The OG is back -

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Bytecode, Sep 24, 2021.

  1. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Let me know if you ever find out the server / world ID for that, so we can make it an option as well. Cheers!
  2. BumblingB I got better.

    I am afraid I don't know, but I do know that the other API website has the ability to call them.
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  3. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Yeah the number shows at the top, thanks for the edit.

    Sorting happens within the game data API server since they hold the entire data set of 50M characters. When you query Census for a small data set, e.g. few thousand characters above 500 SP, you can sort by skill points and it works fine. However, when you query Census for a large data set, it takes a very long time to process and sometimes it doesn't work at all. So I have made the decision to avoid sorting Advanced Search results, since people might perform searches that would potentially take too long or fail. This is another one to add to the remotely maybe list of improvements in the Census API. :)
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  4. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    I love this feedback. I thought quite carefully about whether I do 'exact match' search like I did now, or 'starts with' search like I did in the original wavedox 6 years ago. I'll definitely reconsider this and show multiple search results.

    Are you thinking about a place you can go in wavedox and see all of your alts?
  5. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Hey thanks heaps for your support! Yeah 100% my fault and this is my highest priority now. Also thanks for summarising which powers are missing. Btw for future reference, you'll always get the same wavedox in desktop or mobile, only difference being screen size.
  6. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Btw I've reached out to Ion who made zonexus to see if we team up as I believe the idea I posted here for Group Feats could be quite awesome for the community. I'll keep y'all posted. Cheers!
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  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I believe it was February of 2016 when it broke the last time. I remember they had just "fixed it" weeks before.
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  8. BumblingB I got better.

    I just did a check on the other API site, they have Switch US as world_id=10 and EU is world_id=11.

    I am able to call up my Switch character on the US one too. So it does query properly.

    But I'm so cross-eyed when I look at the syntax for calling this information.

    I figured out the call string for checking my character.

    Based on what I see and comparing it to my world_id=2, it was showing all the necessary information to at least check your switch characters.

    Their census information site is all formatted for PS2 game, I remember they used to have all the census stuff for DCUO on there with syntax and examples. I feel that Daybreak may have fully abandoned DCUO's version of the API. It's funny, I did a search to find their website and I found my post on it as top result. lol It was posted in 2018. In that same thread, I mentioned it would be nice to know if they abandoned it. It does have switch on there, but that could just be a byproduct of them having to add a new world id to make it work with their own systems.
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  9. Yvtq8k3n The 7 Well-Known Player

    I will send you a message in private:3
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  10. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Hey thanks for that man, I'll add both Switch US and EU servers.

    You might be looking at raw JSON format and you can install a browser extension to format JSON for you. Here are the popular ones for Chrome and Firefox.

    I can also confirm I've looked up characters in both Switch US and EU and their data structures look the same so it should be compatible with the wavedox UI. If you see anything odd let me know please. Cheers!
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  11. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Site Update
    • Added missing powers to Advanced Search
    • Added Switch US and EU servers
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  12. BumblingB I got better.

    Thanks, yeah that helps a lot.
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  13. xm3n3hun3 Well-Known Player

    I didn't want to read thru 4 pages of comments, but if you do get to mine....
    have you ever thought about something along the lines of a "guestimation"

    We all tend to be might or precision based or what ever....

    the base generator allows us to boost might and precision or just one or a lean toward one or the other ... right?

    all might (x4) w/40.4 mods = xxx might
    3 might (x3)
    2 might (x2)
    1 might (x1)

    and if you add in augments
    again same thing of 4 3 2 or 1

    and so forth.... this would make it complex to a certain extent, but I think you could then have a guestimation of
    how a player chose to build that toon at that moment in time.

    for instance w/my main toon 'windborne'
    with the generator I use all health, all dom, all prec (I haven't changed this in years)

    so I dox myself and noted that it's for my dps
    you could make a guestimation of my healer

    and you might want to make a guestimation using
    reg gear
    elite gear
    omni gear
    BTW I do tend for my healer to wear omni gear - 3-4 DLC past when it came out
    (I do this because I tend to run in PUGs - and now the OMNI - which often pairs me up with questionable players - no gear mods, or very low arts and/or augments - so I build myself to survive [at least in my])

    I would tend to think the high SP players tend to spec pretty much the same, most of them tend to stick in their leagues or group of friends and thus have no need to think my build would be any good at all.

    I know the game might not have an API that makes it easy to grab generator numbers
    thus a series of mini-tables might help with guestimating how a player came to such numbers in their stats.

    I'll also disclose I do precision build w/augments - you can see the artifacts so you could make a fairly accurate guestimation
    - generator and augments - as well as gear
    and maybe if you added/used a table to also guess how the SP is spent within stats - a bit of reverse engineering...

    then the mystery - may not be as much of a mystery - and the rest is game play - one might even call it skilled game play.

    for instance - most of the time - I can't complete the 4 man elite alert w/o a tank - but recently I was able to do so w/3 DPS and I healed - it was not easy, constant moving and timely pickups by everyone. maybe this was just luck or maybe as a group we were skilled enough to do so or just

    there is no place on DCUO - where such an accomplishment can be seen by all - kinda like doing a tank less raid - ehh I'm rambling...
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  14. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Hey thanks for that man. The challenge with augments and base mods (and pretty much any other item) is that Census is no longer updated. So every once in a while I would need to reverse engineer item ID's one by one in between check ins with people in game and test calls to the Census API. That would likely numb my brain lol. I'd surely build a reliable feature if they ever decide to update Census again. Leagues, feats and items would be the most useful data points to be updated.

    I thought about another way to guestimate based on stats. It would be relatively straightforward to do so for all roles except trolls, given spikes in health, resto, might or prec. When unclear on trolls I could fallback to a 'close enough' probability match on stats and artifacts. Not sure whether I want to build this though as it could add further confusion i.e. Census already shows incorrect leagues for some characters, many missing data points etc. I'm still open to ideas on how might we infer roles in a more deterministic way. Cheers!
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  15. BumblingB I got better.

    Request, can we have an actual census list for all? Sore's old site let us break down the entire list of powers, not just one at a time. It helped a lot.

    I was referencing your site to give information for this thread.

    Would have helped me not have to get a scrap paper to write down the numbers if I listed it. Would also be nice if we could have weapon of choice, but I don't know if that is possible, since items have been somewhat bugged on there.
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  16. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    You reckon this would be something you filter by a minimum amount of skill points, and then it shows how many characters per power?
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  17. BumblingB I got better.

    Skill points, CR, movement, etc.
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  18. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    Probably a peculiar request (but since I've had no luck trying to get the two other sites to implement it anyway)
    show a character's last known location using region id?
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  19. BumblingB I got better.

    Last location was bugged, if I remember right.
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  20. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

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