Taking Omnibus a step further.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lllStrichcodelll, Nov 7, 2021.

  1. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    There has been a decline in omnibus content runs recently - shows as significantly longer que times.

    To understand my point i want to make sure you understand my reason for this thread.

    If you take any popular game, the main reason that gets players hooked is the fundamental gameplay. This is also what got me hooked on dcuo several years ago.
    Over time you will realize that there is no point in actually playing a game the same way over and over again. Its like playing an ego shooter with the best weapon over and over. At some point you get tired of it and switch up the playstyle or the weapon.
    In dcuo its very similar. The equivalent of changing weapons would be changing weapons or abilities depending on your playstyle. The issue is that many weapons arent very usable in most content as well as many abilities. So, the only option is to change the playstyle. Changing your playstyle in an ego shooter is achieved by switching from stationary to mobile gameplay for example. In dcuo its not that easy since its mostly pve based and the outcome is always the same. The only option thats left is switching up the way we play or further, the strategy we choose as a group to achieve a greater outcome.

    The driving force for that are Feats. Feats keep pretty straight forward and stale content interesting for a longer period of time.
    Many players need not only rewards but also feats from content. The idea is to introduce weekly and daily highlighted feats that must be achieved through omnibus with at least 1 random player.
    Of course not all feats can be achieved that way and there has to be a careful selection of feats doable in omnibus wich are not of the type that autocomplete by finishing the instance regularly.

    One example would be the Shattered Gotham 50% feat.

    Completing that instance and the feat grants extra rewards.

    Possible outcome: More players get feats that are usually impossible to achieve without Lfg. Instances become more interesting and less repetetive. Veteran/experienced players get something from replaying certain feats.

    Negatives: The only negative i can think of right now is that some players may not be geared well enough to actually do these, wich may require a seperate playlist wich would clutter the on duty menu more and divide the omnibus players further (Unless you que for both).
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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Perhaps Omnibus should should be used to help grow a character no matter what CR that character is. If it provided something useful to both end game players and not end game players I think it would be used more often going forward.

    For me, personally, I have been boycotting the Omnibus and Save the Universe because of the stat clamp. Since the revised changes to the clamp I am ending my boycott.

    Character progression is important to me. Enjoying the game is the most important part. I didn't enjoy the previous stat clamp level but now its tolerable.

    We have all this content to chose from that everybody can enjoy together regardless of CR as I understand it. Why not reward end game players with a little something that will aid in their progression too in addition to enjoying the older content again?
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  3. FlexVibrant Well-Known Player

    I just wish it wasn't at "random".
  4. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    What do you mean by random? The 1 random player i mentioned or the daily/weekly feats chosen random?
  5. Henoshock Well-Known Player

    I wish it was more random. At least half the raids never show up, and a couple of raids pop repeatedly.

    I think highlighted feats would be interesting, though it won't further encourage those who have the feats already to play. Perhaps what's needed is more accumulation feats (e.g. finish 250 omnibus raids), random rare drops that can be found in ANY Omnibus raid (and not Custom Play), slightly better Source Mark rates along with more Source Mark sinks, or systematic benefits to running Omnibus on alts (e.g. easier feat unlocks).
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  6. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Totally agree.

    My idea is based on anyone getting the extra rewards - no matter if you already completed the feat or not.

    Hard pass on this one for me. They dont encourage the player over a longer period of time to have fun in content and rather creates a chore wich kills the fun.

    Totally agree on this point too.
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  7. Wallachia Devoted Player

    TBH I think the increase in queue times is mostly because some instances had to be removed, rendering post level 30 missions impossible to complete, and most of the remaining instances are glitched as well, which forces the playerbase to shrink.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The main problem i have with this is if you attach feats (assuming you are talking about new feats) to Omni runs you are indeed forcing people to run Omni. There is already a bonus incentive for Omni in the extra marks and rewards box, which sometimes has some nice stuff in it, but if someone doesn't want those particular rewards they aren't leaving something on the table....or can use other means (like more custom runs for the marks, or buying the items from the broker), but when you say 'feats' it means Omni becomes mandatory. How much bonus should something that 'everyone' wanted need to make it attractive?

    And as Omni was supposed to help some vast majority of people run stuff, who didn't otherwise have a means to run it...the system should not need an added crutch to make it even more attractive or mandatory for those who didn't want it in the first place. If it requires that, maybe it wasn't needed after all?

    Now if you just want to have spotlight features, for say something like JLD, where SG could be included...sure. But forcing a new feat for getting there via Omni or mandatory dragging of someone completely random through it should not be needed.
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    How much lipstick does this pig need to make it pretty? Talking Omni...not anyone here. According to another post Mepps put up, supposedly most content was being run by Omni already (not sure if it counts the 50x someone cancels out as one, but it might)....So if it's that used, why does it need more?
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  10. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    This is why I stopped using it. I loved the idea that any random instance could pop. When it was clear it was always gonna be the same 4-5 raids, the same 3-4 alerts, the same 3-4 solos, I mostly stopped using the omnibus.
  11. Siramez Well-Known Player

    league feat run when? i need 100 more sp to be in the 600sp gang, pls carry me strichy
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  12. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Soon™ :cool:
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  13. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    From my understanding the reason Omnibus appears to be repetitive is because half the people in your queue my not be using Omnibus at all, but rather Custom Play. So the custom folks queue the same things over and over and the queue sees 4 people queued for a specific raid, and 4 more in Omnibus, boom that specific raid pops. So for example, I have a feeling a bunch of omni raids this weekend "happened" to be GoM or Flashpoint.

    If I have misunderstood how the queue reads/sees omnibus in relation to matching with custom queues -- someone please correct me.
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  14. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    yeah im still not using rng to tell me what clamped instance im going to run.
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  15. Soul Dedicated Player

    Don't do it Strich, his feet smell.

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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    That's my understanding as well, but it's not even 1/2...it might be 1. I believe if 1 person queues say DWF via custom, Omni will try to fill that group with the other 7. Not sure if it's using the role requirement (been in a bunch with either too many..or too little roles), but that would explain why some runs hit more than others. Some runs are just not as attractive to run either A) for marks/loot or B) for feats where randoms make it possible. Runs like DD or FOS3 will always be queued up from someone as it's quick marks. Runs like Nexus have checklist feats where no skill or co-ordination are required, just finishing, so someone needing 'artifact finder' might queue it often.

    Obviously if a group has more than 1, omni will fill the 1-6 missing spots as well...supposedly, but a group with only a few people will likely run into a long queue as people land on their run and decide to opt out.

    And Flashpoint would not be in Omni yet...but yeah, GOM was popping a bunch(I was told...didn't run much omni...never do) Still doesn't mean you'll get a tank who can separate the Phoenix from the other bosses, or know how to line up in a straight line...but you'll get a shot at least. FP was probably popping just off the fact it was 2x weekend and people were queueing. You shouldn't hit it via omni though, just the 'latest episodes' or custom menu.
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  17. DeeOweEnn New Player

    Lets not forget that the content is limited by players cr as well. even if 7/8 members are endgame players, they can still only do t1 if that 8th player is too low to do anything else, right?
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This is true, but in theory there are 100s of that 8th player out there to choose from. One would fit the bill, especially if the group of 7 had the roles covered. If they were missing a role, and that 1 T1 person was OF that role, yeah...you might end up with a smaller pool to choose from as I think it tries to fill roles in raids.

    I'd guess that's the exception though...not the rule. I think most people running omnis (from people I talk to) are solo queuing or queuing in groups of 3 or 4 (likely after they finish the Omni alert for the week).

    My question is that is there always a person who queued custom in the run setting where you land in Omni? I've asked a few times 'who didn't queue this via omni' but have rarely gotten an answer. I know when I queue in a group of 8, it's pure random and hits a lot more of the content than if I queue solo or 2-3 in the group. Of course as I have 8 people, we opt out of anything we don't want to run, but everyone is on board with that, so no harm done. Cancel, requeue...see what comes up.
  19. BumblingB I got better.

    Custom play is the main reason why queue times have dropped. When the update hit, players were doing it big time to run the weekly (2 raids, changed to 1) and to get marks. This changed as some of the farmers were falling off and there were some issues with some instances being problematic.

    So what was left was the players running pet content specifically through custom play. That's trailed off now too, as people either got their feats or the new freshness ended.

    I still think this system is better than what we have and it really doesn't need more adjustments.

    Clamped elite on the other hand still needs work.
  20. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    I don't think this will work because most players have cultivated a list of friends and/or leaguemates that they like running with and don't wanna bother with pugging feats. Sure they'll pug something for marks or piss easy feats but outside of sleep walk easy feats, I don't see it happening to be honest. Its not a terrible idea, but I just don't see it becoming particularly effective.