Extra Life Personal Paid Events

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KalvaxDC, Oct 16, 2021.

  1. KalvaxDC New Player

    Y'all have got to stop complaining about the paid events, people who donate can choose whoever they want and wherever they want. If you have a problem with that then oh well, if you just wanna keep on complaining then donate for yourself geniuses.
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  2. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I don't think these people care about donating or the kids...
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  3. KalvaxDC New Player

    I know they don't care, not hating on anyone but most people donating are doing it for the game and not the kids. I know you did it for the kids, I respect you very highly. These people have got to stop complaining, they are only complaining because they are selfish.
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  4. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I'm sure players had their reasons for donating but for what It worths they did and they supported the charity and the kids. Others not so much. It's really makes me sad that people focus on the non-important stuff.
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  5. KalvaxDC New Player

    I agree, the event is for the children and a bunch of people don't get that and they donate for the rewards instead of the charity. I wish their were more people who would donate from the kindness of their hears but some people won't or can't. I just hope next year more people donate for the children!
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  6. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    The other alternative is for people booking private events to switch them to open world zones so that more people benefit and more awareness is raised for the charity.
  7. nawanda Loyal Player

    I don’t know anything about these events beyond the thread someone posted boasting about having an event in their league hall. I don’t see any complaints in that thread.

    If one of the developers wants to spend their own time spawning bosses in a league hall, and people make a donation to a children’s charity as a result, it would take a particularly ugly sort of person to complain about that, I think.

    It looks a lot of fun. More than the actual game right now. But good luck to all involved.
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  8. Wonder Boi Well-Known Player

    When I donated and got two events all I could think about was the Charity. When I was a child I had situations where I had to be at Children's Hospital for quite a long time. I donate to the network every year. This year I just decided to do it through here.
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  9. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    No I totally get that, for me personally It's the people who didn't even donated and complain. :\
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  10. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Wow, I'm sorry you had to go through that.

    Glad you're OK and please know that your generosity now doesn't go unnoticed.
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  11. inferno Loyal Player

    It's a shame that people have complained about this. I am glad that many of you decided to do it and added to the benefit of the Charity.
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  12. Wonder Boi Well-Known Player

    I agree with that Zoe. For instance where I love to do everything open world because I am a league of just me and like two other friends. YOU happen to belong to a vast and strong league Amazons on the EU server that in a year has built the league to an amazing force on the EU servers. Which just celebrated their first anniversary. No one should ever question on why we choose to make things public or private when we donate with our money. I wish we had the unity like when the game launched. The other day I was wearing my Two Face Mask style and my Hack Attack hoodie and a couple of players were pissed off because they were items that they could not obtain. I'm not mad over not having the "unicorn" of costume set that I would die to have from the First year of DCUO SOE Live 2013 at Las Vegas which is a totally cool Impersonator Chest the Elvis style Jumpsuit!!! Yeah that should be in game.. lol.. j/k Those people paid money to go to an event with SOE in Vegas and that was the benefit of attending
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  13. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    He who pays the piper calls the tune.
    It's their money, they pay so they decide how to do it. Regardless of whether they do it for the kids or the reward or whatnot.

    People complain about anything, really. :rolleyes:
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  14. jolaksi Well-Known Player

    Try to look from this perspective: The thing happening with Mepps and Oceans communicating with players, spawning bosses talking about game etc those are the things players enjoy and like to participate. A human in core finds joy and happiness in it. But when there is a barrier(private events) that prevents them from having that joy, I think thats where they get upset about.

    I know donors have rights to pick the location of their events because thats a way of creating "donate for this special perk". Its a part of structure of this system. Its not big of a deal. Really. But try to look from eyes of people who are not able to donate.

    I saw the shout chat and saw how much players were happy when there was open world incentives happening.

    Again Im not picking sides on this topic. Just try to see other ways that people can feel.
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  15. Wzlinnkk54 Active Player

    to the ppl that are complaining i love to bring up the fact that mepps is giving forum titles and if you become a team member and get $100 in donations you get a title on all your characters lol and they dont seem to mind those its the fact that oceans is giving out a material or chroma that ppl want. Im glad it was brought up yesterday that there is also a cape with the boss events. Sad thing is this should most def be about the charity but this game has been full of cry babies. I didnt get to join in on the fun this week but i did get to enjoy watching it, although i felt bad for caroline reading all the tells she was getting and ppl being rude and i had to turn off twitch chat for the DCUO stream because ppl were being so rude to oceans. bottom line what a joke some of the ppl in this community can be entitled isnt even close to those who feel like they deserve anything in game from the devs, they do this for a good cause and there are free gifts even attached get over yourselves.
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  16. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    The prizes are pretty, and I know that it is the donor's choice to do whatever they want with their money, but having exclusive style rewards so pretty like that tied to a charity event makes it very easy to bait toxicity, specially when there is a fear of missing out on them due to how limited the public zones are, and how it's being done in only 1 phase.
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  17. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    People need to sit with themselves and think about what's really important in this case. If you really want the rewards - you will ask to join in (like a few people asked me) or maybe just donate yourself to make sure you and your friends will get them. I ended up doing my last boss slot in Gotham, so people joined in either way, but all my friends were in too so it was fine by me. I actually planned to do this in my manor but there is a limit on how many people you can have inside which I didn't know.

    I get people want shiny rewards, but in this case it wasn't about the rewards. My friends joined to support the charity and have fun. They don't really care about the rewards either way. Most of them donated to my page as well to help raise money for the kids.
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Are there really people complaining about this? The only reason I could see a complaint is if several people tried to book one and were denied because a few 'special' users got dibs. Ideally it should be available to all of us, as long as we were willing to donate. Not saying there needs to be an unlimited supply, but if there were 4 or 5 events and some 1 or 2 people got them all, that seems a bit unfair.

    Assuming that's not the case, whatever those people wanted for the event once it was paid for, more power to them Besides the fact it benefits charity, if you paid for something like an event, you get to set how it's played. I wasn't interested in getting one, so I never looked into the supply or who got them.

    I think a lot of people just saw there were special drops given and are jealous now. I'd guess those items will eventually end up in the broker a TC or given out at other Dev invasions...and if not., oh well.
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  19. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    The people lording their donations and styles over everyone are just as unbearable as the whiners imo.