players, which are a minority in the larger player base to begin with, and that they would have a sizable influence on the Tier 3 queue getting popped. It simply can't be Phantom Zone itself has queue issues when it doesn't need roles to queue into in the first place.
    I want the Omnibus: Weekly Alert reward. Custom does not give me that. Optional is a lie.
    Citation needed. Particularly, "the most popular".
    I'd also like to point out that "drag Omnibus" is a bad design choice that leads to queues selected being limited and I have anecdotes that even so, it didn't help queuing into niche content for hours.

    Any more falsehoods?
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  18. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    I think that combining not needing roles with requiring just one person to be queued for PZ through either StU or Custom to have the game prioritizing the queue leads to PZ coming up a lot. Like if one person is queueing for PZ, then the game is only needing 3 more to fill that group, where it needs 4 to fill something that no one is queued for specifically. Theoretically you can choose your favored alert by having a couple friends queue for it specifically, then hitting your omnibus queue.

    I also want the bonus for Omnibus, but since I really only use it for that, if it's PZ then it's PZ. I can run it once a week and then move on. This week in particular, running it on 5 toons, I got Area 51, Injustice System, Starro: Invasion, Damage Control and Stryker's.

    If the problem persists after StU rotates, then hopefully they will implement a fix.
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  19. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    Thank you for acknowledging the not needing roles part that everyone else ignores.

    Nowadays I only use Omnibus for bonus too, at least 10 characters for Raids and 8 for Alerts. I can't really recall what each gets queued into except most of the time, the first thing that pops is Phantom Zone, which is a reason I do less alerts than before. I'm too sick of it to accept that most of the time.

    I say it's very likely to continue when my experience tells me that this happens during Bat and WW rotation but we shall see.
  20. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Thats beyond false
    I advocate (in the proper places and at the proper times) for the devs to fix things or undo things or whatever the situation is.
    This thread was about a prob the player is having. Yes devs need to fix it, or delete it completely imo BUT till they do, the poor OP is suffering and im telling how to avoid the suffering. Agree or not, that is helping them. All while laying blame directly at the devs feet ;)
    Win/win my friend