New On Duty Mode Select Confusion

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TalosStark, Oct 3, 2021.

  1. TalosStark Level 30

    Maybe I'm just not getting it.

    On PC, I open the On Duty menu to select a Solo...

    On Duty --> Omnibus --> Solos --> Open Tier 5 tree. Click any of the Solos listed. (Atlantis Royal Palace for this example). I hear an audible tone --> click Start Queue --> click Ready Up --> "You can enter Science Spire Challenge Instance."

    Why? I didn't select Science Spire Challenge. It's not even the tier I selected.
    So is the Solo I can queue for in Omnibus selected from a random list in a completely random tier?

    Repeated same steps above. Game queued me for Old Gotham Subway Challenge. Also not a Tier 5.

    What gives?
  2. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    You can't select a specific instance or tier when using Omnibus, that is the "random" choice (system chooses for you)

    If you want to play as you please, press Custom Play and you'll get the old menu..
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  3. TalosStark Level 30

    All right. Just sort of weird that when you select one of the instances, it is highlighted and you hear an audible tone like you can choose but that's fine. Thanks!
  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You aren't 'choosing' that are just able to see what is available. If you were a low character toon (like CR 60), you would not see T3, T4 or T5 for example(you might see the lists, but they would NOT be green and available), and would only omni from the choices available....but it's still random.

    As said above, if you want a specific run, use the custom menu, but that will not earn you a tick on the 3 Omni solos if that's what your after. You can get used to canceling a few (or a few dozen) times till you land on the run you want, that works well too. Some runs seem to pop way more often than others, so that might take a long time...but you can cancel what pops via omni as many times as you want and re-ready up. I'd suggest doing this for stuff that is dopey long like Gotham Warehouse (catwoman mission) and Lair of the Spectre....just not worth the 1 mark and tick on the Omni solo journal. Shoot for Funhouse, or Manhiems or Regal Hotel for speed or BOP/M1 solo for potential drops. Iconic solos are good too if you are still working on the 100 counts.

    That audible tone when you 'select' the mission from the list is you hitting 'ready'. Although it shows a Triangle (on controller at least), X will also 'ready' up...which is what you are likely doing when you 'select' the run. Try it again and see if that 'ready' goes to 'unready' when you hit your selection.