Up-Votes Needed Themyscira Divided Pickup Bug

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Psycho Tech, Nov 10, 2021.

  1. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Running Themyscira Divided Elite, theres no cog to pick ppl up on the first death. Everything was ok till the final boss, then the pickup mechanics broke
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  2. CraccaGeneral Active Player

    I've seen that happen. I have also seen where someone got more that one pick up on the final boss in elite.
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  3. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Seen this recently after the downtime’s. Ran tde and had a player get downed for 1st time and there was no cog to pick them up. Another player went down and was able to pick them up as they had a cog. What gives?