Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by dcuobank, Apr 19, 2018.

  1. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Actually, yes, I did. Well, not in one day, but not in 10 either. I imagined that farming the collections for at least one artifact would take maybe 8-10 hours of playtime, that the drop rate would be similar to nth metal, etc. I figured by weekend I would have at least one to spend the stones on.

    They've kind of shot themselves in the foot with this one, lol, since they've directly reduced people's impulse to purchase more stones to rank up their artifact. Why buy capsules to get the stones if you won't actually have even one artifact for 10 days? It's their right to do it, and I personally have no problem waiting, since I'm still playing catch up with my first artifacts, just commenting on what lots of people in game are probably feeling right now.

    IMO, this whole idea was poorly implemented and explained, both in-game and on the forums. People don't even understand how to get the collections to drop, let alone that they have to wait 10 days, lol.
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  2. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    No one is assuming anything. In the official post, it was said that the collections would drop from enemies anywhere. They don't . They drop once and then stop dropping. Hopefully they'll continue to drop tomorrow. Who knows? Do you know?
  3. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Regarding purchasing stones...maybe you have to wait 10 days to get the artifacts...but that’s 10 days to collect enough stones to get them to high rank/level as soon as you have them.
  4. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Yes, definitely, I agree. That's how calm and controlled people like us view things. It's not how impulse shoppers (the people who spend the most) see things however. Imagine walking into Walmart and seeing a new, sleek tablet with awesome features. Would you be more likely to buy it if you could take it home that day, or if you paid and had to wait 10 days before actually having it?

    The brain is weird, I know. Lol. :D
  5. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Depends on the tablet. Is it iPad, Android, or windows? :)
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  6. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Definitely Android. Had a meh windows tablet before, and iPad looks cool but can't even add any extra storage space. :D
  7. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Im sorry but I had to stop at the first paragraph and decide to leave.
    "Not in 1 day" followed by "8-10 hours".....

    Its always a good idea to leave anywhere imparting valuable knowledge so here's yours:
    Theres 24 hours in each day.

    You're so frustrated that you're typing without thinking kid. Unfortunately you frustrated yourself so theres nobody who should have it aimed at them, except a mirror obv.

    Look up the 4-7-8 breathing technique. It might help in times when future "not really a problem" problems arise.
    Have a good one :)
  8. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Do you play the game 24 hours a day? Many people play approximately 2-3 hours a day. So I imagined that over the cours of three to five days of normal play time, I would have one, yes.

    Did you honestly not think about that or just trying to be snarky?
  9. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Android would definitely be pure impulse buy, but only if there’s a particular app/game I’m wanting to poke at that’s only on Android. Windows...I have my desktop and laptop for windows, won’t even look at a windows tablet.

    iPad, I’d be willing to wait 10 days for. You’re correct that you can’t add extra storage later, but you get to pick how much storage you want on initial purchase. Think the latest models have up to 512gb (not sure, haven’t looked, and mine’s a few years old. I’ve had higher priorities that need handled before I think about updating my iPad). Depending on the store, they might have to order one of the ones with the higher capacities, and you might have to wait on backorder, but it’s sooo worth it. :D
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  10. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    1. Capsules to get some eyes
    2. Eyes to get rng collections.
    3. Collections to get artifact
    4. Nth metal (and stones) to level artifact.
    5. Seals to mitigate break through failure.
    6. End up with an artifact that may not fit you playstyle at all....

    Why is this progression system needlessly complicated. Whatever happened to options (don't put a feat on it). It's turning into a Frankenstein. Imagine explaining this system to a new player.

    Why can't it just be:
    1. Earn currency (marks / xp / renown...) through playing
    2. Use currency to buy item that will make your character stronger.
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  11. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Ok, Mepps has confirmed: one drop per artifact per day.

    So each day you get one drop towards each artifact and can put the eyes away until the next day.
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  12. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    At least they got rid of motes for elite styles to avoid complications, lol. :D;)
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  13. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Forgot to include a gif to calm Silky's nerves when running across this.

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  14. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Gods, I *hated* the rarity of motes. And most of the time I just wanted to make the enhanced style so I could archive the plans, clean up my R&D window, and get the feat/title.
    So cute!
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  15. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Holy sarcasm Batman!!! ;) ;)

    But I was thinking the same thing. :D

    They made some change to the crafting to "simplify" it.

    But then they made the most convoluted system they could think of for the new Artifacts?? :confused:
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  16. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Time to make a video? Some people could use it ;)
  17. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Already done. ;)
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  18. dcuobank Level 30

    He didn't confirm it though, look at what he said he said we are able to confirm it is dropping 1 collection per day but he never said anything about that's intended just that he agrees with that everyone is seeing
  19. InvisibleInk Active Player

    Just checking in from 2021 to say that unlocking these are still a pain in the the superbutt.